Welcome Author Kathryn Knight!

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Kathryn.
What inspired this story?
My sister and I are huge fans of all things spooky, and when she came to Cape Cod to visit me, we went on a “Haunted Historical Tour” of Barnstable Village, which began and ended at the Old Jailhouse, the oldest wooden jailhouse in the country. It dates back to 1690 and many, many prisoners died in the crowded cells. I started thinking about what would happen if one of the ghosts followed us home, and the ghost mystery piece of Haunted Souls was born.
Why do you write what you write?
When I was in grade school, I read one of my favorite books of all time, Jane-Emily by Patricia Clapp. It was a ghost story mixed with a very sweet historical romance, and I read it over and over through the years and even read it to my kids. Ever since then, spooky suspense mixed with romance has been my favorite mix of genres…I love the combination of steamy romance and shivers-up-your-spine, haunting suspense.
Do you see yourself in your characters?
I definitely see myself—and some of my best friends—in the group of friends who reunite in Silver Lake. I based this tight-knit group on our high school group, although I pulled different pieces from everyone, mixed them up, and sprinkled them with a healthy dose of fiction. And thankfully, none of us mysteriously disappeared our senior year, only to return with a message from beyond the grave!
Tell us a little about Haunted Souls.
Four years ago, Emily Shea and Staff Sergeant Brett Leeds agreed to part with no strings attached. Sparks flew during their brief affair, but fate intervened, sending Brett overseas. When an unexpected pregnancy derailed Emily’s own plans, her attempts to locate Brett were soon overwhelmed by the challenges of single motherhood. Now, Brett has returned home, and Emily is forced to share her secret.
Despite feeling betrayed, Brett is determined to forge a relationship with their son, Tyler. As the former lovers battle both their inner demons and their mutual desire, another presence enters their lives—Tyler’s imaginary friend.
Soon, however, the chilling evidence points to a different conclusion: a ghost has formed a dangerous connection with their son. Emily’s attempts to help both a lost soul and a friend in need spiral toward a deadly confrontation, and Brett must race to save Emily before he loses her again—forever.
Ohhh… I love ghost stories! Do you have an excerpt for us?
“No, Emily. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” The words slipped out, but they were true. Not much scared him, but a thread of fear trickled through his veins at the thought of her dangerous plans. Brett suddenly realized he’d do anything to protect her, at all costs.
She cocked her head, lifting her eyebrows. “Really? I find that hard to believe.”
“Stop.” Damn it. She was like some kind of gravitational force, pulling him toward her. He closed the distance between them in three long strides. “You know I care about you.”
She stood, looking up at him, her eyes flashing with challenge. “As Tyler’s mom, you mean.” The old clock on her desk ticked off the seconds as they faced off, the heat growing between them.
He pushed at the chair with a savage thrust, and it rolled away quietly on its wheels. Backing her toward the desk, he grabbed her shoulders. “As Emily,” he growled, now angry with himself. But there was no resisting it. He crushed his lips over hers, allowing his desire to take control. His body needed her—it was as simple as that.
You can find Haunted Souls at:
Kindle link
Nook link
Kathryn Knight spends a great deal of time in her fictional world, where mundane chores don’t exist and daily life involves steamy romance, dangerous secrets, and spooky suspense. Kathryn writes contemporary romance spiked with mysterious hauntings as well as YA paranormal romance filled with forbidden love. Her novels are award-winning #1 Amazon Bestsellers and RomCon Reader Rated picks. When she’s not reading or writing, Kathryn spends her time catching up on those mundane chores, driving kids around, and teaching writing classes. Two of her ghost story/romance titles, Gull Harbor and Haunted Souls, are set on beautiful Cape Cod, where she lives with her husband, their two sons, and a number of rescued pets.
Please visit her at @k_knightbooks on Twitter, or at www.kathrynknightbooks.blogspot.com.
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged ghosts, Historical Romance, Suspense by Tena Stetler with 2 comments.