Books I Keep Meaning to Read #L&SR #WednesdayBlogChallenge 9-11-19

Books I Keep Meaning to Read (but haven’t) #L&SR #WednesdayBlogChallenge 9-11-19

Welcome to #L&SR’s #Wednesday’s Blog Challenge, Books I Keep Meaning to Read (but haven’t).  Well the list is so long that I won’t burden you with them all. Sticking to only four, one being a series of seventeen books. Wow now that is biting off more than I can chew…I mean read.

Whuthering Heights – As the housekeeper sits and knits she spins the tale of the tempestuous love story of Cathy and Heathcliff, slowly but surely you are pulled in to all the machinations that the Lintons and Earnshaws and the orphan Heathcliff engage in across the cold, damp, windswept moors of the Yorkshire estate.

Okay now I remember why I haven’t gotten around to read it.  One has to wonder state of mind Emily Bronte was in when she wrote the turbulent tale in 1847.

The Black Dagger Brotherhood Series by J.R. Ward. It’s my understanding there are currently 17 books in the series. That is a daunting task for a writer, with reviews due and deadlines looming. But….

Some of my books have been compared to hers several times by readers and reviewers. Are they crazy?  So it’s time to check out just how tempting the night can be in these Black Dagger Brotherhood books. And whether there is any truth to the comparisons. One can only hope.

I have purchased the books so that is a step in the right direction, don’t you think?

Yes of course, my old standby, Molly Harper has a new book out, Silkies Are a Girl’s Best Friend, newest book from the Mystic Bayou Series. It’s on audiobook, so I stand a better than average chance of getting this one read or to be exactly correct, listened to in the near future. Is that cheating? Depending on the looming deadlines. LOL

Vendetta in Death, – J.D. Robb (Nora Roberts)  I’ve tried a couple of her J.D. Robb novels and didn’t really enjoy them. Friends have said I just picked less than stellar ones. So I’ve been meaning to give the series a try again. We’ll see.

There you have it Books I Keep Meaning to Read (but haven’t). Any books you’ve been meaning to read but haven’t? I’d love to hear them. Please list them in the comments. Alas, I need to get back to my writing cave and the WIP, so let’s see what the other authors in this blog challenge claim as their Books I Had to Read in School and Liked: L&SR

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.  Don’t miss my Autumn Sale! Another of my award winning books, AN ANGEL’S UNINTENTIONAL ENTANGLEMENT, on sale now for 99¢! Be swept away in a magical, romantic, fantasy adventure that you’ll never want to leave! download your copy today!

Teaser from An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement – Where Warrior Angel, Caden goes, trouble follows until he discovers a badly beaten woman barely clinging to life. Unprepared for the entanglement she brings to his doorstep, will he move heaven and earth to save her?

Next week on the blog challenge I’ll reveal my Superpower.  LOL Do you have one?

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