Return of the Raven by Judith Sterling – Interview

Have you ever cried while writing a book?
I cried while writing this one! Especially the last two chapters. I can’t tell you what happens in the scenes, but I needed some long hugs from my husband—and numerous tissues—to recover.
How did you do in English as a kid?
Straight “A”s all through school and college. Other than history, it was my favorite subject. Call me a nerd, but I used to read the dictionary for fun, even in elementary school.
Before I had a family, I wrote late at night, usually from midnight until 5:00 a.m. I’m a real night owl! Once I had kids, I wrote while they were at school. Since COVID, I have to write while they’re home, and that’s a tall order. My desk is in an alcove of the dining room; basically, Grand Central Station. I need to use super focus to get things done.
How did you come up with the title?
It just popped into my head and seemed the only appropriate title. The meaning is both literal and symbolic, and it applies to more than one character. (I can’t say more, or I’d give things away!)
Who do you see as a hero/heroine in your life?
My mom. She’s strong, steadfast, loving, and intuitive.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
An author. Always.
What is your favorite drink? It’s a three-way tie: sweet iced tea, hot tea with cream and sugar, or chocolate milk. If we’re talking alcohol, I’d probably go with a frozen strawberry margarita.
Do you ever wish that you had an entirely uncreative job, like data entry or working in a factory?
No! Been there, done that. I held many secretarial and administrative assistant jobs and even worked as a reservation sales agent for Delta Air Lines. Creativity took a back seat to repetitive tasks. Now I love being an author and teaching history as a tour guide at The Witch House here in Salem, Massachusetts.
A little about Return of the Raven.
Margaret, Lady Ravenwood, is trapped in a loveless marriage and firmly entrenched in the medieval world. Along comes Griffin Nightshade, a historian from the future whose soul resonates with hers. He persuades her to return with him to the 1950s, but heeding her heart means courting danger from a curse that could spell her doom.
Haunted by his parents’ sudden deaths, Griffin knows all too well the pain born of love lost. He guards his emotions, but Margaret delves deep and goes straight to the soul. She’s hard to resist…and harder to set free.
The heart’s desire and history’s demands don’t always agree. Yet true love is eternal.
Do you have set times during the day that you write?
A peek between the pages of Return of the Raven.
Dressed in blue-striped pajamas, Griffin stood in front of his bed. His gaze shifted back and forth between two books. Usually, he was a decisive reader, but tonight was different. He’d had Margaret on the mind the entire time he perused the library shelves, and even now, the sound of her bathwater filling the tub next door plagued his focus.
Nevertheless, he’d narrowed the choice to two books: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles or Dennis Wheatley’s The Devil Rides Out. He’d read both before and enjoyed them immensely, so he couldn’t go wrong with either one.
So what’s it going to be? Murder on the moors or black magic on Salisbury Plain?
Margaret’s clear-toned voice penetrated the wall between their bedrooms. She was humming the first part of the sonata he’d played tonight. Not only did she have an ear for language; she also had one for music. She had perfect pitch, too, as did he, which allowed him to discern that she hummed the exact same notes he’d played on the Steinway. Her singing voice was just as lovely as he’d imagined it might be.
His brow furrowed. He had no business imagining anything about her, least of all her naked body slipping into a warm bath and—
Stop! He huffed and rubbed his mouth with his hand. Then he refocused his attention on the books for the umpteenth time. Come on now. Murder or magic? Magic or murder?
“Griff!” A note of panic tinged her voice.
Meg! In trouble!
He dashed into the hall and into her bedroom, then flung open the bathroom door. She stood in the bathtub, clad in bubbles whose brethren spilled over the side of the tub onto the floor. Luckily, the white foam covered all but her neck, head, and one shoulder.
“There’s too much of it.” She gestured to the mess and sent a cluster of bubbles flying through the air.
“I can see that. Are you hurt?”
“No, just unnerved. They kept building and building until I feared they might cover the entire chamber.”
“First, let’s turn off the water.” He reached into the sea of foam, found the faucets, and twisted each one in turn. “How much of the soapy liquid did you use?”
“The whole bottle.”
His eyes widened. “Well, that explains it. Only a small amount is necessary.”
“When Hannah showed me how to use it, she simply turned the bottle upside down to demonstrate pouring. I assumed all of the liquid was needed.” With a rueful expression, she looked around her. “Obviously not.”
She was adorable. And underneath those bubbles, she was nude. Time to go!
“Well, I’m glad ʼtwas nothing serious. I’ll just be going now.” With an about face, he headed for the door.
Uh oh. What does she want now? He turned back around.
“I must know something, and you’re the only one who can help me know it.”
A warning bell pealed in his mind and urged his heart to quicken its pace. “What do you want to know?”
“Earlier, you called me attractive, but you haven’t seen all of me.”
Only by the grace of those bubbles! Did she intend to bare all? No…modesty would prevent that. But the look in her eye—that steady gleam of determination—made him nervous. “Surely you don’t mean—”
“I do. All of my married life, Evoric has mocked me and deemed me unappealing.”
“To him mayhap.” Or eunuchs. Otherwise…
Adamantly, she shook her head. “To all men. Or so he says.”
He is such a sleaze. “He’s just trying to make excuses for his own failure.”
“That may be, but I’ll never know for certain unless you look upon me yourself and give me your honest opinion.”
Dear God. How did I get myself into this mess? “I really think ʼtis better if—”
“Griff.” Her violet eyes pleaded with him. “I know I’ve asked a lot from you, but I need this. Otherwise, I’ll wonder about it the rest of my life.”
How could he deny her the chance to rebuild her self-confidence? He took a deep breath, pushed it out, and braced for what would come. “Very well. Show yourself to me.”
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Author Bio
Judith Sterling is an award-winning author whose love of history and passion for the paranormal infuse everything she writes. Whether penning medieval romance (The Novels of Ravenwood) or young adult paranormal fantasy (the Guardians of Erin series), her favorite themes include true love, destiny, time travel, healing, redemption, and finding the hidden magic which exists all around us. She loves to share that magic with readers and whisk them far away from their troubles, particularly to locations in the British Isles.
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Book Five, Judith Sterling, Novels of Ravenwood, Paranormal Romance, Return of the Raven by Tena Stetler with 6 comments.
The Sword Unsheathed by Judith Sterling & A 99¢ sale!
Give a warm welcome to Judith Sterling, author of The Sword Unsheathed (Guardians of Erin, Book Three) Do I have a Fantastic Deal for you!! The first two books in the series, The Cauldron Stirred and The Stone Awakened are on sale right now for 99 cents. Great books! Psst… a little about them later in the post. Judith, I see you’ve brought a guest.Yes, I’ve brought along Ashling Donoghue herione in Guardians of Erin series! Thought your readers would like to hear from her.
Right you are. I bet Ashling can give us some great insight to the stories.
Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Judith and The Sword Unsheathed. But first, I want to hear what Ashling has to say.
Who are you really? An old soul in a young body, hoping to do good and make things right.
Tell us three things we’d find if we looked under your bed? Comfy slippers, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, and H. P. Lovecraft’s The Lurker at the Threshold.
……What makes you laugh out loud? My sister, Deirdre. She cracks me up!
……What makes you angry? Two things really get under my skin: (1) the wind demon Aoife’s schemes; (2) macho, posturing bullcrap when Aengus and Lorcan are in the same space.
……What do you sleep in at night? A satin nightshirt or pajamas.
Who were the biggest role models in your life? My parents. Their intelligence has always inspired me, and their love—for us kids and for each other—is unconditional.
What kind of man do you want to spend the rest of your life with? Oh God…I’m facing that choice even as we speak. Aengus lives more in the light; Lorcan, in shadow. Honestly, I’m drawn to both of them, and I don’t know what to do. Choosing one means losing the other, but I have to decide! I do want to spend my life with someone who cares about others, and I think my parents would encourage me to be with Aengus. But I can’t help thinking of a line from a Robert Frost poem: “the woods are lovely, dark and deep.” That’s Lorcan in a nutshell, and it makes him almost irresistible.
(or if you don’t want romance – Why not?)
What kind of man would you never choose? One who enjoys hurting others.
What is most important to you in life? Health and happiness for myself and everyone I love.
What is your biggest fear? That a mistake from one of my past lives will repeat itself in this one.
Judith, Tell us a little about writing this story. Was it fun or difficult? Do your characters always act as you expect? Are you a plotter, or fly (write) by the seat of your pants? This book was fun to write, just as the first two in the series were. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t work, though, and I’m always editing even as I write, trying to use the perfect words and rhythm for every sentence and paragraph. I’m definitely a plotter, not just of every scene in a book but of whole series. Knowing exactly where I’m going helps me to lay clues in just the right places. But my characters still surprise me at times with what they say and do.
Tell us a little about The Sword Unsheathed?
Ashling Donoghue is no closer to finding her parents than she was the night they disappeared. But hope returns as her brother Kian channels the Sword of Light, revealing past-life secrets and truths long suppressed.
The more she learns, the greater she fears the darkness that drowns the Netherworld also drives her. Is Aengus her true love, or is it Lorcan? Does her future wait in shadow or the light?
One point is clear: the threads of her past-self are woven inextricably into the tapestry of her soul. An impossible choice looms before her, and all the while, evil is poised to strike.
The Sword Unsheathed Buy links!
Amazon Amazon UK Amazon CA Amazon AU Barnes and Noble Apple Books
A sneak peek between the pages of The Sword Unsheathed.
That night found me hovering above a massive, semicircular prehistoric fort at the edge of a cliff roughly 300 feet above the swish and swoosh of the ocean. Three concentric, terraced stone walls enclosed it, and beyond the third ring, an army of jagged stone slabs stood vigil. A large, tan tent dominated the innermost enclosure.
The all-encompassing twilight was telling, as were my bare feet and blue satin nightshirt, which I’d worn to bed. I was in the Otherworld, courtesy of an astral trip. But where exactly?
I had to know.
Determined, I floated to the ground in front of the tent’s entrance. A curious sense of déjà vu washed over me, and every inch of my flesh tingled with a hidden memory.
I’ve been here before. I’m sure of it.
I entered the tent, and a plush Persian carpet cushioned my feet as I explored. Sumptuous in texture and color, the interior seemed strangely familiar. There were silks, satins, and velvets in shades of gold, burgundy, ruby red, dark blue, and emerald green. Curtains, cushions, and pillows aplenty. Spherical, perforated hanging lanterns. There was even a Moroccan tray table of polished brass decorated with an arabesque pattern; atop it sat two crystal glasses and a matching decanter filled with brown liquid, as well as a compote containing what appeared to be cocoa-dusted chocolate truffles.
“I could get used to this,” I said aloud.
“Could you?”
I jumped, then whirled around. Lorcan stood an arm’s length away. As always, he wore his black, Regency Era greatcoat, breeches, and riding boots. A question, deeper than the one he’d asked, glowed in his ice blue eyes.
I trembled.
His eyes darkened. “Are you cold?”
“No. Are you?” A heartbeat after I spoke, I cringed inwardly. What a stupid reply!
He shook his head. Glossy black hair swayed, teasing his broad shoulders. “Not particularly.” A smile tugged at his full, sensuous lips as he gestured to the table. “Chocolate? Cognac?”
I clenched my fists, steeling myself against his charms. “No, thank you, and you can wipe that smile off your face. How can I trust you after what happened Christmas Eve?”
“What do you mean?”
“You left me alone in Aoife’s castle. Where did you disappear to?”
He blinked, and for a moment, his long eyelashes stole my focus. “Ashling, you know I went to investigate the noise we heard.”
“And never came back.”
“I did come back.”
“Really?” I tilted my head to the side. “Funny that I didn’t see you. Aoife said you brought me to her, like some kind of warped Christmas present or—”
“Aoife lies.”
“I’m sure she does, but she also spoke a lot of truth. Are you still working for her?”
“How can you ask that?”
He sighed: a sound of impatience and annoyance, both of which I, too, had felt over the past few months. “As I told you before, when I met Caer—you—I left Aoife and planned to live the rest of my days in the Middleworld…here, with you. Then you disappeared on me.”
“So Christmas Eve was payback for something I did centuries ago?”
“It wasn’t. By the time I returned to the dungeon, you were gone. Then I sensed you were in danger. Of course, Aengus did too, and I arrived just in time to watch him save the day.” A shadow crossed his features.
I’d seen that look before, whenever he compared himself to Aengus. Sympathy surged within me, but I expelled it with a huff. “Why didn’t you come and tell me all this before?”
“I didn’t think you’d listen. I knew Aengus would poison your ears with lies about me. How can I compete with such a paragon?” He twisted his lips, and a hint of humor restored light to his face. “Perhaps if I wore only my long drawers.”
“Your what?”
“I believe you’d call them underwear.”
The image of a bare-chested Lorcan flashed in my mind and set my pulse racing. “No. Clothes are a good thing.”
He arched an eyebrow. “Are they? Still, my attire is outdated.”
I shrugged. “A little.”
He furrowed his brow, then it smoothened. “I’ve got it.” Before my eyes, his clothing morphed into black jeans and a black T-shirt. “Better?”
Holy hell, he was sexy! Unfortunately, his new look emphasized the toned physique I’d only imagined till then.
I swallowed hard. “I don’t care what you wear.” It was true. He could dress in Super Mario footie pajamas, and I’d still think he was hot.
“Don’t you?” He inched toward me.
I took two steps back. “I…I wanted to ask…where are we? This place seems so familiar.”
“It should.” His eyes smoldered. “We made love here.”
My stomach dropped, and I fumbled for a reply. “You and Caer, you mean. How long were you together?”
“One perfect night.”
“That’s it?”
He stepped closer. “Even one moment of bliss can feel like an eternity. Caer and I created a heaven of our own. All. Night. Long.”
Dear God. I cleared my throat. “So you live here?”
“Ah. We’re going to have a safe conversation.”
“Yup…if you want me to stay.”
“I do, and yes, I live here. This is Dun Aengus on the isle of Inishmore. Once upon a time, it was Aengus’s home, hence the name which means ‘fort of Aengus,’ but he abandoned it. I’ll admit, I felt a perverse pleasure when I claimed it as my own.”
Doubt and distrust gnawed at me, and I frowned. “Did you feel the same way when you took Caer away from him?”
“That was different.”
He reached for my hand and enfolded it with both of his. Everywhere his flesh touched mine, a subtle vibration took hold. “I wanted you more than anything else in the Otherworld, or any world. I still want you.”
“I’m with Aengus now.”
“But you were once with me.”
“I don’t even remember that.”
His gaze held mine. “Your soul remembers. It went looking for me tonight. That’s why you’re here.”
Now tell us about The Cauldron Stirred and The Stone Awakened on sale for just 99 pennies!
The Cauldron Stirred (Guardians of Erin, Book One)
Ashling Donoghue never dreamed moving to Ireland would rock her perception of reality and plunge her into a mystery that brings legend to life.
At seventeen, she’s never had a boyfriend, but she feels an immediate connection to Aengus Breasal, the son of the wealthy Irishman who’s invited her family to stay at his Killarney estate. For the first time in her life, a guy she likes seems attracted to her.
But Aengus is secretive, with good reason. He and his family are the Tuatha Dé Danann, ageless, mythical guardians adept at shifting between this reality and the magical dimension known as the Otherworld. Evil forces from that world threaten the Breasals, the Donoghues, and all of Ireland. Ashling must open her heart, face her fears, and embrace a destiny greater than she could ever have imagined.
The Stone Awakened (Guardians of Erin, Book Two)
Since moving to Ireland, Ashling Donoghue has tackled one challenge after another. Now the mystery of her parents’ disappearance seems unsolvable. Are they dead or only missing? No one—not even the godlike Breasals—has a clue. Hope and fear war inside her, but she’s determined to find answers and stay strong for her siblings. Even as she hones newfound powers, her banshee-in-training sister Deirdre needs her support.
Ashling could use a little help herself. She’s struggling to navigate her first romance, and while Aengus Breasal stirs her body, mind, and soul, his nemesis Lorcan does too. Both men harbor secrets about her past life as Caer. One has ties to Aoife, the scheming wind demon whose influence is on the rise.
As the Stone of Destiny awakens, so does the conflict within.
About the author:
Judith Sterling is an award-winning author whose love of history and passion for the paranormal infuse everything she writes. Whether penning medieval romance (The Novels of Ravenwood) or young adult paranormal fantasy (the Guardians of Erin series), her favorite themes include true love, destiny, time travel, healing, redemption, and finding the hidden magic which exists all around us. She loves to share that magic with readers and whisk them far away from their troubles, particularly to locations in the British Isles.
Her nonfiction books, written under Judith Marshall, have been translated into multiple languages. She has an MA in linguistics and a BA in history, with a minor in British Studies. Born in that sauna called Florida, she craved cooler climes, and once the travel bug bit, she lived in England, Scotland, Sweden, Wisconsin, Virginia, and on the island of Nantucket. She currently lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and their identical twin sons.
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It was wonderful having you with us today. Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with The Sword Unsheathed!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Book GHree, fantasy, Guardians of Erin, Judith Sterling, Paranormal, The Sword Unsheathed, Urban Fantacy by Tena Stetler with 20 comments.
Judith Sterling Author of The Stone Awakened

Judith, what inspired this particular story? The whole Guardians of Erin series—which will have four books in total—was inspired by my deep love for Ireland and paranormal experiences during my travels there.
What is your favorite Christmas tradition? Watching classic Christmas movies with my family. Because The Stone Awakened takes place around Christmastime, I had to include in the story some of my favorite Irish Christmas traditions, like wearing “ugly Christmas jumpers” and reading James Joyce’s The Dead.
What does Christmas mean to you? Quality time with loved ones and magical memories from childhood.
Do you keep the Christmas spirit all year? If we’re talking about love, compassion, and a belief in magic and miracles, then yes!
How long have you been writing? My mom says I wrote my first story at age 3, and by 5th grade, I was writing chapter stories.
What’s your favorite part of being an author? Knowing my stories make people happy.
Tell us a little about writing this story. Was it fun or difficult? Do your characters always act as you expect? Are you a plotter, or fly (write) by the seat of your pants? So much fun! I’m a plotter and really have to be. I plan out whole series before writing the individual books and need to place my clues to the mysteries just right! Still, my characters surprise me, sometimes through action and often through dialogue.
Favorite Christmas movie: Christmas in Connecticut
Favorite Christmas book: A Christmas Carol
Favorite color: periwinkle
Stilettos or flipflops or elf shoes: elf shoes
Coffee or tea or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
Ebook or audiobook or paperback: paperback
Pencil or pen or candy cane: pen
Favorite Christmas Carole or song: White Christmas
All-time favorite Christmas present: Nancy Drew books
Favorite dessert: chocolate mousse
Christmas Candy or Cake: cake
Favorite thing to do to relax during the holidays: watch movies
Champagne or gin or eggnog: eggnog
Paranormal or Historical: Both! I can’t choose!
Wonder Woman or Top Model or Tinkerbell: Wonder Woman
Favorite Christmas or holiday TV show: A Charlie Brown Christmas
Hot or cold: cold
POV: third person
I’d die if I don’t have: a functioning toilet
How about a couple questions for the Hero (Aengus):
What event in your past has left the most indelible impression on you? The night I first met the woman I’ve loved for more than a millennium.
What do you consider most important in life? Keeping loved ones safe from harm.
Not so fast Ashling, I have a couple questions for you too. You are the Heroine right? Yes…
What is most important to you in life? Giving something positive to the world.
What is your biggest fear? That the lure of darkness will eclipse my natural affinity for the light.
Judith tell us a little about The Cauldron Stirred (Guardians of Erin, Book One):
Ashling Donoghue never dreamed moving to Ireland would rock her perception of reality and plunge her into a mystery that brings legend to life.
At seventeen, she’s never had a boyfriend, but she feels an immediate connection to Aengus Breasal, the son of the wealthy Irishman who’s invited her family to stay at his Killarney estate. For the first time in her life, a guy she likes seems attracted to her.
But Aengus is secretive, with good reason. He and his family are the Tuatha Dé Danann, ageless, mythical guardians adept at shifting between this reality and the magical dimension known as the Otherworld. Evil forces from that world threaten the Breasals, the Donoghues, and all of Ireland. Ashling must open her heart, face her fears, and embrace a destiny greater than she could ever have imagined.
How about for The Stone Awakened (Guardians of Erin, Book Two):
Since moving to Ireland, Ashling Donoghue has tackled one challenge after another. Now the mystery of her parents’ disappearance seems unsolvable. Are they dead or only missing? No one—not even the godlike Breasals—has a clue. Hope and fear war inside her, but she’s determined to find answers and stay strong for her siblings. Even as she hones newfound powers, her banshee-in-training sister Deirdre needs her support.
Ashling could use a little help herself. She’s struggling to navigate her first romance, and while Aengus Breasal stirs her body, mind, and soul, his nemesis Lorcan does too. Both men harbor secrets about her past life as Caer. One has ties to Aoife, the scheming wind demon whose influence is on the rise.
As the Stone of Destiny awakens, so does the conflict within.
Can we have a sneak peek between the pages of The Stone Awakened?
Thunder shook the night as the Dullahan’s black stallion reared beneath him on the sweeping lawn below. The horseman thrust his severed head toward the sky and called out the names of those he hunted.
“Dylan Donoghue! Maeve Donoghue!”
Powerless to stop him, I watched from the bedroom window. The glass panes infused my palms with the chill of death itself. Out of sight, my parents screamed, then fell silent. The sound of laughter followed.
Exultant. Spiteful. Malignant.
Aoife! The wind demon whose foul plot shattered my family with a single blow.
Hate and despair welled inside me. “No!”
“Ashling, wake up!” My sister shook me awake.
She switched on the lamp between our beds, and I scanned the room. The same sash windows as in the dream. The same luxurious décor in shades of periwinkle, white, and gray. Even my slippers beside the bed were the same. But the night was quiet, and there was no immediate danger.
Deirdre tucked her long, blonde hair behind her ears and gave me a knowing look. “Another nightmare about the Dullahan?”
Nodding, I wiped the sweat from my brow. “And Aoife.”
“Sounds almost as bad as my dream the night he took Mom and Dad.”
“We don’t know he took them.”
“We don’t know he didn’t.”
“They’re not dead!” Dread clutched my heart, and I pushed out a long breath to calm myself. “They can’t be.”
Buy Links: Amazon Barnes and Noble The Wild Rose Press
About the Author:
Judith Sterling’s love of history and passion for the paranormal infuse everything she writes. Flight of the Raven, Soul of the Wolf, and Shadow of the Swan are part of her medieval romance series, The Novels of Ravenwood. The Cauldron Stirred and The Stone Awakened are part of her young adult paranormal series, Guardians of Erin. Written under Judith Marshall, her nonfiction books—My Conversations with Angels and Past Lives, Present Stories—have been translated into multiple languages. She has an MA in linguistics and a BA in history, with a minor in British Studies. Born in that sauna called Florida, she craved cooler climes, and once the travel bug bit, she lived in England, Scotland, Sweden, Wisconsin, Virginia, and on the island of Nantucket. She currently lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and their identical twin sons.
You can find Judith on her Social Media:
Website –
Facebook –
Goodreads –
Amazon –
The Wild Rose Press –
It was wonderful having you with us today. Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with The Stone Awakened and The Cauldron Stirred!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Judith Sterling, Paranormal Romance, The Cauldron Stirred, The Stone Awakened, Witches by Tena Stetler with 18 comments.