Humorous Book Titles #L&SR #Wednesday Blog Challenge 6.26.19

Humorous Book Titles, wow, what a fun topic.


For me Molly Harper wins hands down for humorous book titles.

How to Flirt With a Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper

Even in Grundy, Alaska, it’s unusual to find a naked guy with a bear trap clamped to his ankle on your porch. But when said guy turns into a wolf, recent southern transplant Mo Wenstein has no difficulty identifying the problem. Her surly neighbor Cooper Graham—who has been openly critical of Mo’s ability to adapt to life in Alaska—has trouble of his own. Werewolf trouble.

The Art of Seducing A Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper

Generations of werewolves have been secretly residing in a secluded valley a stone’s throw from Grundy, Alaska. So when a snooping Outsider comes to Grundy to investigate rumors of lycanthropic shenanigans in the area, the valley’s pack alpha, Maggie Graham, resolves to chase him away, even if doing so takes a quick bite on the butt. What a pity that researcher Nick Thatcher turns out to be so drool-worthy, and that his kisses make Maggie want to sit up and beg. Maggie just can’t seem to convince Nick to leave . . . and even worse, she can’t convince herself to stay away from him. Cross-species dating is problem enough for a harried alpha female, but on top of that, a rival group of werewolves is trying to move into the valley. With interpack war threatening, Maggie can’t afford to be distracted. Combining romance and a career can be tough for anyone; for a werewolf in love with a human, it may be disastrous. . .

BossyPants by Tina Fey

Before Liz Lemon, before “Weekend Update,” before “Sarah Palin,” Tina Fey was just a young girl with a dream: a recurring stress dream that she was being chased through a local airport by her middle-school gym teacher. She also had a dream that one day she would be a comedian on TV.

I have not read this book, I just loved the title. LOL


Well there you have it, my favorite Humorous Book Titles. These are just a few of the books I’ve giggled out loud at their amusing titles.  How about you, do you have any favorite humorous book titles?  Please list them in the comments. Alas the time has come, I need to get back to my WIP, so let’s see what the other authors in this blog challenge claim as their most Humorous Book Titles: L&SR

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here. 99¢ SALE A Magic Redemption! Download your copy today!



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Characters #L&SR #WednesdayBlogChallenge 3.20.19

Today’s prompt is Characters I want to meet.

Hands down the first character would be Matthew Clairmont in the Discovery of Witches – All Souls Trilogy. If you’ve not read these books I highly recommend them. They have also been made into a TV series that I love!

Matthew is the vampire that watches Diana Bishop, a witch in the Bodleian Library in Oxford University after hearing rumors she had called out a particular bewitched manuscript at Mabon.

He studies genetics, a subject I’ve always been interested in. My question to him would be what has he discovered about the genetic basis of creatures as part of the human evolution?  Also I’m dying to know if Chris Roberts  has the hots for Miriam both characters from Discovery of Witches.  LOL

Don’t discount Dianna Bishop the heroine, She is a strong, determined and loyal character with a great intellect. I’d love to ask her about science vs magic and her alchemy experiment with the tree of life.


I’m also a huge fan of Molly Harper and her werewolf series, How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf, How to Run with a Naked Werewolf, and The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf.

Character Mo Wenstein, heroine, is a southern transplant to Alaska where she meets Alpha Cooper Graham in How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf.  She is funny, a great cook despite her hippy parents which is one of the reasons she’s in Alaska and she has a over abundance of snark. What I want to know is how does she make those chocolate chess squares? Yummy! Speaking of yummy how about that hunky werewolf, Cooper?

I could go on for hours!

Okay. twist my arm, one more would be Lori Shepard from Nancy Atherton’s Aunt Dimity Series. I’ve followed her from when she first inherited a cottage and trust from Aunt Dimity to her wedding, the birth of her children, settling in a quaint little village of Finch in England and all her adventures thereafter. I want to know how she juggles motherhood, wife to a lawyer, keeps up with the gossip in finch and still has time for wonderful adventures. LOL


These are a few of my favorite characters that I would love to meet.  If you have a moment, tell me in the comments about a character you’d love to meet. Let’s see who the other authors in this challenge want to meet, shall we? Click here: Long and Short WednesdayBlog Challenge. Have a great rest of your week. 


Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.

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