99¢ Sale A Demon’s Witch #MFRWHooks

Happy Holidays!  Happy Holidays! For #MFRWhooks this week A DEMON’S WITCH.  But first Boy do I have a couple of sweet treats for you!  A DEMON’S WITCH is on sale for 99 cents! AND Your complimentary recipe book, 2020 Holiday Garden Gourmet (Yummy cookie recipes) is here! Continue reading to find out more. 

Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Continue reading to find out more. 


2020 Holiday Garden Gourmet – A holiday gift of yummy recipes from the Authors of The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

This is a complimentary recipe book compiled by The Wild Rose Press and is available online for a free download here. The recipes are provided by myself and other TWRP authors.  Please enjoy!

My contribution to the recipe book is Old Fashion Peanut Butter Cookies with a Kiss, page 170. Feel free to try all the recipes in the book. They’re YUMMY!!

Now the MFRWHooks!


A little about A DEMON’S WITCH

Keeping a lid on all the paranormal beings inhabiting Washington D.C., is a daunting job. Bruce, a six hundred year old demon and the Territory Overlord of the Western Hemisphere, keeps his finger on the pulse of DC’s power players through the activities at his highly successful Wycked Hair Salon. His movie star good looks and body builder physique keeps his dance card full and the rumor mills running.  Within these walls, his anonymity is safe, mostly.
Bruce’s world spins out of control when Angelique, a pint size, gorgeous witch, with an attitude breezes through the doors of his salon. She is the younger sister of Tristian, Bruce’s long time trusted enforcer, whose professional skills are second to none. Tristian is furious at the relationship between Bruce and Angelique, a dangerous situation, but something darker awaits them all. Yet undeniable attraction between demon and witch promises to tear apart both their professional and personal worlds.

A peek between the pages of A DEMON’S WTICH– (the hook)

Darkness enveloped the entire block as he pulled into the parking lot behind her store.  He flipped the high beams on once then shut the headlights off, hoping she could see in the dark as well as he could.  A little twinge of discomfort curled in his chest, a reminder of the cost of using magic for personal benefit.

Precisely at the moment Angie stepped out of the door way, turned and locked the door, he pulled the car beside her and reached across the seats to push open her car door, making sure the interior lights were off.  She slid deftly into the seat and quickly closed the door.

“Another transformer must have blown,” she remarked absently fastening her seat belt.

He made a noncommittal sound and they disappeared into the moonlit night.

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

This is a blog hop! Visit all the Book Hooks from #MFRWHooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!

Thank you for stopping by! Stay safe and have a happy holiday season! Don’t forget to wash your hands!

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Christmas, My Favorite Things About the Holidays!

With the holiday season in full swing, Thought I’d mention a few of my favorite things. I love Halloween, it’s by far my favorite holiday and decorate for the All Hallows Eve almost as much as I do for Christmas, which comes in a close second. Did I mention, I LOVE to decorate! LOL At Thanksgiving the aroma of turkey, candied sweet potatoes, stuffing and pumpkin pie made the house smell so inviting. My mouth waters just thinking about it. But Christmas…well… Bright lights adorning neighborhoods, Christmas Carols playing in the malls, and Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays on everyone’s lips makes the holiday season special. Here’s what makes my family’s holiday special.
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1. Decorations. First of all, we start decorating the Friday after Thanksgiving. First the outside decorations go up. Then the tree, it’s lights, especially the bubble lights they are mesmerizing to watch. Several years ago, I brought the cutest colorful lifesaver shaped garland that I wind up the stairway banister. The tiny Precious Moments nativity is one I found years ago, along with Sam’s town, the soft lights from their windows are my christmas treeparrots night light during the holidays. IMG_0768

2. Food. Christmas is turkey, homemade cranberry sauce, rolls, candied yams and pumpkin pie swirled in whipped cream. Yummmm! The leftovers are even better. Sometimes we freeze the turkey leftovers and weeks or even a month later, yummy turkey sandwiches are wonderful. I’ll be putting one of those sandwiches together for lunch today. Left overs from Thanksgiving. LOL

3. Music. While we decorate the tree, we play a wide variety of Christmas Carols from the traditional to Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer. The carols are sung by rock and roll artists, county western or classical renditions. It has been a family traditional as long as I can remember. We reminisce where the beloved tree decorations passed down generation to generation originated and the funny stories each spark.

4. Movies. It’s officially the Christmas season when we watch Miracle on 31st Street and How the Grinch Stole Christmas with Jim Carey. He is such a hoot. Then its Scrooged with Bill Murray. Afterward most nights we enjoy watching the variety of Christmas movies collected. Yep, get my Christmas movie fix. Then of course there is always the Hallmark channel heart felt Christmas movie magic.






5. Christmas Light Looking. It isn’t Christmas without getting in the SUV and driving through town admiring everyone’s decorations. Some lighting displays are synchronized with popular holiday music wafting through the crisp night air as you drive by.  It’s beautiful and we enjoy it every year with a mug of hot chocolate and Christmas cookies we pack with us for the drive.

6. Family and Friends. The best part of the holidays is connecting with family and friends, whether it’s a long over-due phone call to catch up or a board game with friends. Years ago, I started writing a Christmas letter with our family’s actives for the year, complete with pictures. Since then it’s become a tradition. Friends and family look forward to that letter and make sure updated address are in my hands by Thanksgiving. There have been scary times, happy times, sad and in-between times, but keeping in touch seems to help everyone weather the preverbal storms.  It’s been a rough year for many.


One last favorite thing of mine is to curl up in front of a crackling fireplace with a good book and a mug of homemade hot chocolate. Speaking of good books, have a look a couple of feel good books and a holiday tale, Only 99cents each. Lets start with  A DEMON’S WITCH The adventures of Bruce, Angie and friends are an entertaining escape from the ordinary world. Be swept away into a magical romantic fantasy adventures, you’ll never want to leave. These spicy tales have it all intrigue, humor, thrills, danger and a splash of magic to keep you on the edge of your seat. and the heartwarming holiday story A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING. Tales of redemption, magic, wildlife rescue, true love and paying it forward will leave you breathless. A Witch’s Journey and the sequel A Witch’s Holiday Wedding.






If you already have these, you are going to want to check out CHARM ME AGAIN audiobook.  Two families long divided brought together through love and understanding.  But there’s more, breaking the curse is only the first step to forever.


New on audiobook, HIDDEN GYPSY MAGIC. The consequences of awakening hidden gypsy magic could forever alter life as they know it!  A trip to the past added a twist to the Salem Witch Trials. Be sure and take a listen. 

So there you have it, a few of my favorite things along with a few gift ideas. What are yours favorite things?

With that, I’ll wish you all Love and Laughter. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Got any resolutions? Come on, you know you do. LOL What do you plan to change and what do you hope to see in 2021? I look forward to hearing from you! See you next year. I know it’s an old cliché, but couldn’t help myself!

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A Profession From a Book I’d Love to Try

Happy Holidays! Welcome to #L&SR’s Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge December 9, 2020, A profession from a book I’d love to try. That I can do! Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice. Take your choice of a Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodle, or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate.

I’ve researched and written fictional books involving a cyber security specialist as a character. That is a profession I’d love to try. I’m pretty computer literate, but finding and destroying worms or developing software to do that would be so intriguing.   I also have read fictional stories about these characters and that is my final answer.

Well…almost. I’d like to be a powerful witch, a time-traveling Gypsy, a sexy vampire or a werewolf. But since none of those are going to happen, even in 2020 where nothing is as it seems. I’ll stick to the cyber security specialist for now. Still working on the magic. LOL

So there you have it a profession from a book I’d love to try.  How about you? Tell me about it in the comments.

 Alas, I must return to my writing cave preparing promo on HIDDEN GYPSY MAGIC, 99¢ sales on A DEMON’S WITCH, and A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING.  Stay tuned! Chocolate Raspberry Magic release date been extended until April 2021. And I’ve turned in the sixth book in A Demon’s Witch Series to my editor at The WIld Rose Press. She likes it!  Yippee! AND I’m starting a new project  Wylder West Assignment. Keep an eye out for more information.  Now  let’s see what the other author’s list as a profession from a book I’d love to try. LOL  L&SR

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

Need help with your gift list?  Check out the award winning HIDDEN GYPSY MAGIC.. Psssttt.. it’s available in audiobook too!  Yippee!! Grab a copy today.  Also makes a great gift for the Paranormal Romance/Mystery reader on your list. 


The Salem Wildlife Sanctuary is Gwen Taylor’s life work. Her Irish Gypsy heritage provides a hidden talent she uses to help the creatures under her care. But even her magical skills can’t help new rescues in dire need of veterinary care.

The opportunity of signing on as the vet for Gwen’s sanctuary dropped into Brock Scutter’s lap after he expanded his practice to include wildlife. The personal attraction he and Gwen experience is undeniable the more their professional and personal lives collide.

Touring the only “non-haunted” house in Salem they both feel a spark of magic. A trip to his family’s cabin uncovers a heritage he didn’t know existed. If they want a future together, it means facing the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic and a race against the clock to correct past wrongs.

A peek between the pages of HIDDEN GYPSY MAGIC – available in audiobook (the hook)

Carefully, Gwen took the poppet and eased her hand into the painting. A vortex sucked her arm then her entire body into the painting swirls of red, blue, and yellow swam around her then she was falling. She gulped in air as her stomach flipped threatening to spill its contents into the void. Her throat hurt from screaming, yet there was no sound. Something hard hit her backside, then it was quiet, she blinked and rubbed her eyes. Finding herself sitting in a rocking chair that squeaked announcing her arrival, she straightened and several pairs of eyes peered at her with interest. The room was familiar— it was the living room of Brock’s soon-to-be house, only the furnishings were quite different. The dragon staircase…

Before she could grasp what was happening a swirling portal of colors opened up in the center of the room again

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.



Thanks for popping in. I really appreciate it. Wow, only 16 shopping days until Christmas. Yikes! Anyway, next week’s blogging challenge December 16th, Books that would make great gifts! Oh this will be fun!! Until then have fun, stay safe, and never let the world get you down!

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Happy Holidays!  Happy Holidays! For #MFRWhooks this week A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING.  But first Boy do I have a couple of sweet treats for you!  A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING is on sale for 99 cents! AND Your complimentary recipe book, 2020 Holiday Garden Gourmet (Yummy cookie recipes) is here! Continue reading to find out more. 

Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Continue reading to find out more. 


2020 Holiday Garden Gourmet – A holiday gift of yummy recipes from the Authors of The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

This is a complimentary recipe book compiled by The Wild Rose Press and is available online for a free download here. The recipes are provided by myself and other TWRP authors.  Please enjoy!

My contribution to the recipe book is Old Fashion Peanut Butter Cookies with a Kiss, page 170. Feel free to try all the recipes in the book. They’re YUMMY!!

Now the MFRWHooks!



Elemental witch, Pepper McKay and former Navy SEAL, Lathen Quartz built Lobster Cove Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center on enchanted McKay land. Wedding planning goes awry when the couple spends Thanksgiving with family in Colorado, a Maine snowstorm fills the center with injured wildlife, Lathen finds himself drawn into a covert military mission, and Pepper wants to cancel the wedding. Is she having second thoughts? Will the nosy McKay ghosts, Lathen’s werewolf pack, Pepper’s parents, and her best friend help or hinder the wedding and holiday plans?

A peek between the pages of A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING – (the hook)

The flurry of voices faded away as Pepper watched the ebb and flow of the negotiations between the two men, while the others in the room looked on. Was Lathen torn between his commitment to the Center and life as a SEAL? She needed him there—Until a few years ago, most of his adult life was spent in service to his country, a commitment he’d given freely until he’d sustained life altering injuries.

Was it possible to return to the SEALs? From what she’d heard and read, that wasn’t likely. So what did they want him to do? Or were they willing to make an exception? She couldn’t…wouldn’t think about that, she was overreacting. Despite her resolve, her thoughts kept swirling. Would taking this assignment require long absences from her—the Center? That would never work. She needed him—the Center needed him. Alec and Mike depended on him in more ways…

“Pepper…Pepper…” Lathen’s voice penetrated her thoughts. “What do you think?”

She blinked and peered up at him. “About what?” When she took a minute to clear her head, she glanced from his steeled expression to the Lt. Commander’s thunderous demeanor. There was really no other way to describe it. A storm raged beneath his attempt at a calm facade. Her lips twitched, he hadn’t expected this. Or had he?

In a dangerously low voice, rocking back on his heels, Lathen said, “My family, Alaska, Pepper, and the Center are off limits. If you can abide by that, you’ll have the opportunity to spread all your cards on the table, at a time and place of my choosing.”

Raymond tented his fingers and shook his head. “Time is of the essence. And I’ll need to know where you got the intel.”

Lathen’s eyebrow winged up, he shrugged. “You should have thought about that before you went nosing into my private life. Searching for leverage, where there is none, to force me to do what you wanted.”

“We can’t afford the whispers to be true.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Lathen stared incredulously at Ray.

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

This is a blog hop! Visit all the Book Hooks from #MFRWHooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!

Thank you for stopping by! Stay safe and have a happy holiday season! Don’t forget to wash your hands!

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