A Magic Redemption- Scorching Sale 99 cents
Make your summer sizzle with a scorching 99 cent sale on digital copy of A Magic Redemption a spectacular summer beach read! Also part of the fifth book in the award winning A Demon’s Witch Series!
A little about A Magic Redemption.
Synn, a demon, carries extraordinary magic and power, but there is more within her than she dreams. Kidnapped as a child, her captors murdered her family and forced her into training as a warrior assassin. When an assignment goes horribly wrong, she finds herself at the mercy of the friends and family of her intended target. Offering valuable information in exchange for protection, she gains her freedom, but it is not without its challenges.
Gavin Shaughnessy is the publican at his family’s Irish pub. He is certain Synn is meant to be his and isn’t bothered by her past. He must find a way to convince her, their future together is stronger than the dark memories that haunt her dreams.
When her past comes calling for revenge, will their love survive the raging inferno she brings down upon them? Or will the searing path of destruction destroy all they hold dear?
A peek between the pages of A Magic Redemption
The road to her cottage took them by the pub. He didn’t want to spoil a great day by stopping by Shaughnessy’s. But he had a nagging feeling that was exactly what he was supposed to do. Prior experience taught him nothing but trouble would come if he ignored his gut. “Mind if we stop by the pub on the way home. Storm can stay in the truck for a few minutes. I want to make sure—”
“Everything is all right?”
“Of course it’s all right. I’ve taken time off before.” Gavin bristled. “I had a life before—” He stopped mid-sentence. No way was he going to spoil this day.
She shifted in her seat to face him. “Before what? Me? Before your sister married an assassin? Or Brandy became engaged to a vampire? Before your world came crashing down amid demons, vampires, witches, and world ending shit?” She paused, closed her eyes, and leaned her head against the seat again. “I didn’t mean that. I’ve been on edge since the dream—nightmare—premonition. Call it what you want. Today was a nice reprieve. But when we hit the edge of town—what’d you call ’em—” she tapped her temple. “My spidey senses went off.” She shivered.
Book Trailer – A Demon’s Witch Series –https://youtu.be/lELj0amtkk8
About the Author:
Tena Stetler is a best-selling author of award winning paranormal romance novels. She has an over-active imagination, which led to writing her first vampire romance as a tween to the chagrin of her mother and delight of her friends. After many years as a paralegal, then an IT Manager, she decided to live out her dream of pursuing a publishing career.
With the Rocky Mountains outside her window, she sits at her computer surrounded by a wide array of paranormal creatures, with a Navy SEAL or two mixed in telling their tales. Her books tell stories of magical kick-ass women and strong mystical males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, a bit of mystery and suspense flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.
Thank you for taking a moment to check out the sizzling summer sale of A MAGIC REDEMPTION. A great addition to your Summer Beach Reads!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Demon's Witch Series, A Magic Redemption, Angels, Demons, Ireland, magic, shifters, Witches by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.
Mystic Maples Cover Reveal!

A little about Mystic Maples – part of the Deerbourne Inn Series. I had so much fun writing Mystic Maples, I can’t wait for you to read it.
Earth/Fire witch Mercy Rose’s insatiable curiosity always gets her in trouble. After a break-in at her Colorado flower shop, and a court battle that comes to a screeching halt in her favor, she arrives at Deerbourne Inn for a much-needed getaway. Looking for peace and quiet, she finds just the opposite in a startling handsome but mysterious man and his dog.
Silvanus Forrest’s gypsy/fae heritage is a double-edged sword. The land he inherited from his parents is rumored to be enchanted. But when Mercy discovers the truth, his well-ordered life unravels, and they’re catapulted into the past to right a wrong. Along the way their lives intertwine, and they discover the true meaning of family and love. Will they change the past in time to save their future?
Buy Links coming soon, so stay tuned!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Cover Reveal, Deerbourne Inn Series, flower shop, Ghost, Gypsy, magic, Mystic Maples, Vermont, witch by Tena Stetler with 18 comments.
A Witch’s Journey the Beginning

Take a moment to sit back and relax, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about A Witch’s Journey, Kate Tyler and what it take to turn a book into an audio book.
A Witch’s Journey is not only about magic and love between two people, but the dedication of a witch – wildlife rehabilitator and a compassionate former Navy SEAL with physical and psychological scars of his own. Their journey begins with building a wildlife rescue and rehab center, her life-long dream. Along the way, they discover the healing power of love and family.
Wildlife rescue and rehab are causes close to my heart. Incorporating them into this book was my way of bringing attention to the needs of those people dedicated to preservation of wildlife for future generations. Weaving magic into the story added and fun and intrigue to the plot. Remember the magic to happily ever after.
The title was meant to convey Pepper’s journey of redemption from being outed as a witch in Salem, where she’d worked at a wildlife sanctuary, and had to leave town. To creating her own wildlife rescue and rehab in a Lobster Cove, Maine, where the town embraced her.
Breaking news! A Witch’s Journey saga continues! I am hard at work on the third book in the series. This one will encompass the journey of Gwen (Pepper’s best friend) and Brock (who we met in A Witch’s Holiday Wedding) and their adventure in Salem, MA. Stay tuned!
Buy Links:
Amazon, The Wild Rose Press, Barnes and Noble Itunes Kobo
I own a copy and have listened to the audiobook, A Witch’s Journey, a paranormal romance. I am participating in a blog tour with Audiobookworm Promotions in support of Kate Tyler the sponsor of this tour. She’s the fantastic narrator of A Witch’s Journey. I can honestly say that Kate’s narration of A Witch’s Journey brought the book’s characters to life. A story of wildlife rescue and rehab, magic, second chances, and the love of family and friends. What better way to forget your trials and tribulations than relax and listen to a feel good audiobook? A Witch’s Journey will whisk you away from your ordinary world into a romantic fantasy adventure that you’ll never want to end. Pepper and Lathen’s journey begins with building a wildlife rescue & rehab center in the small town of Lobster Cove. Along the way, they discover the healing power of love and family. I highly recommend this book!
Best-selling author, Tena Stetler, has an over-active imagination and writes award-winning paranormal romance novels. She wrote her first vampire romance as a tween, to the chagrin of her mother and the delight of her friends. Colorado is home; shared with her husband of many moons, a brilliant Chow, a spoiled parrot and a forty-five-year-old box turtle.
Her books tell stories of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Well, okay there are a few companion animals to round out the tales. Travel and adventure flourish in her novels. Any winter evening, you can find her curled up in front of a crackling fire with a good book, a mug of hot Chocolate and a bowl of popcorn.
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Kate Tyler is an audiobook narrator and producer with several published audiobooks available on Audible, iTunes and Amazon. A background in drama and a successful career in voiceover, Kate lives with her family in San Diego and enjoys swimming, running, cycling and stand up paddleboard.
- How did you wind up narrating audiobooks? Was it always your goal or was it something you stumbled into by chance?
- Great question! My son, Drew, was 15 and ½ last summer. That’s a tough age for a kid entering summer because it’s a little too young for a summer job, and a little too old for a summer camp. We wanted to come up with something that we could do together during the summer to keep him busy, that would be fun and interactive, where he could earn a little side-money and something that might look good on a college resume! We searched Google for something he could do and among the suggestions we found narrating audiobooks. Since he and I both have a background in stage theater and improv, we thought it might be fun. I’m an avid audiobook listener and thought it would be fun! We ordered some equipment online and it came on a Saturday from Amazon. Drew had everything set up that night and we were off and running the next day, auditioning for books!
- A lot of narrators seem to have a background in theatre. Is that something you think is essential to a successful narration career?
- Yeah, that’s what most people think. Yes, I’m in theater and so is my son. It definitely helps, but it’s absolutely not essential. Since I’ve been in this world, I’ve gotten to know a lot of narrators and many of them would describe themselves as introverts. I’m an extrovert so I found that funny. But when you think about it, you’re all alone in a small room when you work, so it works well for people who are naturally introverted. Kind of cool, right?
- Are you an audiobook listener? What about the audiobook format appeals to you?
- Oh yes. I love audiobooks. I listen every week if not every day to something awesome on audio. I re-listen to stuff. I even follow a few narrators when I really like their voice. If I love a voice, I’ll check out everything they’ve done and if it appeals to me, I’ll grab it. I travel a lot for business and pleasure and I listen in the car, on trains, on airplanes and so on. I definitely listen when I’m working out. Nothing can make five miles go faster than a few good chapters of a zombie thriller!
- Is there a particular genre you feel unsuited for? Have you ever declined a project because you didn’t think you were right for it?
- So, yes. I’ve declined projects. Most people think it’s all acting, but there are some things I just don’t want to narrate because I just don’t believe in them. If there is a self-help book that gives advice I just disagree with, I’d turn it down. Narrating self-help is different from acting in that it’s your voice trying to convince someone of something. If you don’t believe it yourself, you’ve got two problems. One, you won’t like saying it. Two, it will come through as fake to the listener. All bad outcomes. So it’s best they find someone else. That could be true for other narrators with other touchy subjects like politics or religion too.
- How closely do you prefer to work with authors?
- I like to get to know the authors and what they are looking for. It’s the dream in their head we’re trying to make happen, so I want to try to get as close to that as possible. And, selfishly, I’m a sucker for applause and encouragement. So if my author loves my voice and they are telling me how much they enjoy how I’m doing a certain character, that’s a huge bonus for me. I love working with an author who is not shy in telling me when they are loving what I bring to the book!
- Has anyone ever recognized you from your voice?
- Um. No. A big no on that one. I guess it could happen, but I’ve actually gifted some of my audiobooks to friends and family and they’re like: “Are you sure that’s really you?” I think they mean it as a compliment, but with family you never can tell!
- Have there been any characters that you really connected with?
- Oh sure! You spend a lot of time with a book and voicing the characters. So a lot of what you bring to it is your own personality. It happens more often than not that you are feeling the emotions right along with the character. In Witchs’ Journey there were some exciting parts and some scary parts and some dreamy parts. You end up feeling all of those as you bring voices alive.
- Do you read reviews for your audiobooks?
- Absolutely! Reviews can be very important for the success of an audiobook. I encourage listeners to leave reviews. Whenever I see a book with one or two reviews I check out the reviewers page. Does it have one review or many? If there’s only one review, I tend to wonder if it was just the author’s mom who wrote something nice. Reviews from reviewers who read 30+ books a year are key. They really know what they like and the reviews are more deep than “I liked it a lot.” It’s been fun to get reviews that say things like: “I will definitely listen to Kate Tyler again!” That way I know I’ve done my job right.
- What type of the review comments do you find most constructive?
- I like reading reviews that give a taste of the story. Some sort of recap of what they thought the book was about. Once they’ve done that, then I want to see their impressions about how well the story was put together, and how well the narrator did the voices or characterizations.
- Who is your “dream author” that you would like to record for?
- Well, gee, I’d say Brene Brown, because I love her, but she usually does her own stuff which makes a lot of sense. If you know her, you know you want to hear her voice reading her material. And she’s very captivating to listen to. Not all authors can read their own material, but she is very talented and makes the book come alive.
- What do you say to those who view listening to audiobooks as “cheating” or as inferior to “real reading”?
- Oh, no. I think listening is equally as valuable as page turning. In fact, there are statistics that show that people who buy a book has about a 10% chance of reading it cover to cover. Audiobook listeners generally listen end to end about 80% of the time. If your goal is to get your story or message into a person, audiobook wins hands down. Not only that, page-turners are usually different people than listeners. If you want to reach a larger audience, you have to consider that. Making it available in different formats makes it accessible to a larger group of people. And after all, isn’t that the point?
It was wonderful having you with us today Kate. I loved your narration of A Witch’s Journey. It was spot on with the dream I had in my head. Please feel free to stop by anytime. A Witch’s Journey Audio book a must listen in your audio library!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Witch's Journey, Audiobook, ghosts, Kate Tyler, Lobster Cove, magic, Paranormal Romance, Shapeshifters, Tena Stetler, wildlife rescue, Witch's by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.
Guest Post Jean M. Grant Author of A Hundred Breaths

Exploring the Silver Veil
The Silver Veil is my primary paranormal element in the series. Loosely based on ancient Scottish culture and lore books, I delved into the world of The Silver Folk, or Ancients. I created a culture that could have very well existed, that utilized natural powers accessed across a veil between this world and the next. Healers harnessed their ability by their conduit of water. Feelers heightened their aura-sensing and emotion-feeling through fire. Seers experienced visions whispered on the wind. All three gifts found root in Mother Earth.
The Ancients of the isles are written as having been present in the isles for centuries. They pray at the circles of stones, but who or what built them is still a mystery. Heavily influenced by the Norse raiders, over time they have assigned Norse god names to their powers of Water, Fire, Wind, and Earth. Who has these abilities? Some, but not all. How strong are their powers? It depends on the person. The abilities are inherited, but who, what, and how intense the power is up to the gods.
In all three of the books of the soon-to-be trilogy, there is a clash and blend of cultures and religion: Christianity in the Scots (along with a hefty dose of superstition), the gods of the Norse culture, and lastly, the spirituality of the Ancients.
With any special ability, there are those who wish to do harm, though all the Ancients I’ve written (so far) use their gifts for good. However, there are drawbacks to these abilities…curses and “side effects.” You’ll need to read on in each of the books to see how our protagonists overcome these deficits and harness the inner power within them…
Speed Round Just for Fun and learn a bit about Jean.
1.What is your favorite book of all time? Outlander
- Where do you relax to read? Bed, couch
- What sound drives you right up a wall? Arguing children
- What sound relaxes you? Old-time crooners
- Favorite drink? Coffee & Coffee
- Walking in the sand, shoes or barefoot? Barefoot
- Favorite pet: My cats!
- Snow? Love or hate? Dislike
- Doing ________ is like nailing jello to the wall. Herding children
- Rock and Roll, Country, Jazz or Classical? Rock & Roll
- What can’t you leave the house without? Lip balm
- Calendar or not; Paper or electronic? Yes, paper!
- Favorite place to write. Desk, coffee shop
- What is your decadent indulgent? Anything sweet
- You’ve just won $1,000.00, you have only 24 hours to spend it, so what will you buy? Ticket to New Zealand
- Plotter or panster? Plotter first
- Introvert or extrovert? Extroverted Introvert
- Flight or fight? Situation dependent
- Favorite Monster? Loch Ness Monster
- Magic or Not? Definitely
A little about A Hundred Breaths:
Healing his heart…with her last breath.
1263, Scotland
Simon MacCoinneach’s vengeance runs deep. The blade is the only way to end the blood-thirsty Nordmen’s reign upon Scottish soil. His soul might be lost, but the mystical Healer he kidnaps from the isles could be the answer for his ailing mother…and his heart.
Isles-born Gwyn reluctantly agrees to a marriage alliance with this heathen Scot in return for the sanctuary of her younger brother from her abusive Norse father. Her brother’s condition is beyond the scope of her Ancient power, for larger healings steal breaths of life from her own body.
As Simon and Gwyn fight to outwit her madman father and a resentful Norse betrothed, Gwyn softens Simon’s heart with each merciful touch. Gwyn’s Seer sister foresees a bloody battle—and an end to the Nordmen—but Simon will also die. Will Gwyn save Simon on the battlefield even if it means losing her last breath?
A peek between the pages of A Hundred Breaths!
She breathed two deep life-giving breaths.
Pull breath from my body.
Heal this man with my own breath.
A thermal life filled her fingertips as she clasped the Healer’s stone in her pocket. For something small, water was not necessary. However, if left unattended, it
could and would kill.
The man faltered but didn’t move from her light grasp. Wind rustled her hair as Eir surrounded her. Unlike her mother, she never plaited it for healing. She liked to feel Eir’s fingers upon her and the fiery rush of healing as it flowed through her arms to the injured person, as the wind lifted her hair, announcing its presence.
“What the—?” He drew in a sharp breath.
She mouthed the rest of the chant, invoking the goddess’s power. She moved closer to him, their bodies an intimate—and stirring—distance apart. His nearness captured her breath, and not just from the healing.
“What are you doing?” His words said one thing while his body said another. He didn’t step away. His breathing hitched and then steadied.
“It’s not the devil’s works,” she clipped.
“Then what in the devil are you saying? That’s not Norse.”
She ignored him. He placed a gentle, nearly sedated hand on her free arm in protest, but he did nothing. Her healing had a way of stunning and spellbinding her charges. It was working.
A long moment passed. She opened her eyes and stepped back, releasing her hold. He let go of her other arm and immediately reached to touch the wound. Her stomach twisted as she broke from the enchantment. This was her father’s enemy, a murderer. Finished with her prayer, she stepped away, hit with coldness.
Buy Links:
Amazon, Barnes&Noble Kobo and Google Play
About the Author:
I write historical and contemporary romance, women’s fiction, and travel magazine articles. I love sharks and microbes, and have degrees in Marine Science, Biology, Microbiology, and Immunology…but now…I write. 😊. I love flowers so much, and have multiple gardens, that I baby-talk to them in the spring and summer to encourage growth.
Social Media links:
Website https://www.jeanmgrant.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/JeanGrant05
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jeanmgrantauthor/
Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16582543.Jean_M_Grant
Bookbub https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jean-m-grant
Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Jean-M.-Grant/e/B0728KFXP9/
It was wonderful having you with us today. Thank you for celebrating your birthdays with us! Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with A Hundred Breaths!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Hunddred Breaths, Historical Romance, Jean M Grant, magic, Scotland, The Silver Veil by Tena Stetler with 11 comments.