Legacy of Magic by Author Denise Carbo

Give a warm welcome to Denise Carbo author of Legacy of Magic. Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cauldron. Take your choice of a bat wing Chocolate Chip or Pumpkin, or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Denise and her Legacy of Magic!

 What paranormal creature would you be and why?

           A witch, of course! Who wouldn’t want to have special powers or abilities? Although my heroine, Cory Bishop, has her  doubts when she discovers she is a witch.

            What would you do if a Vampire showed up at your door?

 My husband jokes I’m a vampire because I’m allergic to garlic, have pale skin, and cannot be exposed to the sun too long without getting sick. So, although I doubt I would invite a vampire in, we could commiserate on the loss of Italian food and sunbathing on the beach.

Why did you choose the cover concept you did?

 Cory’s powers derive from the Earth, specifically plants. There’s various scenes with trees mentioned, particularly a rather humorous one involving an apple tree. I don’t want to give too much away, but solar eclipses are important to the story line.

      What’s your favorite part of being an author?

I love coming up with an idea and then expanding on it until I have a story. Creating characters and throwing them into various situations and seeing how they react is fun.

      If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

Time Travel. There’s never enough time in the day to accomplish everything I want to do! Turning back the clock on wrinkles wouldn’t be bad either.

Speed Round (one word only answer): Yep, I know torture for a writer!<evil laugh>

Favorite scary movie:  Alien (I’m sorry, but I have to add a disclaimer. I’m a bit of a chicken. I don’t watch or read horror. Sci-fi scary is all I can handle.lol)
Favorite scary book:   Interview with a Vampire
Last scary book  read:
Favorite color:   Blue
Stilettos or flipflops or boots:   Flipflops
Coffee or tea or flaming drink:   Tea
Ebook or audiobook or paperback:   Paperback
Pencil or pen or quill with blood ink jar:   Pen

Favorite scary song:  This is Halloween

Favorite costume:  Witch

Favorite dessert:   Ice cream

Favorite junk food:  Ice cream

Favorite thing to do to relax: Chase bats?  Read

Champagne or gin or magic potion:   magic potion

Paranormal or Historical:   Paranormal

Wonder Woman or Top Model or Witch’s Ball:

Favorite scary TV show:   Supernatural

Hot or cold: Cold

POV: varies

I’d die if I don’t have:   My kids

Review or Not:  Yes

Click on cover to read more or purchase!

Tell us about Legacy of Magic.

Divorced, jobless, and homeless, Cory Bishop moves to Connecticut to begin anew. She gets lost along the way and causes a car accident which does not bode well for the next chapter in her life. However, the reconnection with her great aunt provides her with direction and purpose.

While solving a mysterious family secret, she is pursued by a charming lawyer and her exasperating neighbor who thinks arguing is a form of foreplay. But those circumstances are the least of her problems.

Cory soon discovers she is a witch and must learn to control her new-found powers. An ally, a confidant, and a surprise supporter guide her, but she is almost out of time. An immortal evil wants her powers and will stop at nothing to obtain them. When the battle lines are drawn, Cory must choose who is friend and who is enemy. Will love save her or endanger her even more?

A sneak peek between the pages of Legacy of Magic.

His normal blue jeans were replaced with black.  The customarily tight T-shirt was now a blue, button down shirt opened at the throat. Damn, it matched his eyes.

Eyes that were making a very slow, thorough, perusal of her before meeting her gaze.  “Must admit, I thought you might stand me up.”

Now why hadn’t that occurred to her?

“The thought never crossed my mind.  I follow through when I say I’m going to do something.  Although, technically I don’t think I actually accepted your invitation.”

“Sure, you did.  You said 6:15. That implied acceptance.”

Cory rolled her eyes.  “We both know if Aunt Addy hadn’t been there, I would’ve said no very clearly.”

“Maybe, but then we’d both be left wondering what the two of us together might be like.  Personally, I prefer a more direct approach.”

Her foot began to tap.  “Oh really? Maneuvering me into a date is direct? And for the record, I wouldn’t be wondering about anything.  You and I are not going to get together.” Her hand waved back and forth between them.  “We can’t even be in the same room for a few minutes without arguing.”

Finn laughed.  “This isn’t arguing.”

“Oh really, what would you call it?”

He leaned towards her and whispered, “Foreplay.”

Legacy of Magic is available for pre-order and will release on October 8, 2018 at this fine online retailers:  Amazon, The Wild Rose Press, Barnes & Noble, and ibook

About the author:

Denise Carbo writes Paranormal Romance, Romantic Suspense, and Contemporary Romance. She is a voracious reader, loves to travel, is fascinated by the supernatural, and enjoys figuring out the culprit of books and movies before the ending is revealed.

She lives in a small, picturesque New England town with her high school sweetheart and their three amazing sons.

Visit Denise at          http://www.DeniseCarbo.com







It was Spooktacular having you with us today.  Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Legacy of Magic!

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Exciting 99 cent sale – A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING

Click on cover to read more and purchase!

Its Sunday and A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING is on sale for 99 cents.  What more could you want only a nine days from Halloween and the Holiday season fast approaching? Download your copy today!

After she set her glass down, Lathen brushed a couple strands of hair out of her eyes and searched her face. “Are you all right?”

“I’m tired, my wedding is in a couple weeks, I have ghosts fighting over who is going to do what. Guests that have no idea the place is haunted and… Your family and pack, my parents, Gwen… To top it all off, the head of my clan, who is a ghost, is sitting in front of me wanting to know who is coming to the wedding and whether the ghosts will be outed. How could I possibly be all right?”

“When you put it that way.” Lathen chuckled. “It sounds just a bit… I don’t know…crazy?” His right eyebrow winged up. She saw mischief sparkle in his eyes. “We could still elope,” he offered.

Available atAmazonKobo, The Wild Rose Press, and Barnes & Noble

My celebration of three years of being a published author continues. Check back for more sales! 

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Discussion with Nancy Gideon Author of Prince Of Dreams

Give a spooktacular welcome to Nancy Gideon author of Prince of Dreams.  Today she’s graciously agreed to talk about Vampires verses Werewolves in honor of upcoming All Hallows! Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cauldron. Take your choice of a bat wing Chocolate Chip or Pumpkin, or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about  Nancy Gideon and her Prince of Dreams  as well as her take on Vampires and Werewolves.  Pssst…Don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter at the bottom of the post.  
Team Vampire vs Team WereWolf
I’ve always loved a dark, tormented hero, the kind that roams freely on Halloween!
And I’ve been torn since my first introduction to late night horror films – Vampire or werewolf (later shapeshifter). Though both were technically villains, the undead or unnatural that needed to be destroyed for preying upon humanity, I always found their tragic story . . . romantic. Denied the light of day or fearing the loss of control wrought by the cycle of the moon, instead of getting the woman of their dreams, these antiheroes got the short of the stick—usually sharp and through the heart. Not fair, but how the story always goes. Then Hollywood, and finally fiction, began a subtle change when 50s heartthrob Michael Landon wolfed out in “I Was A Teenage Werewolf” and squealing bobbysoxers vied to put him on their leash.  I didn’t notice until Frank Langella took up Dracula’s cape, becoming one HOT dead guy! He was charming, educated, and had it hands down over the second-string Jonathan Harker. But love never triumphed at the end of their stories. 
No happily ever after for them.
Maybe it was Dark Shadows, the campy ‘60s vampire soap opera that finally broke tradition. Barnabas and Quentin Collins had fans swooning for a chance to save them from their cursed lives. As vampire and werewolf, they were portrayed as victims worthy of redemption. When “The Kindred” came out as a nighttime saga about strong warring supernatural families (and later, “The Originals”), I was sold on heroes both fang and fur. Those were the larger-than-life heroes I wanted helming my books, beginning with Louis Radman, mourning his lost humanity in my “Touched by Midnight” vampire series, then Max Savoie, top dog in my “By Moonlight” shapeshifter books and the yummy Terriot princes in the “House of Terriot” spin-off (PRINCE OF DREAMS is just releasing!). Smart, loyal and deadly, (and it doesn’t hurt-gorgeous!), it’s their very difference that draws their strong heroines . . . and readers. Something about tall, dark and dangerous with a bite . . . especially when the moon is full and the season is All Hallows!
“I’m right there with you Nancy!”
Now tell us a bit about Prince of Dreams – House of Terriot,Book Four
Written in the cards . . . Who was this guy, her rescuer, her hero, her knight in shining 2-carats?
Kip . . . Prince in the shapeshifter House of Terriot
He’d said he wasn’t a mobster. . . She should have asked if he was a monster.
Who was this too good to be true, always ready in a crisis guy working a menial job for her father? Ophelia knew things. Something was not quite normal about the Kip Terriot hiding behind another name in lace-up dress shoes and a preppy wardrobe – something wild and exciting as all hell. A dangerous something calling to that restless difference in her own soul.
Ophelia . . . daughter of his enemy, girl of his dreams
So sassy, so sweet so perfect . . . and what he had to do would destroy her.
Kip was in New Orleans to save his clan and his kind, not to play white knight for Ophelia Brady with her quirky habits, curvy body and tormented past. His deception would rip the heart from her world, not help heal it. Was his family’s nemesis using his own daughter to make Kip the played instead of the player, pulling him between love and duty to make an impossible choice?
“Emotionally captivating! A brilliant conclusion to a unique series!” – Book Bling


A peek between the pages of Prince of Dreams . . .

An unnatural being from a family of shapeshifters.

Even now Ophelia didn’t know whether to laugh or weep at the absurdity of it. Things like that didn’t exist. Except she knew they did, just outside the peripheral, where worlds of fact and fiction met and mingled and blurred. She’d felt their presence in the shadows of reality all her life. She met them in her dreams and visions.

Kip Terriot gave them gorgeous face and form, but underneath, he was that creature with red eyes and sharp teeth. Her big, bad wolf, who’d protected her from a robber and defended her from abuse, who’d rescued her sister from the attack she still refused to acknowledge. Who loved his family and would do anything for them?

Who she loved too much to let go but couldn’t give what he needed because she wasn’t his kind.

Which was the greater fear, what he was or that she’d fail him?

“What are we going to do, Phe? I don’t want to lose this.” He brought her knuckles to his lips for a kiss.

“I don’t want to lose you. But I already have, haven’t I? You’re a million miles away right now and almost out of reach.”

“I’m right here.” His argument brought her to him, her knees stepping over his lap to straddle him, arms circling his shoulders, face nestling against the curve of his throat where she rode his hard swallow. He held tight, trying to believe they could make this moment last, this glorious, fiery, tender moment that offered so much and promised so little.

“You are my prince,” she whispered, breath moist and soft against his neck. “My Prince of Cups. You rode into my life bringing romance, shaking my world to its foundation that first night I met you. It was in the cards.”

“Fate,” he murmured, smile in his voice. “No escaping it.” His fingers threaded through her hair, pulling back gently to tip up her face, offering sweetly parted lips and glistening eyes.

He’d planned a sweet kiss but the taste of urgency and need in the sweep of her tongue ruined that noble ambition. They feasted upon one another for long, desperate minutes until she rocked back, thumb swiping the dampness from his mouth.

“Go, be who you need to be for them. Then come back and be who I need you to be.

About the Author:

Nancy Gideon is the award-winning bestseller of over 65 romances ranging from historical, regency and series contemporary suspense to dark paranormal and horror, with a couple of produced screenplays and non-fiction writing books tossed into the mix.
A legal assistant for a brilliant criminal attorney in Central Michigan (when not at the keyboard working on her latest book in progress), she feeds a Netflix addiction along with all things fur, fin and fowl and dotes on her grandguy.
Nancy’s also written under the pseudonyms Dana Ransom, Rosalyn West and Lauren Giddings. Look for reissues coming soon under those pen names!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

It was wonderful having you with us today.  Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Prince of Dreams!

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A Celebration — 99¢ SALE A WITCH’S JOURNEY

Thanks for stopping by today as I continue my three  year anniversary celebration, living the dream, as a published author and as a thank you for my readers. 99¢ Sale for a limited time A Witch’s Journey.  Over the new several weeks other books will be on sale also. So watch for them. Many have asked why w rite Romance?I like the happily ever after aspect. I want to whisk my readers away from the everyday to a magic world. My romance books spin the adventures of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Well, okay there are a few companion animals to round out the tales and enough mystery and suspense to keep you turning pages.

For me crafting a romance is all about RESPECT, TRUST and LOVE with a bit of mystery and magic sprinkled in. Only most of my characters are of the paranormal persuasion. I want to create a memorable love story with spice, travel and adventure. Characters that will grab hold of your heart and hang on long after you’ve read the last word and closed the book with a satisfied sigh.

I loved writing this book. It’s part of the Lobster Cover Series and the first in my A Witch’s Journey series.

Wildlife rescue and rehab are projects close to my heart. Writing this book was fun because it was set in a small coastal town about wildlife rescue and exciting events.  Though there more to both Lathen and Pepper than meets the eye. Their work hard and pay it forward attitude make them some of my favorites.

A Witch’s Journey –  It’s about the magic, love and dedication of a witch – wildlife rehabilitator who meets a former Navy SEAL willing and able to make all her dreams come true. Their journey begins with building a wildlife rescue and rehab center, her life-long dream, then falling in love despite the dark secrets neither are willing to share, until someone tries to steal the McKay Magic.

Blurb: Pepper McKay comes from a long line of powerful witches. Unfortunately, magic brings her nothing but trouble. She learned the love of wildlife rescue and rehab from her Aunt Ashling. After graduating from college, Pepper works for Salem Wildlife Sanctuary and lives from paycheck to paycheck until she inherits the McKay property in Lobster Cove. With the family land and resources, she dares to dream of starting her own wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center.

Lathen Quartz, a former Navy SEAL turned handyman maintains the enchanted McKay property for the McKay estate. But someone is trying to steal the McKay magic. Lathen offers to help Pepper achieve her life-long dream of building a wildlife center. During the long hours spent together on the project, their mutual attraction can’t be denied. But each harbors a deep, dark secret. Will they overcome their demons and give love a chance?

A peek between the pages of A Witch’s Journey:

The waves on the pond slapped noisily against the rocky shore as the mist crawling along the ground and settling over the pond took shape. Out of the fog rose a woman dressed in a simple long indigo skirt and peasant blouse under a firm white bodice. Holding her arm was a man who wore knee-length black breeches with a long dark vest over his peasant shirt. They glided across the pond and stepped onto the shore. An audible gasp came from the ghosts, and they moved closer.

Lathen, Pepper, and her parents sat silent, eyes wide in disbelief.

“Good evening, McKay clan.” The man offered a pleasant smile and said in a deep voice reminiscent of Duncan’s, “Allow me to introduce my wife, Dusty McKay.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her forward. “I am Aidan Duncan McKay. We have taken advantage of this night to set the record straight. ’Tis true, as a young girl Dusty ran away in early 1693, after being found not guilty of witchcraft. Because in fact she was a witch, like her mother, who wasn’t so lucky and died at the hands of the Puritans. I had arrived in America from Ireland, with no family or friends. I met her shortly thereafter, we fell in love, and I asked her to be my wife. We were wed a fortnight later and drifted from place to place in what was then Massachusetts and settled in what is now Maine on this land. It looked different in my time.”

Available at:   Amazon,        The Wild Rose PressBarnes and Noble   Itunes

Thanks for helping me celebrate! Don’t forget to pickup A Witch’s Journey while it’s on sale for 99¢.  See you next week when Cyndie Zahner will be here talking about her latest release, Suicide Gene!

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