A Vampire’s Unlikely Alliance – Cover Reveal
I’m so excited to reveal the cover for author Tena Stetler’s A Vampire’s Unlikely Alliance, third book in the Demon’s Witch Series. Isn’t it just fantastic? Yes, I know Amazon beat me to it. Darn it!A little about A Vampire’s Unlikely Alliance:
Stefan is a Native American vampire, former assassin for the Vampire Council. In a twist of fate, he now DJ’s the midnight shift for a small radio station in Whitefish, Montana, on the edge of Glacier National Park where his secret is safe until…
Born in Ireland, Brandy now works as a park ranger and trail guide in the park. During a full moon, Stefan and Brandy’s paths cross in a near physical collision on a trail. Their attraction is immediate and undeniable, almost as if fate demanded it.
Their union was foretold long ago in Irish folk tales where vampires and gryphons, warlocks and demons, witches and faeries must work together for the good of man and magic kind. Is a trip to Ireland the key to unraveling secrets and returning the magic? And even more importantly, will their love survive the trip?
Available for pre-order at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Release date November 29, 2017! Just in time for Christmas. Reserve your copy today!
. Yippee!
A sneak peek between the pages of A Vampire’s Unlikely Alliance.
It was nearly midnight when he cut across the Sun Road to another trailhead, so intent on his goal that he nearly collided with an attractive young woman. He skidded to a stop, spraying gravel, rocks, and small twigs down the road in front of him. A pinecone dislodged and bounced along the road past her. Tall and slender, she had miles of fiery-red hair that hung down her back in a cascade of curls. Intense emerald eyes stared back at him as he attempted to regain his composure, not to mention balance. What the hell was she doing here at this time of night?
“Whoa.” She stepped lightly to the side to avoid the flying debris. “You really should watch where you’re going, especially at that speed.” Her voice scolded, but the smile on her lips teased. “Someone could get hurt.”
Thanks for stopping by to share my excitement for the cover to A Vampire’s Unlikely Alliance! Please make Authors’ Secrets a regular stop for award winning, best selling authors! Don’t forget there’s only 74 days left for Christmas shopping!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Vampire's Unlikely Alliance, Christmas, fantasy, Halloween, Holidays, Ireland, magic, Paranormal, Romance, Shapeshifters, Tena Stetler, Vampire, Witches by Tena Stetler with 4 comments.
Pink Lock Picks & Sequined Witch Hats by Carla Rehse
Give a warm welcome to Carla Rehse, author of Pink Lock Picks & Sequined Witch Hats ! With a title like that I simple had to read it.Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, or Pink Lemonade in the crystal pitcher on the counter. It’s next to the plate of Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookies, and let’s find out a little about Carla Rehse and Pink Lock Picks & Sequined Witch Hats. I love that title!
My take on Pink Lock Picks & Sequined Witch Hats.
A magical tale with loveable characters.
Seventeen-year-old Gracie Mason has everything going for her, homecoming queen, co-captain of the cheerleading squad, and a member of the student council. Due to family problems and an unrequited crush she turns to burglary as a way to win Ben’s affections.
Her first attempted break-in goes badly. She steps into a male witch’s “circle of power” and finds herself in quite a mess. On top of that she’s bonded to him for life unless she can break the bond. Gracie quickly learns that dissolving the bond with Asher, admittedly a hunk, is more complicated than she imagined. Right when it seems things can’t get any worse, witches start turning up dead. Her quest to sever the bond magically turns into a murder investigation.
This was a fun read, filled with magic, adventure, with a bit of humor mixed in. Pink Lock Picks and Sequined Witch Hats is an urban fantasy set in central Texas. Author Carla Rehse’s characters are entertaining in a magical world where the unexpected takes place.
If you like YA and urban fantasy, you’ll enjoy Pink Lock Picks and Sequined Witch Hats. Four stars in my book.
You can find Pink Lock Pick and Sequined Witch Hats at Amazon
Daddy told me years ago that to succeed in life I need a strong plan, the right tools, and the gumption to follow through. His words of wisdom helped me get elected homecoming queen, become co-captain of the cheerleading squad, and voted on the student council. Now I plan to use them to help me pull off my first burglary.
My plan is solid. I’ve also never backed down from a challenge, not even last year when Brittany Thomas became overly friendly with the entire football team in a sad attempt to deprive me of my crown. People say I started the rumor about the rash of STD cases spreading through the boys’ locker room faster than a brush fire. I didn’t, of course. Why start gossip when the squad of doctors from the local Health Department did it for me?
I take a deep breath as I enter the Trinity Building. At almost four o’clock on a Friday before a three-day weekend, the place is deader than a PTA meeting. It helps that today is the hottest July first on record for Central Texas and the air conditioning in this building is dismally subpar. The Trinity Corporation may claim to have the most upscale rental space in town, but one look at the gold leopard granite floor paired with peach-painted walls shows that’s a downright fib.
The only guard on duty leans back in his chair and sucks down a Sonic Route 44 Coke like his life depends on it. I wave as I pass the security desk, wearing a megawatt smile and fully confident in the strength of my lavender-scented Lavanila deodorant—vegan, of course. Deputy Dawg gives me his usual perv stare before returning to the comic book balanced on his knee.
Centex Therapy, LPC occupies most of the first floor office space. A small bell tinkles when I open the frosted glass door. What decorum the overall building lacks, the waiting room has in spades. Brown leather chairs sit on a bamboo rug and pastel paintings from local artists brighten the walls. A tall grandfather clock in the corner softly chimes four times. This late on a Friday means the room is empty of other patients. Perfect.
Jane, the receptionist, fans herself with a copy of Country Living. “Cutting it awfully close, Gracie. Go on in.”
Dr. McDozzle gives me a pained smile as I enter the room.
“Good afternoon, Miss Mason. Have a seat.” For a head shrinker, he’s incredibly formal. And a non-Texan, who hates football and sweet tea. I haven’t learned much more about him in the last month, but that’s enough to get him tarred and feathered if word got out.
The leather recliner squeaks when I sit down. “Thanks for seeing me on a Friday, Doc.” I twirl a strand of newly highlighted platinum hair around my finger. It goes wonderful with my bubblegum pink manicure. “Mr. Anderson, Daddy’s new lawyer, is now insisting I have two sessions a month with you. Of course, Mama’s lawyer says once a month is just fine, seeing how I’m such a well-adjusted high school senior and all. Almost a senior, I guess, since school’s not started.”
Dr. McDozzle straightens his glasses. “Yes, well, your parents do seem to have quite the barrage of attorneys involved in their divorce. Have you worked on the homework I gave you during our last session?”
This is such a waste of time. My parents have spent the last five years embroiled in a divorce dirtier than a greased pig-wrestling contest. Both sides of the family have more money than sense, much to the delight of every lawyer in the tri-county area. Not that I want my parents to get back together. Anytime they’re within spitting distance of each other, the tension between them gives me a migraine. Besides, if they hadn’t split up, I never would’ve met Ben.
Ben’s the son of Daddy’s ex-girlfriend. Until four months ago, they all lived together in Daddy’s condo. Ben is a sophomore at the local college and is truly hot, in a geeky, stud muffin, save-the-world, kinda way. Crushing on my almost stepbrother might seem a bit sketchy, but it’s legal—I Googled it twice.
Which means it’s time to start step one in my Get Ben Plan.
I toss my hair over my shoulder before pulling out a pink glitter notebook from my Eiffel Tower-shaped mini-purse.
“You wanted me to write down my feelings about my parents’ shared custody thing. Honestly, I don’t understand why the lawyers are so panty-twisted about me spending a week with Mama and the next with Daddy. It means I get double the wardrobe. Hello? What girl would say no to that? It’s way better than Heather’s situation. I told you about her last time, I think. The girl with the hideous frizzed-out curls but drives a cute BMW Z4 roadster? Anyway, her parents are insane.” I continue a steady stream of babble until Dr. McDozzle’s eyes glaze over.
There’s no clocks in the room, but Dr. McDozzle keeps checking his watch. I’m sure the poor man created a nice therapy plan for me, but I’ve completely derailed it. Mama always says a girl has many tools to choose from in her arsenal—perfectly curled hair, well-placed boobs, and endless chatter are my faves. Besides, Daddy’s been paying therapists a fortune for years to show the divorce court how concerned he is about me. Dr. McDozzle’s earning his car payment today.
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Pink Lock Picks and Sequined Witch Hats
by Carla Rehse
Giveaway ends August 16, 2017.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
It was wonderful having you with us today. Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Pink Lock Picks and Sequined Witch Hats!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog, Book Reviews and tagged Carla Rehse, dead bodies, fantasy, fashion, magic, Murder, Murder Mystery, Paranormal, Pink Lock Picks and Sequined Witch Hats, Romance, YA Urban Fantasy by Tena Stetler with 3 comments.
Interview – Nancy Northcott, Author of Warrior!
Give a warm welcome to Nancy Northcott, author of Warrior (The Light Mage Wars Book 2)!
Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Nancy and Warrior.
Why do you write what you write? Ie. Contemporary, paranormal, suspense, etc.
I write what I like to read. I’m a very eclectic reader, so I tend to be an eclectic writer. I loved comic books and fairy tales when I was growing up, so writing mages is a natural for me. Though the magic functions one way in my paranormal romances and another in my historical fantasies, the characters in both genres have magical abilities that function kind of like superpowers.
The mysteries I loved growing up—I was a serious fan of Nancy Drew—and the thrillers I gravitated to as an adult funneled me toward romantic suspense.
(Tena here) Ohh… I loved Nancy Drew. I still have that whole collection. Back to Warrior, what inspired this particular story?
I’ve always been interested in archaeology, and it seemed a natural fit for my geek hero, Will. He has a couple of black belts, an encyclopedic brain, and a serious love of all things related to science fiction, fantasy, or comics.
His heroine, Audra, is part Cherokee. I come from North Carolina, where the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation resides, so Audra seemed a natural way to expand the cultural range of my characters.
Do you see yourself in your characters?
Not exactly, though there’s a little of me in all of them. I’m into science fiction, fantasy, and comics, as Will is, and I took martial arts. I would never be an archaeologist, though, because, hey, bones. I don’t even like handling bones in meat, so actual people bones are something I’d rather avoid. And let’s don’t even think about mummies!
Audra is quiet, as I tend to be, in new surroundings, but she’s a geek girl at heart. As a result, she and Will are surprised to discover some common interests.
The hero and heroine of the next Light Mage Wars book, Nemesis, which I’m writing now, are not geeks but builders. They met in the Seabees, the US Navy’s construction arm. My parents met while they were both in the Navy, though not in the Seabees. But my dad liked to build things, and I enjoyed helping him.
What do you want your readers to take away from your books?
I want them to have a good time, to feel immersed and relate to the characters because that’s how I like to feel when I read. When they get to the end, I want them to feel satisfied.
Tell us about Warrior.
A Woman Tormented by Darkness
Archaeologist Audra Grayson is finding out-of-place relics that could torpedo her already shaky career. Now brilliant, sexy consultant Will Davis is sent to take over. Worse, working on the site strengthens the evil shadow that nearly ruined her before, and she fears he not only suspects her of fraud but thinks she’s crazy–unfit for the job.
A Mage Who Must Oppose it At All Costs
Will magically senses the darkness in Audra when they meet, and he vows to ignore their growing attraction. When deadly ghouls target her project, Will realizes they want the odd relics to open a portal for demons from the Void between worlds, making everything on Earth an endangered species.
The Fate of the World at Stake
With ghoul attacks escalating and mage traitors in league with the enemy, time is running out for Will to stop the portal from opening. The chemistry between him and Audra threatens to combust, but the darkness within her may give the enemy its chance. If she’s its victim, he must free her. If she’s its ally, he must destroy the love of his life.
A peek between the pages of Warrior:
Audra’s slow, answering smile hit him like a kick in the chest. Her eyes brightened, and the corners of her full, lush mouth curved upward.
Will wrenched his gaze away, to the thickets of loblolly bay and saw palmetto around them. “When we get back to the dock and have cell service, I’ll call from there and make the arrangements.”
“Thank you.” Walking slightly ahead of him, she rounded the burial mound. And froze.
“Will,” she said in a strangled voice.
On reflex, he stepped in front of her. The trenches should’ve been covered, but they were open, bare to the elements, and gouges revealed hasty digging along the sides. The tools they’d left in the tent were strewn over the site, as were broken bits of pottery and stone fragments.
The grid was destroyed, sandy soil jumbled into heaps in the trench. Rage bubbled into Will’s chest. He opened his senses wide, sending his magic outward to seek the intruder.
No one but the team seemed to be there. Good.
The students swore. Audra simply gaped, her face ashen. Stricken. She looked as though this were one blow too many.
Will jammed his fists in his pockets to keep from putting an arm around her.
The chaotic digging, the scattering of tools, was typical of ghouls. His extended senses caught a faint, barely discernible trace of magic.
Ghoul magic.
The trace was so faint that they must’ve left here hours ago, so at least there wasn’t that menace to worry about. Nor did he pick up any remnant of mage power that would imply the traitor’s presence here. Though that might’ve faded altogether.
Tears welled in Libby’s eyes, and Joe and Kevin wore matching scowls.
“Amateurs,” Will said coolly. “Can’t trust ‘em for shit.”
Everyone stared at him.
“Whoever did this,” he told them, “was either untrained or in too much of a hurry to take care. Or maybe just a stupid vandal. Whichever, we have to deal with it. Kevin, you got the camera?”
When the young man nodded, Will said, “Take photos of everything from every angle but don’t move anything until that’s done.”
“Why would anyone do this?” Libby asked. She looked dazed.
Despite Audra’s distress, she reached out to squeeze the young woman’s shoulder.
“People are always ready to sell artifacts,” Audra noted quietly. “Whether they have the right to them or not.”
“Yeah, well, some people are scumbags,” Joe said.
Will responded, “Can’t argue with that. But let’s get busy. Joe, take Libby and check the tent. Call out if you find anything. I’ll be right behind you.”
As the students started on their tasks, Will pulled Audra aside. “Any ideas what’s going on?” he asked quietly.
She shook her head. “This is a site like so many others around the country, except this one happens to be here. I don’t get this, Will. I have no clue.”
He wasn’t as good as some at reading Mundane moods, but her distress seemed sincere. Yet he could sense the darkness amping up around her. In contrast to her shock and dismay, the vibe he picked up was almost gleeful.
Emotions played over her face–shock giving way to grief, then anger, and finally settling into what looked like grim, hopeless determination, and he crossed his arms to keep from touching her. This urge to comfort a woman he barely knew, a woman with dark magic around her, was beyond stupid.
Audra crouched to pick up a broken potsherd.
Cursing silently, he noticed her strong, graceful hands as she gently brushed dirt aside. He’d seen enough yesterday to know her hands were capable in the field. Were they as capable in bed?
Shit. He was never going to know that. Shouldn’t wonder about it. Hooking up with her was not part of his plan, and she was not his wounded sparrow to tend. He couldn’t afford that kind of attachment–to her or to any woman.
If she was a pawn of the darkness around her, he needed a clear head to cut her free of it. If she proved to be in league with it, though, if she posed any threat to her students, he would have to destroy her.
You can find Warrior on Amazon, Nook, Kobo, and ibooks.
About the author:
Nancy Northcott’s childhood ambition was to grow up and become Wonder Woman. Around fourth grade, she realized it was too late to acquire Amazon genes, but she still loved comic books, science fiction, fantasy, history, and romance. A sucker for fast action and wrenching emotion, Nancy combines the magic, romance and high stakes she loves in the books she writes.
Reviewers have described her books as melding fantasy, romance, and suspense. Library Journal gave her debut novel, Renegade, a starred review, calling it “genre fiction at its best.”
Nancy’s Social Media links;
Twitter: @NancyNorthcott
Facebook: https://facebook.com/nancynorthcottauthor
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3468806.Nancy_Northcott
Thanks for having me today, Tena!
My pleasure Nancy! Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Warrior!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Demon, fantasy, magic, Nancy Northcott, Warrior, Witches by Tena Stetler with 2 comments.
Quest of a Warrior by Mary Morgan
Welcome back Mary! I understand you have a new series. Quest of a Warrior is the first book just released on June 30, 2017! How exciting! Looking for a chance to win a signed copy of Quest of a Warrior? Read on!
Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and tell us about your HOT new Warrior and what inspired Quest of a Warrior.
The moment Conn MacRoich stepped through the pages in my first book, Dragon Knight’s Sword, I knew he was destined to become a main (secondary) character throughout my first series. His presence loomed within the stories, and the Fenian Warriors came to life. My love of Irish mythology wove an important part in his story as well. Call it fate, the guidance of the Fae, or a writer’s creativity, but his story called to be written. In addition, this opened the door for the other Fenian Warriors.
Mary, what secret do you use to blast through writer’s block?
I’ve been fortunate, Tena. There are times when the writing is slow, but not fully blocked. If I’m struggling, I don’t push the words. I walk away from my computer. Taking my journal into my garden is a great source of inspiration, or to “jump start” a scene. I start jotting down ideas and words—see where the story is heading. Celtic music is another tool to help stir the muse. As writers, we often put pressure on ourselves to maintain a certain flow. Unfortunately, there are times when this will not work to our advantage. Therefore, I’ve found that it’s better to take a walk, listen to music, or play in the garden. And suddenly, an idea emerges.
Why do you write what you write? Ie. Contemporary, paranormal, suspense, etc.
I’ve always had a love affair with Irish and Scottish mythology. I blame it on my own bloodline—a yearning to return to the land of my ancestors. I’d close my eyes and pretend I was there. I write what I love. It’s a mix of paranormal and historical—knights in shining armor, faeries and magic. I’ve often stated that I’m a Celtic lass in the wrong century. Therefore, it only made sense to write about the elements that I love and enjoy reading about.
If writing is your first passion, what is your second?
Ahh…my love of history is my second passion, Tena. I’ve been obsessed with history since I read “Hawaii” by James Michener as a teenager. I enjoy delving into the historical research required for my stories. Often times, it will be a tiny tidbit of information that will spark my imagination. And I’m a firm believer that history is only as good as the bard telling the tale.
Now how about a little about Quest of a Warrior?
“You met them in the Order of the Dragon Knights. Now, journey to the realm of the Fae and witness their legends!”
Fenian Warrior, Conn MacRoich has traveled the earth for thousands of years, guarding the realm between mortal and Fae. His deeds are legendary. Yet, one mistake will force him on a journey to fix a broken time-line. However, on Conn’s quest, he must face a human female who will eventually bring this ancient warrior to his knees.
When Ivy O’Callaghan inherits her uncle’s estate, she never imagines there will be more secrets to unravel, including the one she hides from the world. With the help of a mysterious stranger, she learns to trust and step out of the shadows. However, nothing prepares Ivy when she learns Conn’s true identity.
As the loom of fate weaves a thread around the lovers from two different worlds, will the sacrifices they make lead them to love? Or will their secrets destroy and separate them forever?
Can we get a sneak peak inside the book?
“Intoxication can unleash the beast within a Fae.” ~Chronicles of the Fae
Conn fought the bolt of desire spearing a path throughout his body. Her touch spoke volumes—an invitation to taste. Never had he longed to kiss a human like this wee lass. His heart beat loudly, and he found himself unable to move. She was a Goddess of the moonlight. It danced off her face and hair, and he trembled before her. Ivy’s fingers traced down his cheek and across his lips. He was helpless to contain the growl that escaped from his mouth.
The rush of passion overtook him, and Conn slammed the door on his mind. Grasping Ivy around the waist, he hoisted her up on top of the bridge. Her lips parted on a sigh, and he lowered his mouth to feast on something he dared not take. The first brush of her soft lips against his own ignited a hunger he could no longer contain. Taking her moan deep into him, Conn glorified in the sensation of her mouth—one filled with a honeyed sweetness.
The Fae warrior became just a man for the first time. Something primal burst within him. Emotions he had never felt left him dizzy, spiraling to a physical plane. He craved them all. His lips seared a course down her neck, to her throat, and then recaptured the velvet warmth of her mouth.
Buy Links:
AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/Quest-Warrior-Legends-Fenian-Warriors-ebook/dp/B072HPBMDM/
Barnes&Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/quest-of-a-warrior-mary-morgan/1126404360/
The Wild Rose: https://catalog.thewildrosepress.com/all-titles/5086-quest-of-a-warrior.html
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/quest-of-a-warrior
Apple iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/quest-of-a-warrior/id1231868317?mt=11
For those of you who don’t know Mary, She’s an Award-winning Scottish paranormal romance author who resides in Northern California, with her own knight in shining armor. However, during her travels to Scotland, England, and Ireland, she left a part of her soul in one of these countries and vows to return.
Mary’s passion for books started at an early age along with an overactive imagination. She spent far too much time daydreaming and was told quite often to remove her head from the clouds. It wasn’t until the closure of Borders Books where Mary worked that she found her true calling–writing romance. Now, the worlds she created in her mind are coming to life within her stories.
WEBSITE: http://www.marymorganauthor.com
BLOG: http://www.marymorganauthor.com/blog
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/m_morganauthor
FACEBOOK AUTHOR PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/MaryMorganAuthor/
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/mary.morgan.564
GOODREADS: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8271002.Mary_Morgan
AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE: http://www.amazon.com/Mary-Morgan/e/B00KPE3NWI/
PINTEREST: www.pinterest.com/marymorgan50/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/marymorgan2/
BOOKBUB: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/mary-morgan
Thanks so much for hosting me on Author’s Secrets, Tena! Loved being on your beautiful blog! You are always welcome on Author’s Secrets! Thanks so much for stopping by best of luck with Quest of a Warrior!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Fae, fantasy, Historical Romance, magic, Mary Morgan, Paranormal, Quest of a Warrior, Romance by Tena Stetler with 25 comments.