Mountain of Authors – What Fun! You Don’t Even Have to Leave Your Home!

Whether your literary tastes run from Romance, to Mystery, Thriller or anything in between Mountain of Authors has a book genre for you. Please check them out at
A little about CHOCOATE RASPBERY MAGIC. Pssst. also available in audiobook!
Prim and proper Trinity Shilo is the assistant manager for Salem’s Wildlife Sanctuary. She hasn’t had much luck in the boyfriend department, but the new employee Paul is different
Paul Thorp is a wounded Special Forces veteran now working in security and computer support at the Sanctuary.
When a fire breaks out at Puffin Cove Rescue they are called in to help with the recovery and ice cream social fundraiser. Sometimes things are not what they seem, and neither are people. When magic is unleashed will what they learn bring them closer together or push them apart?
A sneak peak between the pages of CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY MAGIC.
As Trinity walked through the aftermath of the fire, she lifted the yellow and black caution tape and carefully stepped inside the building. Her gut clenched and that feeling of foreboding washed over her again. The farther she ventured into the burnt building the stronger the gut-wrenching feeling became. Something needs my help. This was a new sensation. She took a small flashlight out of her backpack, directed the beam over the scorched debris, and moved the rubble with her toe. Nothing.
One more sweep of the light and she’d return to the others. Probably not supposed to be here anyway. A weak squawk emanated from the far corner of the building. Picking up a scorched stick, she poked at the debris. A puff of smoke rose as she made her way to where the sound came from. Shining the light into the corner, she saw movement. She knelt down and carefully shifted the charred rubble. Laying on its side, head slightly raised, and using a wing in an attempt to right itself was a small parrot. Its little eyes locked on her for a moment before its head lowered to the ground.
Frantically, she glanced around, but there was no one in sight. How far had she ventured without telling anyone? The structure overhead groaned in warning. No time. “Okay little one, it’s you and me. I don’t have much experience at this, but I’ll do my best.” Shrugging out of her backpack, she unzipped it completely. “I’m going to scoop you up in my backpack and get help.” She didn’t raise her voice to call for help for fear of scaring the poor thing.
Clearing as much debris away from the bird as possible, she scooped up the parrot in her bag. Slowly she stood, so as not to jostle the little creature. Holding the bag gently against her chest, she picked her way across the downed wooden braces, charred remnants of cabinetry, and broken glass.
Buy links:
Take a listen to the audiobook. You know you want to. LOL
I’m so happy to be part of the Mountain of Authors this year. Remember, at Pikes Peak Library District, you can do anything you set your mind to. Of course, they offer books at each of the14 libraries. But did you know you can also get help with at-home education, do virtual yoga, learn a new language, discover your family tree, stream music, watch movies, and more? PPLD offers so many exciting things, it’s hard to capture them all! Learn more about what all you can access with your library card at
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Audiobook. Chocolate Raspberry Magic, Chocolate Raspberry Magic, Mountain of Authors, Paranormal Romance/Mystery, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.
Mountain of Authors – What Fun!

Okay, I learned more than that. We listened to a panelist of writers on Writing for History. Gotta get your facts straight or you can bet someone will call you on it. Yep, that’s why I write paranormal romance, I can make things up as I go and no one is the wiser. <grin>
The next panel discussed “I Wrote a Book, Now What?” The panel of three were experienced in the publishing industry and gave us their take on the industry today. Which is kinda like the Colorado weather, if you don’t like the way things are going, just wait a week or so. The industry seems to be always in flux. Tough if you’re a new writer — heck, if you’re a seasoned writer as well.
I laughed, waved, talked, and snickered with lots of old friends, Pikes Peak Writers were well represented. Then compared notes with several well-known authors, and met a lot of new authors, wanna be authors and readers. As luck would have it, I sold and signed a few books which is always good. I hope the purchasers enjoy reading my books as much as I did writing them.
It was a pleasant way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Now it’s time to prepare for the Pikes Peak Writer’s Conference April 27th – 30th. Gee I wonder what kind of trouble I can find lurking in the halls of the Marriott Hotel where the conference is held? Check back for my guest author later this week.
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Authors, fantasy, Fun, history, horror, Mountain of Authors, Pikes Peak Library District, Romance, Sci-Fi, Writers by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.
It’s Here Again, the PPLD Mountain of Authors!

Yippee!!!!! My first book signing of 2017 happens at Pikes Peak Library District’s Mountain of Authors, April 8th, 2017 at Library 21C, 1175 Chapel Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO. For more information click on the logo to the left and for directions to Library 21C click on “map it“. After attending the Mountain of Author’s last year, I am thrilled to be invited back. I had a blast in 2016 talking with several of my favorite authors, Anne Hillerman and local author Nancy Atherton just to name a few. If you have ever wanted to write a book or visit with your favorite local authors this is the place to be. Have you been to the Library 21C? It’s quite a wondrous place where the magic of imagination runs rampant, but quietly. LOL
This year Mark Lee Gardner, Pikes Peak regional historian, author, and musician is the keynote speaker. There will be two panel discussions one on historical authors and another group to answer the question “I Wrote a Book…Now What?” Boy, that’s a question a lot of aspiring authors need answers to, so come on by, the fun starts at 11:00 a.m. Bring your friends and meet your favorite local authors. A fun time and chocolate will be had by all, I promise!
I’ll be signing my books along with approximately thirty other Pikes Peak region authors from 4 to 5 p.m., please come by for a chat. Learn about my newest novel, A Warlock’s Secrets, to be released this spring, it’s the second in the Demon’s Witch series. Maybe even get a peek at the swoon worthy cover art. Print copies of my books will be available, so what are you waiting for, mark it on your calendar right now in big red letters. You don’t want to miss it.
See you at the PPLD Mountain of Authors. If you are in the area, please stop by, I look forward to meeting and talking with all of you. If you want a signed copy of one of my books and are unable to attend Mountain of Authors, leave a comment and I’ll make arrangements to get you one.
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Posted in My Say What Blog and tagged Book Signing, Demons, local lore, Mountain of Authors, Pikes Peak Library District, Romance, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with 2 comments.
10th Anniversary – Mountain of Authors

The keynote speaker was Anne Hillerman, daughter of award winning author, Tony Hillerman who penned eighteen Navajo mysteries. I loved his books and was deeply saddened at his passing in October of 2008. I own every one of his books and have enjoyed the adventures of characters, Joe Leaphorn, Jim Chee and Bernadette Manuelito.
I was excited to learn that Anne has followed in her father’s footsteps breathing life into his beloved characters once again. Giving Bernadette a fresh, strong woman view point in Spider Woman’s Daughter and Rock With Wings. She also researched and wrote Tony Hillerman’s Landscape: On the Road with Chee and Leaphorn. A stunning collection of original documentary photographs of the New Mexico and Arizona landscapes that were integral to Tony’s detective novels. Pictures by photographer, Don Strel, Anne’s husband. This is a timely showcase of a hauntingly beautiful region that captured one man’s imagination for a lifetime, and is a daughter’s loving tribute to her father. Yep, you guessed it, the book enjoys a place in the center of my coffee table.
Okay one more fangirl observation. Nancy Atherton, author of over twenty Aunt Dimity mysteries, including many bestsellers. These cozy mysteries whisk you away to a small village in England filled with quirky characters. Again, I have all of her books. Nancy’s participation in the Mountain of Authors – It’s A Mystery Panel was very
entertaining along side her cohorts in crime, Robert Greer and Manuel Ramos.
It was thrilling to visit with the above authors as well as many other talented local authors. I look forward to next year’s Mountain of Authors. I’d love to see you there.
Thanks for putting up with my fangirl musing. Oh did I mention I sold a few of my books too. Exciting adventure for a new author. Warning shameless promotion! June 15th my third book, A Witch’s Journey will be released. You’ll love it!
I enjoy hearing from readers and other authors. So please feel free to leave a comment. Until next time, take time out of your hectic schedule to read a good book. Its a great stress reducer, if only for a few hours.
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Posted in My Say What Blog, The Pikes Peak Region and tagged A Witch's Journey, Anne Hillerman, Authors, books, Mountain of Authors, Mystery, Nancy Atherton, PPLD, Tony Hillerman, Writers by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.