A Witch’s Holiday Wedding #99cents #MFRWHooks
Happy Holidays! #MFRWHooks presents a heartwarming Holiday tale. A Witch’s Holiday Wedding. AND THE E-BOOK IS ON SALE FOR 99 CENTS! WooHoo! You’re not going be believe what happens during the holidays in Lobster Cove in A Witch’s Holiday Wedding, my paranormal romance/mystery. Also available on audiobook!A small town paranormal romance/mystery. Torn in too many directions, with a covert military mission thrown in, will Pepper and Lathen make it to the alter? Join the #fantasy#adventure, download a copy today!
Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler. Take your choice of a Chocolate Chip or Pumpkin, or Peanut Butter cookies from the plate, and let’s find out a little about A Witch’s Holiday Wedding. part of A Witch Journey and Lobster Cove Series. All books can be read as stand alone. Go ahead you know you want to grab a copy and join the #magical #fantasy, #adventure today! You’ll be so glad you did.
What is A Witch’s Holiday Wedding all about?
Elemental witch, Pepper McKay and former Navy SEAL, Lathen Quartz have built Lobster Cove Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center on enchanted McKay land. During a romantic interlude on Halloween night, Pepper happily agrees to become Lathen’s wife. What better day than Winter Solstice for their wedding in a town that loves celebrations and Christmas. However, planning a wedding and operating their wildlife center takes a toll on both Pepper and Lathen.
When the couple takes a much-needed break for Thanksgiving with family in Colorado, a Maine snowstorm fills the center with injured wildlife. Lathen finds himself drawn into a covert military mission, while trying to deal with issues concerning friends and family. Pepper wants to cancel the wedding. Is she having second thoughts? Will the nosy McKay ghosts, Lathen’s werewolf pack, Pepper’s parents, and her best friend help or hinder the wedding and holiday plans?
Sneak peek between the pages of A Witch’s Holiday Wedding: New Hook!
Half an hour later, Lathen turned the truck onto the gravel drive to the cabin, slowed, and stared at the dark SUV parked in front of the cabin. Slowly he guided the truck behind the vehicle, noticing that the plates were government issue. What the hell is this?
Pepper leaned forward in her seat. “What’s a government SUV doing sitting in front of our home?”
“Maybe it’s the DIFW,” Lathen said hopefully. He turned off the headlights and cut the engine. The doors opened on the SUV, and four men in suits stepped out and waited.
Oh shit, this doesn’t bode well. He recognized one of the men, Lt. Commander Raymond Sale. Lathen jumped out of the truck as Pepper opened her door. “Pepper, why don’t you go on inside, let Tonk and Ember out, but keep them close. I’ll just be a minute.”
Pepper glanced from the men and back to Lathen. She opened her mouth to protest, but he shook his head and glanced toward the cabin where he could hear Tonk and Ember barking. For a beat he watched Pepper turn and walk the path to the cabin. He turned his attention to the men standing in the driveway.
Available from: Available at: Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, audible, and other online retailers!
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.
This is a blog hop! Visit all the Book Hooks from #MFRWHooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged #MFRWHooks, 99cent sale, A Witch's Holiday Wedding, magic, Mystery, Paranormal Romance/Mystery, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with 11 comments.
A Witch’s Journey 99cents Sale #MFRWHooks
Yippee!! #MFRWHooks presents a Spooktacular #mystery, #fantasy #autumn read A Witch’s Journey, first book in A Witch’s Journey Series. You’re not going be believe what happens at the Halloween Fesitival, my paranormal romance/mystery. WooHoo! Former Navy Seal, Lathen Quartz helps Pepper, a powerful witch, achieve her life-long dream of a wild life rescue, but can they save the McKay magicJoin the #fantasy#adventure, download an e-book today! Psst… available in audiobook too!
Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cauldron. Take your choice of a bat wing Chocolate Chip or Pumpkin, or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about A Witch’s Journey. first book in A Witch Journey Series. All books can be read as stand alone. Go ahead you know you want to grab a copy and join the #magical #fantasy, #adventure today! You’ll be so glad you did.
What is A Witch’s Journey all about?
Pepper McKay comes from a long line of powerful witches. Unfortunately, magic brings her nothing but trouble. She learned the love of wildlife rescue and rehab from her Aunt Ashling. After graduating from college, Pepper works for Salem Wildlife Sanctuary and lives from paycheck to paycheck until she inherits the McKay property in Lobster Cove. With the family land and resources, she dares to dream of starting her own wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center. But someone is trying to steal the McKay magic!
Lathen Quartz, a former Navy SEAL turned handyman maintains the enchanted McKay property for the McKay estate. But someone is trying to steal the McKay magic. Lathen offers to help Pepper achieve her life-long dream of building a wildlife center. During the long hours spent together on the project, their mutual attraction can’t be denied. But each harbors a deep, dark secret. Will they overcome their demons and give love a chance?
Sneak peek between the pages of A Witch’s Journey:
Klaren threw her coffee in his face, cup and all, then bolted out of his arms and down the stairs as a huge reddish wolf advanced snarling and leaped over the railing knocking Ben down the stairs. He hit the ground and tumbled down the path, he scrambled to get to his feet. But the wolf was too fast, one leap and animal landed on the Ben’s back, knocking him forward before he finally landed face down on the ground out cold. In a blink of an eye, the wolf was gone and witches closed in on all sides.
Pepper ran to her mother and helped her to her feet. “You ok?”
“I’m fine, just sorry I didn’t have time to get more information out of the son of a bitch. Did you see what he did? I wasn’t about to let him transport me to who knows where.” Klaren brushed at the knees of her jeans viciously.
The witches formed a circle around Ben. Wisps of fog trailed along the ground and took shape as spirits floating in the meadow. Duncan stepped forward and cast a spell ensnaring the man in vines of shimmering light.
“Don’t make the vines too tight around his neck, we need him to be able to speak,” Ravyn said in a calm lilting voice.
“Done,” Duncan replied.
Ravyn flicked her fingers, a bucket of water appeared over Ben’s head, it tipped and the liquid splashed over him.
Ben sputtered and cursed, his eyes wild.
“Mr. Bochard. It’s come to our attention that you are misusing magic for personal gain. You’ve called on dark magic to curse an innocent to do harm to your own kind. How do you plead?” Ravyn asked in a commanding tone.
“Bitch.” Ben bit out. “I only acted to get back what was mine.” He narrowed his eyes at Pepper.
She cast a blindfold on him. “Don’t want to take any chances. Not sure what he’s capable of.” Pepper said when Ravyn glared at her.
Ravyn nodded. “I’ll take that as a guilty plea, Mr. Bochard . Therefore, you are to be spellbound immediately.” She paused. “But first, Pepper do you have the candle?”
“Yes.” Pepper produced a tall, thick twisted black candle with beautifully carved moon phases on all sides.
“Step into the circle, face the full moon depiction north.” Raven closed her eyes and murmured several words. The candle ignited in a black flame flickered then faded to pure white.
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.
This is a blog hop! Visit all the Book Hooks from #MFRWHooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Witch's Journey, animal rescue, Mystery, Paranormal Romance/Mystery, Shapeshifters, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with 1 comment.
Three Widows of Wylder by Julie Howard

Okay Julie, what was the hardest decision you ever made?
To go back to work after I had children. I loved my job but was so torn about leaving my kids in someone else’s care. I ended up quitting that job three different times to stay home with my children for a while. It was a stretch financially but we made it work. My employer was soooo patient with me and always took me back.
Who would you recommend this book to and what should readers be aware of before reading it?
This has appeal to lovers of historical fiction, those interested in the American Old West, and women who enjoy stories about strong women who overcome the odds. There is a dark theme in this story – each woman has a terrible secret in her past. This isn’t a light read, though there’s plenty of humor, but it is a story of redemption and survival.
What inspired you to write?
I’m inspired by all the wonderful books I’ve enjoyed over the years. I always wanted to be a writer too and create stories others would enjoy. Books are a gift – I so appreciate the wonderful authors out there who have produced their stories.
Do you see yourself in your characters?
There’s a bit of me in all my characters, even the bad ones. I’m not sure how it could be otherwise. I don’t mean I’ve done the things my characters have, but I can dig deep and find a glimmer of understanding how a character might react a certain way. I try to get inside their mind (strange, because they are literally in my mind) and become them while I’m writing their scenes.
Tell us three things we’d find if we looked under your heroine’s bed?
Great question! I have three main characters. There wouldn’t be anything under Clara’s bed as she’s an impeccable housewife. Mary Rose will have an old corset, a boxful of ribbons, two pairs of knickers, five pairs of shoes and a box of stale candy under hers. Emma will store several rabbit snares under her bed, along with a bag of marbles she won five years ago from a boy in a bet at school.
Speed Round (one word only answer): Yep, I know torture for a writer!<evil laugh>
Favorite movie: Squid Game (current series)
Favorite book: The Moon is Down by John Steinbeck
Last book read: Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr
Favorite color: Green
Stilettos or flipflops: Flipflops
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Ebook or audiobook or paperback: Anything
Pencil or pen: Pen
Favorite song: Imagine by John Lennon
Favorite dessert: Anything chocolate
Favorite junk food: Nachos
Favorite thing to do to relax: Read!
Champagne or gin: Gin
Paranormal or Historical: Tough one, but maybe historical has the edge
Wonder Woman or Top Model: Wonder Woman
Favorite TV show: Seinfeld
Hot or cold: Cold
I’d die if I don’t have: My family
Now tell us a little about Three Widows of Wylder.
After the death of her husband, Clara flees a hanging judge and seeks refuge with her brother in Wylder, Wyoming.
With secrets of her own and good reasons to flee, spoiled and vain Mary Rose joins Clara on the trek to Wyoming. Surely a suitable man exists somewhere.
Emma is a mystery. A crack shot and expert horsewoman, her harrowing past seeps out in a steady drip. She’s on the run from something, but what?
After the three women descend on Wylder, a budding romance leads to exposure of their pasts. As disaster looms, will any of them escape?
Sneak peek between the pages of Three Widows of Wyyder.
Emma stood, legs apart, one hand on the pistol at her hip. The covered wagon was the type used years ago by pioneers, before trains tamed the prairie, and they still lumbered across areas where tracks hadn’t been laid. Two women sat side-by-side, too focused on their argument to yet notice the camp they entered. Their one horse, overmatched by the heavy wagon, was damp with sweat, its mouth flecked with froth.
“We should have stayed on the main road.” The peevish one appeared much younger, curly gold hair topped by a large straw hat. She wore a light-yellow dress with lace at her wrists and throat, a perfectly inadequate outfit for travel. “Someone could have provided directions.”
The older woman had finely-drawn features, a few strands of gray threaded through her dark, uncovered hair. Dressed in sensible blue calico, she gripped the reins too tight and the poor horse gave a pathetic shake of its head. “The whole point was to avoid people,” she sniped.
Emma strode forward and seized the reins. “For God’s sake, you’re killing him.”
The two women gaped as though at an apparition. The horse, released from harsh hands, lowered its head and halted. Its sides heaved as flies drank at its sweaty flanks.
“Whomever let you two fools handle a horse should be whipped.” Tempted to dispatch the women to hell for their cruelty, Emma rested her hand on the pistol’s handle.
They two travelers spoke in tandem. “Who are you?” and “How dare you call me a fool.”
As Emma crooned into in the horse’s ear, her expert fingers undid the buckles at its shoulders and haunches. By the time the older of the two women climbed to the ground, the horse was unhitched and Emma led it to the creek.
“That’s our horse,” cried the one in yellow. “Clara, what is that insane girl doing? She’s stealing him.”
Emma halted, shoulders stiff. She turned and pointed the pistol at the one with lace at her throat. “I’m no horse thief.” She cocked the hammer. “Apologize.”
Buy Links: Amazon. iBooks, Barnes and Noble, Bookbub, and Goodreads.
About the author:
Julie Howard is the author of the Wild Crime mystery series and Spirited Quest paranormal mystery series. She is a former journalist and editor who has covered topics ranging from crime to cowboy poetry. She is a member of the Idaho Writers Guild and editor of the Potato Soup Journal. Learn more at juliemhoward.com.
Website: http://juliemhoward.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/juliemhowardauthor
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18116047.Julie_Howard
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Julie-Howard/e/B07D6CS4NQ/
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/julie-howard?list=author_books
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_JulieMHoward
Follow her on Instagram: @authorjuliehoward
It’s been great having you with us today. Good luck with Three Widows of Wylder. I’ll be grabbing my copy. I’ve read and loved all the Wylder West Series!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Contemporary Romance, Historical Romance, Judy Howard, Mystery, Three Widows of Wylder, Western Romance, Wylder Wesr Series, Wyoming Territory by Tena Stetler with 2 comments.
Twisted Lies by C.B. Clark

Thank you for hosting me on Author’s Secrets, Tena! I’m thrilled to be here.
Anyone who tells you writing is easy is selling you a line of drivel. Writing is hard. Very hard. It’s especially challenging when you don’t plot out your story before you start. Yep, that’s right. I’m a pantster, one of those quirky writers who start with a first sentence and a germ of an idea and run from there. I enjoy not knowing what’s going to happen next and letting my characters lead me. Since I write romance, I know that no matter what trials and tribulations my main characters face, they’re going to have a happy ending.
In Twisted Lies, my heroine, Athena Reynolds, was the impetus for the story. Her battle with alcoholism is an important thread. She has a will of her own and provoked many unexpected twists and turns, some heart wrenching, others heart-warming. I rooted for her to find true love and happiness, and I hope you will too.
Tells us a little about Twisted Lies:
Athena Cooper’s tragic past drives her to seek solace in a bottle. The addiction threatens her legal career, and she risks spiraling out of control. When her dog engineers a meeting with an all-too-handsome hunk, it’s lust at first sight…until she discovers his identity.
Businessman Russell Crawford is desperate to find the woman who cheated him out of his inheritance. His shock when she turns out to be the gorgeous red head he had a brief encounter with is only surpassed when she claims his father was a murderer.
Athena and Russ declare a truce and join forces to investigate the mystery of her parents’ disappearance from an isolated island off the rugged Northwest Coast of British Columbia. Russ promises to be her safe harbor as they uncover long-buried secrets that rock her very foundation. Can she overcome a lifelong distrust and open her heart to love?
How about a peek between the pages of Twisted Lies?
How was it possible? After all these years? The past she’d been running from had found her. The nightmare was back. The envelope fell from her shaking hands. Her legs wobbled as she rose and stumbled out of the living room and down the short hall to the kitchen.
Afternoon sunlight streamed through the window above the sink. The cozy kitchen, with its walls painted a cheerful butter yellow, and the well-scrubbed laminate countertops, gleamed. The steady hum of the refrigerator and ticking of the antique clock on the wall were the only sounds in the silent house. The pungent smell of fried onions and roasted garlic from last night’s homemade spaghetti sauce hung in the air.
The efficient kitchen, with its breakfast nook and view of the tidy, fenced backyard and the rolling, grassy foothills and snow-crested Rocky Mountains beyond, was the reason she’d bought the small rancher. This was her favorite room—the place she sought refuge when life overwhelmed her. How many times had she sat there in the evenings after work, sipping a glass of chilled white wine, watching the birds at the feeder on the back porch, breathing in the sweet smells of flowering Saskatoon bushes, regrouping until she was ready to face the world?
These days, her drink of choice was a cup of herbal tea or unsweetened apple juice. Alcohol was off the table…had been for twenty-one unendurable days.
But today, all bets were off.
Buy Links:
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iBooks, and Books2Read – Universal buy link:
About the Author::
Twisted Lies is award-winning author, C.B. Clark’s seventh novel published by The Wild Rose Press. When she’s not busy traveling around the globe or hiking and camping in the wilderness near her home in northern British Columbia, she can be found in front of her laptop plotting the next story.
Social Media Links:
Facebook: cbclarkauthor@facebook.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cbclarkauthor
Blog: https://cbclarkauthor.wordpress.com
Goodreads Author Page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15029617.C_B_Clark
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cbclarkauthor/
Amazon Profile Page: https://www.amazon.com/C.-B.-Clark/e/B01BK61TQG/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1517868402&sr=1-2-ent
Book Bub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/c-b-clark
It’s been great having you with us today. Good luck with Twister Lies!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged CB Clark, Mystery, Twisted Lies by Tena Stetler with 13 comments.