An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement #MFRWHooks

 Yippee!! #MFRWHooks presents a fantastic summer read, An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement, my paranormal romance/mystery. WooHoo!  AND it’s only #99cents for a limited time! Grab your copy today! Where Warrior Angel, Caden goes, trouble follows until he discovers a badly beaten woman barely clinging to life. Unprepared for the entanglement she brings to his doorstep, will he move heaven and earth to save her?   Join the #adventure, download a copy today!



Pull up a chair and get comfy, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement, part of the award winning A Demon’s Witch’ Series.  All books can be read as stand alone.


What is An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement is all about.

Fallen warrior angel, Caden Silverwind, lives alone in Colorado’s rugged Rockies, healing from physical wounds as well as the mental anguish suffered during battles with dark demons. Then he finds a woman barely clinging to life after a horrendous beating. He is not prepared for the entanglement she brings to his life, nor the feelings she awakens in him.


Bureau of Indian Affairs Agent, Mystic Rayne’s personal dilemma and assignment nearly gets her killed. Divine intervention is a complication she never expected and her growing attraction to Caden is undeniable. Can she trust him with her secret?


Their quest to uncover her attacker takes them from the pristine mountains in Colorado to the wilds of Wyoming. Along the way, they find answers which may place them in more danger. Determined to solve the mystery, they must also navigate their feelings and fears to find love and unite heaven and earth.

Sneak peek between the pages of An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement:  New hook

Screams of terror accompanied by mournful howls pierced the crisp night air as Caden Silverwind settled into his chair in front of the crackling campfire. Shadows from the flames danced across the dark tree trunks, curling and twisting in mesmerizing shapes. Caden had heard it all before, but tonight the usual ceremonial chants ended with menacing growls then sudden eerie silence, rather than the quiet winding down of previous nights.

Maybe he should investigate the unearthly sounds that echoed against the canyon walls, but he just couldn’t. The last battle with dark demons had nearly destroyed his body and shattered his soul. Once shimmering marble-gray wings, now hung charcoal black with his muscles barely able to bring them forth from his back to brush the air without severe pain and fatigue.

Against the advice of his superiors, he chose an indefinite sabbatical in the Colorado Rockies. Their rugged strength and majestic beauty allowed him the serenity to pick up the pieces, face his own fears, and contemplate the future, if there was one.

Perhaps I should’ve remained among the warrior angels and used the facilities above to heal physically and repair what is left of my damaged soul. He shook his head slowly taking in the bounty of nature around him. No, I made the right decision. Leaning back in his chair, he relaxed and watched the dancing flames consume the logs until glowing embers were all that remained in the fire ring.

The next morning, dislodged rocks and sticks bounced down the path ahead of him as he stopped to admire the view and noticed something in the brush.

She lay naked, battered, and beaten several yards off the trail. Her long, straight black hair fanned around her head, tangled with twigs and bits of grass.  Caden moved silently toward her, stopped, and picked up a Bureau of Indian Affairs ID a few feet from where she lay. He stuffed it in his pocket while watching the surrounding area for signs of her attackers.


Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

This is a blog hop! Visit all the Book Hooks from #MFRWHooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!

Thanks for stopping in for #MFRWHooks.

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Friday the 13th 2021, Here it Comes – Be Warned! #Writerslife

Friday the 13th

In a year of “what else can possibly go wrong?” August, Friday 13th, 2021 has arrived.  As dawn’s early light swept in my bedroom window, I peeked from beneath the covers hesitantly wondering what the day would bring. Never being one to be overly superstitious, I found this feeling unnerving. The date associated with bad luck, black cats, towering ladders not to walk under, and scary happenings creates a perfect storm for the superstitious! I’m not one of those, at least I wasn’t, I long ago embraced Friday the thirteenth, and all things thirteen probably because it wasn’t done in my household.

My mom was the queen of superstitious. She avoided walking under ladders, tossed salt over her shoulder when she spilled some, never broke a mirror to my recollection, and would walk or drive blocks out of her way to avoid allowing a black cat to cross her path.  Until that fateful day I brought home the cutest solid black kitten with the bluest eyes. Named him Panther after my high school mascot. He blessed us with his presence for twenty-two years. I miss that cat! He was my lucky charm.

The irrational fear of the number thirteen has been given a scientific name: “triskaidekaphobia”; and this the fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskevidekatriaphobia, from the Greek words Paraskeví (Παρασκευή, meaning “Friday”), and dekatreís (δεκατρείς, meaning “thirteen”). Yeah it’s probably more than you wanted to know. LOL

Ever wonder what started this Frrday the 13th Fear?

Knights Templar

The predominant 20th-century theory suggests that it stemmed from an event that occurred on Friday, October 13, 1307, when thousands belonging to an influential religious military order called the Knights Templar (officially, the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon) were arrested for blasphemy and other affronts at the command of France’s king, Philip IV. Many were later tortured, coerced into making false confessions, and executed.

When the knights were burned at the stake in Paris, the order’s leader, Jacque de Molay, cried out, “God knows who is wrong and has sinned. Soon, a calamity will occur to those who have condemned us to death.” The holy warrior’s curse and wrongful death put a hex on Friday the 13th through the ages.

Norse Mythology

Do you know the story of Loki? (No not Thor’s brother) At a dinner with 12 of the Norse gods, Loki was not invited. However, the trouble-maker showed up, fighting ensued, and one of the most popular gods (Baldur) was killed that day.

Now that I’m on a roll, got more Friday the 13th fun facts!

Wonder why the mere mention of 13 is considered unlucky? Look no further than Friday the 13th. Today, modern skyscrapers will often skip the 13th floor–going straight from 12 to 14. Similarly, airlines often avoid the number altogether for airplane rows and arrival gates.

Weddings dates, new job starts, going on a trip, or any other auspicious occasions are usually planned to avoid the 13th day of the month — especially Friday the 13th — to ensure good fortune.

The number 13 has been associated with bad luck since the time of Christ, when the Last Supper was attended by Jesus and his 12 apostles. Judas, who would ultimately betray Jesus, was believed to be the last and 13th member to arrive.

Famous people born on Friday the 13th include actors Christopher Plummer, Steve Buscemi, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, director Alfred Hitchcock and Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

Franklin Roosevelt had such an irrational fear of Friday the 13 that he would avoid traveling on Fridays.

For  Stephen King, (the famous horror author) the number 13 is scary.  Yep he has triskaidekaphobia (fear of the number 13). But when the date falls on a Friday, it’s horrifying. Such a double-whammy of fears has its own name: paraskevidekatriaphobia. Imagine that!

Jack the Ripper claimed his final victim on Friday the 13th in 1888.

Bet you didn’t know months that begin on a Sunday will always have a Friday the 13th.  I kid you not,

To sprinkle a little good cheer on this Friday the 13th, heaven knows we need it, take a peek at A Witch’s Journey Series There are twists, turns, elements of mystery but this is a story about magic, power, love, second chances, and redemption. Not to mention several 5-star reviews!!

In A Witch’s Journey, The McKay Magic is legendary. But when Pepper inherits the property little known secrets emerge.

A heart warming tale, A Witch’s Holiday Wedding, Pepper and Lathen are torn in too many directions, with a covert mission thrown in, will they make it to the alter?

As wildlife rehabilitator, Gwen and veterinarian, Brock at Salem Sanctuary discovery the consequences of Hidden Gypsy Magic, the series continues.

Join the magical adventures, pick up the series today!    UK links

One more good thing about this Friday the 13th is the Paranormal Romantic’s Celebration.  Come join in the fun, games, giveaways at Paranormal Romantic’s Fan FB Party


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Midnight Acquisition by Jayne York – An Interview

Give a warm welcome to Jayne York, author of  Midnight Acquisition, her new release. Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Jayne and her Midnight Acquisition. 

Jayne tell us what inspired this particular story?

I’ve been a custom jeweler for something like forty years. As you can imagine, the number of customers I’ve worked with during that time is daunting. They all have one thing in common though—each and everyone has a story attached to the project they bring to me. It doesn’t matter if it’s the creation of an engagement ring that starts their story or the restoration of a family piece that’s been lovingly handed down from generation to generation. It’s always a privilege to participate in commemorating their personal legend.  

What mistakes have you made and what did you learn from them?

The list of mistakes is too long to compile I’m afraid. The one that sticks out the most prominently comes from a lesson I learned in writing my first book “If Wishes Were Horses”, and that is that you should be very selective when sharing your work. It’s easy to be dissuaded by people who have no real talent for storytelling. Asking random opinions can draw you off your path toward publication. It can dampen your enthusiasm or your spirits, and cause you shove your work under the bed. Always make certain those you ask for an opinion are better writers than you are.

What do you want your readers to take away from your books?

Fearlessness. Take your destiny in your hands and step out of your comfort zone. That’s where life is.

Where do your story ideas come from? If they come to you in the middle of the night, do you get up and write them all down?

My desk, my purse and my phone are littered with “notes to self.” I sleep too soundly to remember brilliant ideas from dreams, but often times while zoning out during long drives I’ll work out plot twists and have to grab my phone to record an idea or pull off the road to furiously jot down the note before it gets lost in the ether.

Okay, you’re casting the movie version of your novel – who would you choose for the main characters? We’re talking dream cast.

Now this one’s simple because I always have an actor in mind when developing a character. I post a pic of them to my desktop to keep their image fresh as I’m picturing them in action in the book.

Dream Cast:  Female MC: Juliette Rochambeau

                        Katherine Heigl (Jen in Killers)

                        Male MC: Becket Ford

                        Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jamie Lannister in Game of Thrones)


Favorite movie: Casablanca
Favorite book: Outlander, Diana Gabaldon
Last book read: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, Marcus Rediker
Favorite color: Turquoise
Stilettos or flipflops: Flipflops
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Ebook or audiobook or paperback: Ebook
Pencil or pen: Computer

Favorite song: River, Joni Mitchell

Streak or not: NOT

Favorite dessert: Apple Crisp

Favorite junk food: Sea Salt/Black Pepper chips

Favorite thing to do to relax: Bourbon and Blues

Champagne or gin: Dirty Martini

Paranormal or Historical: Historical

Wonder Woman or Top Model: Wonder Woman

Favorite TV show: White Collar

Hot or cold: Hot

POV: Third Person

I’d die if I don’t have: Family

Review or Not: Review

Tell us a little more about Midnight Acquisition:

Juliette Rochambeau was heartbroken when the boy she loved ran from South Carolina. Fifteen years later, she returns to her hometown to appraise her family’s historic gem-encrusted necklace. Becket Ford is a thief whose regret over leaving Juliette behind tears at his heart. His remorse, however, must take a back seat when a sadistic puppet master forces him to use their connection to steal the necklace or die trying. As they both vie for possession of the priceless jewels, lingering desire and emotion from years ago explode back to life. But escaping a madman and finding a future free of their past may just be a fantasy…

  A sneak peek between the pages of Midnight Acquisition:

“Hello, Jules.” His lips quirked up, and she took a hesitant step toward him as if he’d pulled on an invisible thread. A swarm of bees erupted in her chest. He stood, and she couldn’t help herself; she took him in from hair to soft leather loafers. Their gazes locked. His startling gray eyes should have been cool given the color, but the emotion swimming in their depths held her fixed in place. Riveted. The silvery center rimmed in a blue so dark it was nearly black, and thick lashes, a lush sable brown like the roots of his hair. This Beck was as familiar as home and at the same time different as night from day. Gone was the boyish promise of good looks, and in its place, a devastatingly handsome man. The shoulders she used to love were broader, his waist honed. The flat stomach she’d caressed with curious, questing fingers was now an impressive six-pack of muscle revealed by the cling of his T-shirt. His chest, when he drew in a deep breath, strained the white fabric. Her body seemed to disconnect from her mind, and the power of speech deserted her. When she finally mustered the wherewithal to reply, her voice resembled the grate of a rusty screen door. “What are you doing here?” She cleared her throat. “I mean, hello yourself. I didn’t know you were back in Charleston.” She fought the urge to sling herself across the distance and jump into his arms. Her fists clenched to drag back control. Pull yourself together, Juliette. He trashed your stupid heart and didn’t think twice.

Purchase Links:

Amazon    iTunes   Google Books   Kobo   Barnes and Noble

 About the author:

I can’t resist the call of a great story. As the child of a world-class machinist and a frustrated artist, I learned early on the joy of creating handcrafted jewelry. Each piece, like every customer, has its own tale to tell. You’ll find them, collected like pearls in a strand, inside my steamy contemporary romance and edge-of-your-seat romantic suspense novels. Like my one-of-a-kind pieces of jewelry, the heroines in my books are rare, desirable and priceless. Their hearts can only be won by sexy, formidable heroes. ~*~ Find me online at:


Blog:’s On My Mind


Twitter: @JayneYorkAuthor

Facebook: JayneYorkAuthor

It’s been great having you with us today.  Good luck with Midnight Acquisition!

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Mystic Maples #99cents Sale #MFRWHooks

Looking to escape the winter doldrumes? #MFRWHooks is the award winning Mystic Maples, one of the A Deerbourne Inn Series. ON SALE FOR 99CENTS! When Mercy discovers the truth, Silvanus’ well-ordered life unravels and they’re catapulted into the past to right a wrong.

So pull up a chair and get comfy, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Mystic Maples!

A little more about Mystic Maples

Earth/Fire witch Mercy Rose’s insatiable curiosity always gets her in trouble. After a break-in at her Colorado flower shop, and a court battle that comes to a screeching halt in her favor, she arrives at Deerbourne Inn for a much-needed getaway. Looking for peace and quiet, she finds just the opposite in a startling handsome but mysterious man and his dog.

Silvanus Forrest’s gypsy/fae heritage is a double-edged sword. The land he inherited from his parents is rumored to be enchanted. But when Mercy discovers the truth, his well-ordered life unravels, and they’re catapulted into the past to right a wrong. Along the way their lives intertwine, and they discover the true meaning of family and love. Will they change the past in time to save their future?

A peek between the pages of Mystic Maples: The hook.

“Don’t touch that,” he barked. It was too late.

Her fingers stroked the rusted padlock. It sprang open. Puffs of dried soil sprinkled the carpet around the chest. He placed a restraining hand on her arm just as she tentatively dug her fingers into the soil.  “This isn’t from your land. It’s —.”  A swirl of colors sucked them in and a feeling of weightlessness surrounded her. She grabbed a hold of Sil’s arm. Then suddenly they were back inside the wagon.

Only something was amiss, the silence, the earthy smell wasn’t right. She shivered. What have I done? Taking a deep breath, she whirled around to face Sil.

“What the hell just happened?”

He shrugged. “You promised not to touch a thing. Lets get out of here.”  Reaching for the vardo’s handle, he pushed down and the door opened into a small barn. He strode to the door, tugging Mercy along with him. When he shoved it open moonlight  spread across an open field casting silvery shadows through the bordering trees. Off in the distance stood a  ramshackle cabin.

A warm breeze swept her hair across her face. She stared unblinking. Nothing about the landscape was familiar except the stands of young trees. She bent as if to touch the soil.

His arm flew out and prevented her from reaching the ground. “Its true,” he murmured surveying the area. His lips set in a thin line, he rubbed his temples and stared. Mocking her. “I won’t touch a thing. Well… you did and now…”

“Now what?” she whispered.

He sucked in a breath. With his hand at the small of her back, he urged her up the stairs of the vardo.”I think we better go back inside and talk.”


Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

This is a blog hop! Visit all the Book Hooks from #MFRWHooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!

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