Crimson at Cape May by Randy Overbeck

- Tell us a little bit about Crimson at Cape May.
CRIMSON, like the first novel in series, has been described by a reviewer as “a cold case murder mystery wrapped in a ghost story served with a side of romance, all set in a beautiful location,” in this case the remarkable resort town of Cape May, New Jersey. Having lost his job on the Eastern Shore as a teacher and coach, Darrell heads to Cape May to help with a summer football camp. Little does he know that a resident ghost, the Haunted Bride, waits to plead for him to help her find justice. This time though he has help from another paranormal sensitive, Cassie, a street-wise teen, and together they work to unravel the mystery. Only they find out the young woman’s death is tied to an even more horrendous crime, which may well claim them as its next victims.
- Why did you choose to write ghost stories? Do you really believe in ghosts?
Let me answer the second question first. The short answer is yes, but I prefer Shakespeare’s eloquence, “There is more to heaven and earth, Horatio, than is dreamt of in your philosophy.” (That’s from Hamlet, by the way.) For those not fluent in Shakespearian English, he is simply saying there are just a great many things we simply can’t explain…and ghosts are one of these. And I’m hardly alone in my belief. In two surveys taken recently of the American public, about half of the respondents shared that they believe in ghosts. (And one in five said they’d had an encounter with the spirit word!) I’m hoping that’s a tremendous market to tap.
So when I began work on my new series, the Haunted Shores Mysteries, I decided wrap my murder mystery inside an eerie—though not terrifying—ghost story. I hope–and my readers confirm—the match works quite well. It does make it more challenging, but it’s a challenge I enjoy.
- What inspired this particular story?
You might find surprising, but I usually begin with a pressing social issue. Okay, I have to admit that the location got me started. I was so impressed with the intriguing town of Cape May—and its interesting haunted history—I knew it would be a great location for the second entry in my series, the Haunted Shores Mysteries. But the inspiration for the actual story evolved from my learning about the scourge of human trafficking. Like most Americans, I had seen and read a few items about sexual exploitation in the news, but I hadn’t really considered the problem much further. A recent trip to the Underground Railroad Museum in Cincinnati, Ohio changed all that. The exhibits were so unsettling and powerful, I left aghast. The exhibit on modern slavery set my mind reeling. According to the research documented at the museum, there are more people in slavery today, right now, than at any time in human history! When I learned this, I decided my next novel had to address this issue. So I continued researching human trafficking and imagined how I could write a credible mystery that somehow connected to this abhorrent practice. CRIMNSON AT CAPE MAY was born from that inspiration.
- Why should we read this book/series and what sets you apart from the rest and makes your book/series unique?
What a great question! There are so many talented authors, far more than a reader can ever get to, it’s difficult for a new writer like me to get noticed and find a niche.
Before I began my series, the Haunted Shores Mysteries, I read a great deal of “competing” fiction, both mysteries and ghost stories. While I enjoyed much of what I read, I decided to write something different, novels I hoped would stand out. So I worked to create what William Kent Kreuger, best-selling author, called “a nifty literary feat with a web woven from threads of different literary genres—a bit of romance, a lot of mystery and a good bit of old-fashioned ghost whispering [with] a pretty solid social commentary.” I believe my novels give readers more—a compelling whodunnit, an eerie ghost story, a bit of romantic suspense, and an escape that will take them to an intriguing location, not to mention a compelling look at a current social issue. I’m hoping this is enough to convince readers to give either BLOOD ON THE CHESAPEAKE or CRIMSON AT CAPE MAY a try. Once they do, I ‘m confident readers will find my novels, in the words of Amazon reviewers “a roller coaster ride” “absolutely spellbinding!” “a haunting good time” “a real page turner” and “a thrilling read up to the very end.”
- What kind of research is involved in writing your novels?
I invest a great deal of time in researching the various aspects of the narratives, before I ever put the first line down on paper—well, okay, on the screen. Even though I’m writing fiction, my ultimate goal is to make every aspect of the narratives as credible as possible. I’ve meticulously researched the towns and setting for the novels, so much so readers who are natives have commented that I‘ve capture the essence of the places. Each of my characters is carefully crafted—often drawing from my extensive experience with a wide range of individuals in education—so that readers can recognize and empathize with them. I do my best to learn as much as possible about each of the social issues and develop my story so that the mystery arises logically from it, in CRIMSON’s case, human trafficking. Unlike most other ghost stories, I’ve even tried to make the spectral parts of the narratives as authentic as possible. Eschewing the common tropes of the “friendly ghosts” of many cozies and of the terrifying ghosts of horror movies, I strive to base my ghosts’ actions at least closer to what has been documented about spirits and hauntings—though I do take some literary license here.
- What do you want your readers to take away from your books?
Besides an enjoyable whodunnit and a little romantic escape for a few hours, I hope readers, after finishing either BLOOD ON THE CHESAPEAKE or CRIMSON AT CAPE MAY, feel informed as well as entertained. I hope they can gain an appreciation of the really intriguing places where I set the stories, perhaps even an interest in putting these places on their “to visit” list. I’ve deliberately selected some less well-known shore locations which most readers are likely not familiar with, places with some distinctive character and color, great both for my narratives and for vacations.
Above all these, I hope I’m able to give the readers a little insight into a serious issue society is grapplling with presently. The stories are set in the past, twenty years ago, but the issues they confront—racial injustice in BLOOD and human trafficking in CRIMSON—are very much current. My hope is that by approaching these issues through a historical, fictional narrative, readers can achieve a more nuanced, and perhaps less partisan view, of these pressing problems. A few years ago, I had the privilege to meet the best-selling mystery author S. J. Rosan at a writers’ conference and something she said has stuck with me. “Nonfiction is about reality; fiction is about truth.” In this world where the truth itself seems to be in peril at times, I hope my novels give readers a broader understanding of some truths—even as the novels are, as one recent reviewer put it, “rollicking fun.”
- Any tips to share with fellow authors/aspiring authors?
Many writers say that writing is a solitary act, just you and the computer. While I can’t argue with that, I need to add that my writing would never have risen above the minimum without help from outside. I’ve participated in several really good writing conferences—Killer Nashville, Midwest Writers’ Conference, Sleuthfest—and have found these experiences invaluable for “priming the pump” and getting me to think beyond my boundaries. Not to mention all the connections I’ve made with fellow writers.
But I have found the greatest asset to my writing has been my regular participation in a really great writing group. These fellow writers have been both kind and cruel to my words and my writing has grown as a result. My advice is that if a new writer is serious about putting out his best work, attending writing conferences and working with other writers in a supportive writers’ group are critical.
Tells us a little more about Crimson at Cape May.
No matter how far you run, you can never really escape a haunted past.
Darrell Henshaw—teacher, coach, and paranormal sensitive—learned this lesson the hard way. With his job gone and few options, he heads for Cape May to coach a summer football camp. The resort town, with gorgeous beaches, rich history and famous Victorian mansions, might just be the getaway he needs. Only, no one told him Cape May is the most haunted seaport on the East Coast. One resident ghost, the Haunted Bride, stalks Darrell, begging for his help.
He can’t refuse.
Joining forces with Cassie, a street-wise teen and another sensitive, he investigates the bride’s death and discovers her murder is connected to a far greater horror. But can Darrell and Cassie expose those behind the crimes before they end up being the killer’s next victims?
How about a sneak peek between the pages of Crimson at Cape May?
Why would this woman pursue him?
Now a safe distance away, he studied her. She was thin, with a small, drawn face of pasty skin, and he would’ve guessed her to be about his age, mid-twenties. But there was something about her, something that made him shiver. Did she have a black eye? Were those cuts on her cheek? Why hadn’t he noticed those before, when he passed her on the Promenade?
He sped up, the street crowded, congested with tourists. Normally, the jostling bodies would’ve given him the creeps, but today he was grateful for the numbers so he could blend in.
Not sure where he was headed—except away from his boardinghouse—he kept up a brisk pace. He hurried past the legendary Inn of Cape May, with its ornate, white period architecture and four stories of ancient rooms facing the beach. Any other time, he’d be thinking about taking Erin there. The place had an interesting old-time vibe. That is, if she still wanted anything to do with him. But he didn’t have time for that now. He kept moving.
As he turned back onto Beach Avenue again, the sight of the beautiful blue ocean across the road struck him and he stopped for a moment, then chanced a peek back around the corner. No sign of his stalker.
He reduced his pace, easing past a beach shop, and saw his reflection in the store front. That gave him an idea. Ahead, he spied a coffee shop with two long windows facing the street, the panes so sparkling clean he could see the image of the sun hanging over the ocean in the glass. As he walked along, he turned his head to catch his image and, when he was far enough along, he glanced sideways at the window. Trailing behind him, he could make out, reflected in the glass, only two people, a gray-haired couple. No one else. He took a few more steps, watching and slowing a little, and exhaled. He’d lost her.
He turned and studied the man and woman, who’d paused to examine the restaurant menu posted next to the door. A few feet beyond the couple stood the woman. Darrell’s gaze darted. The couple. The woman. The coffee shop window. Back to her. The petite young woman in the tattered white dress stood hunched not more than ten feet away. Darrell searched for her reflection in the glass. There was not even a shimmer.
Oh no. Not again.
The side of the young woman’s face was beaten and bloodied. Her exposed neck bore a long, ugly purple bruise. The torn dress now had blood seeping across her torso and down her right leg. He looked back. Still nothing in the window. The hairs on his neck stood up.
“What do you want?”
In unison, the pair turned, peered behind and then back at Darrell. The man said, “Son, there’s no one there.”
Darrell kept staring and as he watched, the young woman walked through the older couple and stopped in front of him. This close up, her one deep blue eye—the one not blackened—seemed vacant and carried an emptiness that frightened Darrell. She again extended both pale hands, blood now covering them and dripping off her fingertips. Mesmerized, Darrell watched as fat crimson drops splattered red onto the gray sidewalk.
In her soft voice, she said again, “Please, help me. Help us.”
Darrell shook his head violently. “No. Hell, no. Not again.” Last time almost killed him.
Purchase Links:
Amazon Barnes and Noble BookBub
Reviewers have been generous in their praise of the work.
“A haunting, yet fast-paced whodunit that captures the reader’s attention from page one. A wonderful book!”—Alexandra Ivy, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author
“Delivers an unpredictable mystery along with a powerful look at people…Completely engaged by the intrigue.”—Long and Short Reviews
“With both elements of mystery and suspense, readers across genres will find this second book about Darrell Henshaw intriguing…I highly recommend it.” ★★★★★—Literary Titan
“It’s a ghost/mystery story filled with suspense and action. The plot is so engrossing it had me hooked from the very first page.” ★★★★★—Nana’s Reviews, Greece
“The well-plotted storyline keeps a steady pace through two-thirds of the book and then gradually ups the ante, adds tension, grit, drops more pieces of the puzzle then explodes.”—V. Williams, Rosepoint Publishing
About the Author:
Dr. Randy Overbeck is a veteran educator who has served children as a teacher and school leader. For more than three decades, his educational experiences with responsibilities ranging from coach and yearbook advisor to principal and superintendent and he’s lived the roles of many of the characters in his stories. An accomplished writer, he has been published in trade journals, professional texts and newspapers as well as in fiction, with his third published novel. As a member of the Mystery Writers of America, Dr. Overbeck is an active member of the literary community, contributing to a writers’ critique group, serving as a mentor to emerging writers and participating in writing conferences such as Sleuthfest, Killer Nashville and the Midwest Writers Workshop. When he’s not writing or researching his next exciting novel or sharing his presentation “Things That Go Bump in the Night,” he’s spending time with his incredible family of wife, three children (and their spouses) and seven wonderful grandchildren.
Twitter: @OverbeckRandy
FB: Author Randy Overbeck
It’s been great having you with us today. Good luck with Crimson at Cape May and The Haunted Shores Mystery Series.
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Blood on the Chesapeake, Crimson at Capp May, Mystery, Randy Overbeck, The Haunted Shores Mystery Series by Tena Stetler with 1 comment.
Hidden Gypsy Magic & A Witch’s Journey Series #MFRWHooks
HIdden Gypsy Magic, (can be read as a stand alone) third book in A Witch’s Journey Series. Spookalicious reads ror #MFRWhooks this week I’m so excited for you to discover the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic! Pssst…A new twist tells what you didn’t know about the Salem Witch Trials. Share the magic, mystery, time-travel adventure Grab your copies from Amazon, Amazon UK , Amazon AU , Amazon CA Barnes& Noble itunes , and KOBOOH, one more thing, Pssst… I’m participating in a Spooktacular FB Halloween Party October 21, 2020. There will be prizes, giveaways, games, and fun. You don’t want to miss it. My time is from 7-8 EDT that’s 5-6 p.m. MDT, but the party goes from 10:00 a.m. – to 10:00 p.m. EDT. (8:00 8:00 p.m. MDT) Click here to join the party on October 21st: I’ll see you there!

Join the magical adventure, pick up the series today! UK links
So pull up a chair and get comfy, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Hidden Gypsy Magic! This week new hook and excerpt.
A Witch’s Journey – Former Navy Seal, Lathen Quartz helps Pepper, a powerful witch, achieve her life-long dream of a wild life rescue, but can they save the McKay magic & their love?
A WItch’s Holiday Wedding – A small town paranormal romance/mystery. It’s down to the wire, will the nosy McKay ghosts, Lathen’s werewolf pack, Pepper’s parents, and her best friend help or hinder the wedding and holiday plans? Lathen’s covert military mission threatens life as he knows it. Torn in too many directions will Pepper and Lathen make it to the altar?
Can they overcome the obstacles?
A little about Hidden Gypsy Magic:
Discover the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic!
The Salem Wildlife Sanctuary is Gwen Taylor’s life work. Her Irish Gypsy heritage provides a hidden talent she uses to help the creatures under her care. But even her magical skills can’t help new rescues in dire need of veterinary care.
The opportunity of signing on as the vet for Gwen’s sanctuary dropped into Brock Scutter’s lap after he expanded his practice to include wildlife. The personal attraction he and Gwen experience is undeniable the more their professional and personal lives collide.
Touring the only “non-haunted” house in Salem they both feel a spark of magic. A trip to his family’s cabin uncovers a heritage he didn’t know existed. If they want a future together, it means facing the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic and a race against the clock to correct past wrongs.
A sneak peek between the pages of Hidden Gypsy Magic: The hook. A bit of a twist on the Salem Witch Trials.
Carefully, Gwen took the poppet and eased her hand into the painting. A vortex sucked her arm then her entire body into the painting swirls of red, blue, and yellow swam around her then she was falling. She gulped in air as her stomach flipped threatening to spill its contents into the void. Her throat hurt from screaming, yet there was no sound. Something hard hit her backside, then it was quiet, she blinked and rubbed her eyes. Finding herself sitting in a rocking chair that squeaked announcing her arrival, she straightened and several pairs of eyes peered at her with interest. The room was familiar— it was the living room of Brock’s soon-to-be house, only the furnishings were quite different. The dragon staircase…
Before she could grasp what was happening a swirling portal of colors opened up in the center of the room again… Available from : Amazon UK , Amazon AU , Amazon CA Barnes& Noble itunes , and KOBO
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged #MFRWHooks, fantasy, ghosts, Hidden Gypsy Magic, magic, Mystery, Paranormal Romance, Salem, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with 7 comments.
Most Haunted Cities in America Plus Hidden Gypsy Magic
Most Haunted Cities in America, plus Hidden Gypsy Magic, set in Salem, MA, a Spooktacular Halloween read! Pssst… I’m participating in a Spooktacular FB Halloween Party October 21, 2020, My time is from 7-8 EDT that’s 5-6 p.m. MDT, but the party goes from 10:00 a.m. – to 10:00 p.m. EDT. (8:00 8:00 p.m. MDT) Click here to join the party on October 21st:
Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cauldron. Take your choice of a bat wing Chocolate Chip or Pumpkin, or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about my book Hidden Gypsy Magic. But first take a peek at the Most Haunted Cities in America!
Most Haunted Cities in America
It’s autumn the cool fall days are perfect for a walk on America’s dark side. With the approach of Halloween, it’s natural for our thoughts to conjure up ghosts, goblins, and all things that go bump in the night. Bloody battles, shady shanghaiing practices, cities built over burial grounds, and natural disasters have left behind an unsettled past in towns throughout our country. What better place to start than….
Salem, MA
Salem is best known for the witch trials of 1692 where mass hysteria led to more than 200 people being accused of practicing witchcraft, and ultimately 20 innocent people were executed. The tragedy has led to Salem becoming synonymous with witches and the city has embraced their history by preserving artifacts in museums and offering tours to educate visitors. The Witch House, The Salem Witch Museum, The Bewitched Statue and Witch Trials Memorial to name a few. Yep, it’s on my bucket list to spend Halloween in Salem MA. How about you?
Several nation-shaping events have played out on Baltimore’s historic streets: the American Revolution, the Civil War, and the Battle of Baltimore in the War of 1812. Hundreds of years of lost lives and the spirits that remain make the Fells Point area popular among ghost trackers. Guided tours through the maritime neighborhood take you to taverns, shops, and restaurants where things go bump in the night.
Galveston, Texas
When the Galveston Hurricane of 1900 struck, some 8,000 lives were lost—about 6,200 more fatalities than in New Orleans’ devastating Hurricane Katrina. Galveston’s was the deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history, and ghost hunters say most of the town’s spirits linger in its storied harbor and Victorian mansions. If that doesn’t give you goosebump, I don’t know what will, unless of course it’s Marie Laveau, the voodoo queen. Which brings us to…
New Orleans
Not much, it seems, separates the living from the dead in New Orleans. Because the town is below sea level, tombs sit above ground in the 42 cemeteries within city limits. Ghosts from the War of 1812 still hang around the French Quarter. And visitors to the grave of a prominent 1800s voodoo queen continue to leave offerings and ask for help.
Gettysburg, Pa.
During the most tragic battle of the Civil War, about 51,000 soldiers were killed or injured in and around Gettysburg. There was so much spilled blood on the floors of churches and schools (used as makeshift hospitals) that drainage holes had to be drilled in the floors. Baltimore Street downtown and Hospital Road in the countryside are purported hotspots for spirits with unfinished business.
Savannah, Ga.
Savannah may look like a sweet Southern belle, but she keeps a dark secret. The city was built, literally, on its dead. Homes and buildings sit atop Native American burial grounds; roads cover forgotten cemeteries of slaves and colonialists. Over the years, bloody battles, massive fires, yellow-fever epidemics, and hurricanes have taken hundreds of lives, leaving behind unsettled spirits.
It was here, on Valentine’s Day, 1929, that seven men were lined up against the wall of a garage at 2122 North Clark Street and gunned down by Al Capone and his Prohibition-era gangsters. Strange mists, screams, and machine gun sounds have all been experienced at the site; other local gangster hideaways and crime scenes are also said to be haunted.
Portland, Ore.
Beneath the cobblestoned streets of Portland’s Old Town lies the legend of the Shanghai Tunnels, passageways that swirl with dark tales and hauntings. As the story goes, men who came to Portland to work—sailors, loggers, cowboys, and others—were “shanghaied,” or kidnapped through trapdoors in saloons, smuggled through the tunnels to the waterfront, and sold to sea captains.
Athens, Ohio
This Ohio University town is home to the Athens Lunatic Asylum, a mental institution open from 1874 until 1993 and known for its lobotomy practices. Now a university-owned property called The Ridges, the building has its share of haunted stories, say many amateur researchers: disembodied screams, apparitions that walk the halls, and a ghostly bloodstain on the floor. Throughout campus there are several haunted dorms, sororities, and fraternities.
Washington, D.C.
It’s an election year, and some in D.C. will be watching for the demon black cat that is rumored to show up in the U.S. Capitol Building as an omen of national tragedy or change of office. Ghost trackers say it appeared just before President Lincoln’s assassination at Ford’s Theatre (which has its own haunting stories). Abraham Lincoln, John and Abigail Adams, Dolley Madison, and Andrew Jackson are among the spirits that have been sighted in the White House.
Last but not least on my most haunted cities list I’d be amiss if I didn’t mention Cripple Creek, Colorado. Mining District of Colorado is extremely rich in history and it is also touted to be one of the Most Haunted Places in the United States. On Highway 67, at the base of Pike’s Peak, southwest of Colorado Springs, Cripple Creek sits at an elevation of 9,500 feet. There are mine shafts, head frames, miner’s cabins long abandoned tumbling down. A lonely stone fireplace may be all that’s left of a miners home. Standing among the rubble might cause the hair on the back of your neck to stand on end. A brief visit to one of the abandoned cabins still standing, gives you a window into what it was like back in the late 1800’s or early 1900’s. Can you imagine a more inviting place for ghost to spend Halloween?
A little about Hidden Gypsy Magic Third book in A Witch’s Journey Series.
Discover the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic!
The Salem Wildlife Sanctuary is Gwen Taylor’s life work. Her Irish Gypsy heritage provides a hidden talent she uses to help the creatures under her care. But even her magical skills can’t help new rescues in dire need of veterinary care.
The opportunity of signing on as the vet for Gwen’s sanctuary dropped into Brock Scutter’s lap after he expanded his practice to include wildlife. The personal attraction he and Gwen experience is undeniable the more their professional and personal lives collide.
Touring the only “non-haunted” house in Salem they both feel a spark of magic. A trip to his family’s cabin uncovers a heritage he didn’t know existed. If they want a future together, it means facing the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic and a race against the clock to correct past wrongs.
A sneak peek between the pages of Hidden Gypsy Magic.
“It feels like all the air is being sucked out of this room.” His brother’s face turned ashen white as Beth’s ghostly form took shape in the center of the room.
Brock moved to the little group gathered and glanced at the grandfather clock standing in the hallway. Fifteen minutes until midnight. The witching hour on All Hallows Eve. A nervous chuckle rose up in his throat. How cliche. His brother would be a believer after this night.
He cleared his throat and wrapped an arm around Gwen’s waist. “Can we help you, Beth?” Misfit’s howling could be heard clearly from the upstairs bedroom.
“No, but I hope we can help you.” Ghost Beth glanced back at the painting and sadly shook her head. “The ghost of Judge John Hathorne stands outside ready to curse or worse all those involved in sullying his reputation. The house stands between all of you…protecting—” The ghost’s hand and arm made a sweeping motion toward their group, “— against his magic ability.”
A soft almost hysterical giggle burst from Gwen. “Doesn’t he know that by his actions this night, he has not only outed himself but proved the rumors and article are true?”
About the Author:
Tena Stetler is a best-selling author of award winning paranormal romance with an over-active imagination. She wrote her first vampire romance as a tween, to the chagrin of her mother and the delight of her friends. Colorado is home; shared with her husband, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a forty-five-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.
Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.
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Hope you enjoyed the Spooktacular Most Haunted Cities in America, along with a snippet of my book Hidden Gypsy Magic. Happy Halloween!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged ghosts, Halloween, Hidden Gypsy Magic, Most Haunted Cities in America, Mystery, Paranormal Romance, Tena Stetler, Time travel, Witches by Tena Stetler with 1 comment.
Interview Debby Grahl Author of Mountain Blaze

I have. Meet Dillon McCoy and Diana Thompson from Mountain Blaze.
Pleasure to meet all three of you. Lets put Dillon in the hot seat first. <Host rubbers her hands together and snickers>
Tells us about the real you—
Howdy, I’m Dillon McCoy. As far back as I can remember, I’ve loved horses. I’d sit for hours watching rodeo competitions on TV. I went to college out west, and as soon as I graduated, I began riding the rodeo circuit. And I’m proud to say, I won both a silver and gold medal.
Tell us three things we’d find if we looked under your bed?
Rodeo magazines, a missing sock or two, and some Louis Lamour paperbacks.
What makes you laugh out loud?
Getting a perfect score in bronc riding or calf roping. And playing a prank on my younger cousins.
What makes you angry?
Bullies. I have no tolerance for anyone who mistreats children, animals, or women.
What event in your past has left the most indelible impression on you?
That would be when my best friend Stew was severely hurt. It should have been me.
What do you most value? Family, friendship, honesty, trust, and love.
.What do you sleep in at night? Nothing.
Man after my own heart. LOL
What is the type of woman you want to spend the rest of your life with?
She must have a sense of humor, enjoy a quiet night sitting by the fire, and have good old time dancing to country music. She’d need to like horses, camping, and the outdoors. Oh, and lots of sex.
What do you consider most important in life? Family and old friendships.
What is your biggest secret? I don’t like snakes.
Thank you so much for being here Dillon. Now let’s move on to Diana. Ready?
I think so.
Who are you really?
Hello, I’m Diana Thompson. I grew up in a wealthy Philadelphia suburb. I attended private schools and received my teaching degree from the University of North Carolina. I enjoy reading Jane Austen and Agatha Christie, rummaging in antique shops, and collecting cranberry glass. I enjoy touring wineries and shopping in New York City.
Tell us three things we’d find if we looked under your bed?
Nothing. I’m a very neat person.
What makes you laugh out loud?
Reruns of I Love Lucy, and kittens and puppies playing.
What makes you angry? Being lied to and intentional cruelty.
What do you sleep in at night? Silk nightgowns or pajamas.
Who were the biggest role models in your life?
I have admiration for strong independent women. People like Susan B Anthony.
What kind of man do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
Someone who’s thoughtful, loving, and is somewhat romantic, with similar interests in music, books, travel, and entertainment.
What kind of man would you never choose?
Someone who thinks too much of himself. Someone who’s a know-it-all, cruel and overbearing.
What is most important to you in life? Family, friendships, and honesty.
What is your biggest fear? Heights.
Thank you Diana, lets turn to your creature. Debby!
Tell us a little about writing this story. Was it fun or difficult? Do your characters always act as you expect? Are you a plotter, or fly (write) by the seat of your pants?
I thoroughly enjoyed writing Mountain Blaze. With only a few mishaps, my characters all behaved themselves. I do write by the seat of my pants, but I pretty well knew where I was going with this story. I love both the ocean and mountains. I live near the ocean, and thankfully my cousins live a few hours away in North Carolina. The idea for Mountain Blaze came to me while we were all touring the area around Asheville, NC. It was Fall, and the spectacular display of color against the backdrop of the Smoky Mountains was breathtaking. We hiked a while and discovered a scenic overlook which revealed a stream winding through the valley below.
We came upon a small ranch with cabins to rent and horseback riding. As we waited for the horses to be saddled for a trail ride, my writer’s imagination replaced the nice older man with a handsome cowboy. Now, what would be his story? As we rode through the lush woods, the air fragrant with the smell of pine, Dillon McCoy took shape in my mind.
We drove down the mountain into Waynesville. This is a great little town where I discovered Mast General. A fun old-fashioned country store, this is one of my favorite places to shop. We decided to stop in a café, and while sipping a delicious cup of coffee, I noticed an attractive woman seated at an adjacent table. Her clothes were stylish. She looked as if she had just walked off Fifth Avenue. Once again, my writer’s imagination took over, and Diana Thompson was born. Now, what circumstances could bring the cowboy and the wealthy city girl together?
In all my books, I like to have some type of mystery. So not only do Diana and Dillon need to meet, they must discover what outside force is determined to keep them apart and endanger their lives.
Tell us more about Mountain Blaze!
Disillusioned by his wife’s betrayal, rodeo star Dillon McCoy comes home to the mountains of North Carolina to lick his wounds. When he agrees to take over the family ranch, the Lazy M, he’s unaware danger waits.
Diana Thompson is having doubts about her engagement to Trent Sawyer. She agrees to leave Chapel Hill and spend Thanksgiving with her friend Jenn at the Lazy M. When Diana and Dillon meet, neither can deny their attraction, but both must resolve past relationships while fighting their growing desire.
After Dillon turns down an anonymous offer to purchase the ranch, attempts are made on his life. When a body is found, Dillon sets out to discover who wants the McCoy land enough to commit murder.
Buy links
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How about a sneak peek between the pages of Mountain Blaze?
Dillon smiled and Diana thought it the sexiest smile she’d ever seen. There was a slight cleft in his chin, and fine lines formed at the corners of his eyes. Diana inwardly groaned. The butterflies were back.
“I’d hold onto you. I wouldn’t let you fall,” he softly said.
With his slow southern accent, the words sounded like warm honey rolling off his tongue. The depth of his eyes and the sound of his voice mesmerized her.
The horses stood side by side. Her and Dillon’s legs touched. He leaned toward her, and the light aroma of wood smoke, hay, and his spicy cologne filled her nostrils. Diana knew what he was about to do but had no willpower to stop him. He cupped her cheek and their lips met.
Gentle at first, his lips glided over hers. He increased the pressure until she opened her mouth and his tongue slipped in. Diana moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms around her waist, he deepened the kiss. Before she realized what he was doing, without breaking their kiss Dillon lifted her from Flora and placed her across his lap.
Cradled in his arms, Diana clung to him, delicious sensations filling her. Her body came alive in a way that surprised her. The only thing that mattered was this man and this moment.
Flame moved, bringing her back to reality. Diana’s eyes fluttered open, and she stared into Dillon’s, deep with passion and need.
About the author:
Award winning author, Debby Grahl, lives on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, with her husband, David. Besides writing, she enjoys biking, walking on the beach and a glass of wine at sunset. Her favorite places to visit are New Orleans, New York City, Captiva Island in Florida, the Cotswolds of England, and her home state of Michigan. She is a history buff who also enjoys reading murder mysteries, time travel, and, of course, romance. Visually impaired since childhood by Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), she uses screen-reading software to research and write her books. His Magic Touch, a paranormal romance, was released by Wild Rose Press December 5, 2018. Her latest book, Mountain Blaze, will be released November 2.
You can find Debby at the following:
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It’s been great having you with us today. Good luck with Mountain Blaze!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Debby Grahl, Mountain Blaze, Mystery, North Carolina, Romance by Tena Stetler with 15 comments.