Security Force of Two – Sunday Snippet

Celebrate 2024, with a Sunday Snippet – Hold onto your hats SECURITY FORCE OF TWO burst onto the scene with 5-Star reviews and awards! First book in my new Mountain Town Mysteries Series. A riveting #paranormal #romance, #mystery, you’re going to love!

A former CIA agent and a Special Forces vet return to their small hometown for different reasons none of which includes involvement in an investigation of the new police chief’s murder.  

Breaking news!! Security Force of Two has been nominated for the Paranormal Romance Guild’s Reviewer’s Choice Awards.  Voting is open for the PRG Reviewers’ Choice 2023 Awards!I’d be honored if you would vote for my novel, Security Force of Two, in the category ROMANCE/PARANORMAL/FANTASY/ANGELS & GHOSTS/PSYCHICS Here’s link to vote: Your vote is very much appreciated!

A little about Security Force of Two:

Miacoh Zane, a Special Forces veteran, returns to Aspen Ridge, Colorado a small town nestled in the Rocky Mountains, to settle his beloved grandmother’s estate. But the town holds painful memories and family secrets he wants to leave behind for good.

Candle Bearclaw, a gifted computer analyst/programmer with talents she’s buried when recruited out of college by the CIA. After fifteen years, she abruptly resigns her position with the agency. She returns to her sleepy hometown only to discover her childhood crush has also returned and a violent crime has been committed.

Due to their covert operations experience, Candle and Miacoh are thrown together to assist Homeland Security, FBI, and her father, former chief of police, with a murder investigation. As they search for the perpetrators, will their secrets be revealed as the investigation takes an unusual twist that could blow the case wide open.

An exciting new peek between the pages of Security Force of Two

When she drove up the circle driveway, a chill shot up her spine, then a strange feeling came over her, almost like someone was watching. Reaching under the seat of her SUV, she pulled out her handgun, checked the weapon to make sure it was loaded, chambered a round, and tucked it in the back waistband of her jeans, covering it with her shirt and jacket. She backed out then drove the entire driveway more slowly, checking the perimeter. Nothing. The cell phone hadn’t chirped to alert her of a breach, but she checked her outside surveillance cameras, then the ones inside her home anyway. Again nothing. She shrugged off the feeling and stepped out of her SUV. Gun drawn, she flicked off the safety and turned on the laser. It didn’t hurt to be safe rather than sorry.

Peeking in the window, she saw the alarm keypad was still set and secure. Then she walked around the house, entered through the back door, closed and relocked it, deactivated the alarm. Nothing was out of place. Part of her wished she’d brought Terrabyte along. Though still young, the pups tracking ability was well-developed. Terra would know if someone were in or around the cabin since they left. Back to the wall, she moved carefully through each room, nothing. When she was sure the house was clear, she sat down at the computer, laying the gun next to it. Warning windows were popped up everywhere on the screen. Someone had tried to hack into her system but hadn’t gotten very far. Closing out the windows one at a time until she found a message planted just under the first layer of security. That is what must have set off the warnings. Her throat went dry as she read the message. “Poking around where you don’t belong is dangerous business. Carl’s death was unfortunate but an accident. Leave it be or pay the consequences.”

Fingers posed over the keyboard. She started to X out of the message but stopped. If this was a disintegrating message, she would have no proof it ever existed. Taking out her cell phone, she took a picture of the screen. The handle on the front door jiggled. She grabbed her gun and jumped up, making her way to the front bay window.

About the Author:

Tena Stetler is an internationally best-selling author of award winning paranormal tales. Some call her crazy others creative. She deals with the voices in her head by writing them down and creating a fantasy world and characters you won’t soon forget.  Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, magic, and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.

Colorado is home; shared with her husband of many moons, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a fifty-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

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A Demon’s Witch – Sunday Snippet

Good Morning and welcome to Author’s Secrets Sunday Snippet. Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate and enjoy the snippet from the best seller A Demon’s Witch.   First book in the award-winning A Demon’s Witch Series.

The award winning A Demon’s Witch, was born in a hair salon from an old rock and roll song. What if the hairdresser is really a ruggedly handsome demon overlord. What if a powerful witch breezed into his salon and the attraction was undeniable? What if the salon is multi-species catering to mortals and paranormal creatures alike is located in Washington DC? Adds a new dimension to our concept of DC, doesn’t it? The setting and storyline are unique. Kick back in enjoy the adventures of Bruce and Angie as an entertaining escape from the not so ordinary world these days. This spicy romance has it all intrigue, humor, thrills, danger and a splash of magic to keep you on the edge of your seat.

First let’s take a peek at what A Demon’s Witch is about.

Keeping a lid on all the paranormal beings inhabiting Washington D.C., is a daunting job. Bruce, a six hundred year old demon and the Territory Overlord of the Western Hemisphere, keeps his finger on the pulse of DC’s power players through the activities at his highly successful Wycked Hair Salon. His movie star good looks and body builder physique keeps his dance card full and the rumor mills running. Within these walls, his anonymity is safe, mostly.

Bruce’s world spins out of control when Angelique, a pint size, gorgeous witch, with an attitude breezes through the doors of his salon. She is the younger sister of Tristian, Bruce’s long time trusted enforcer, whose professional skills are second to none. Tristian is furious at the relationship between Bruce and Angelique, a dangerous situation, but something darker awaits them all. Yet undeniable attraction between demon and witch promises to tear apart both their professional and personal worlds.

Check out the series book trailers.

A snippet from between the pages of A Demon’s Witch:

Angie grinned outrageously as she sashayed down the sidewalk, glad to see the storm had passed. That was one handsome creature, and one she intended to get to know better, much better. She pulled on the curved copper handle and the glass door, with a white unicorn etched in the center, swung open. Sun streamed through the glass, rainbows bounced across the white walls and light oak floor as the door closed. Melodic chimes sounded in the back of the shop. A young woman with short spiked jet-black hair, dyed bright blue at the tips, slid her slender body between the crystal-beads hanging in the doorway, adjusting her narrow shoulders.

Angie laughed down at her business partner, and lifelong best friend.

“They were tucked by the time I came through the beads,” Willow protested narrowing her ice blue eyes and giving Angie a thorough appraisal. “What have you been up to?”

“Enjoying the scenery down the street,” Angie said with a smirk. “I asked the manager of the Wycked Hair to put some of our flyers in their store. He’s checking with the owner, but didn’t see a problem. I’ll go back with some this afternoon.”

“So he caught your eye.” Willow shook her head and waggled her index finger at Angie. “Owen is married and much too old for you. He is handsome with all that silver hair and rugged features. I bet he works out to keep those broad shoulders and narrow hips at his age. And those biceps.” She pretended to fan herself with a receipt book, then burst into giggles.

Angie chortled. “Not him silly girl.” She raised an eyebrow and grinned at Willow. “The owner, Bruce is his name, I believe. Now he’s hot.”

Willow scowled and her eyes widened. “Oh, Angie, that’s not smart. I’ve heard about him. Tall, dark, handsome, and mysterious, just your type, but he’s not human. The faery realm’s heard tell of him, he’s dangerous and vicious. He rules the Western Hemisphere with an iron fist, keeping magic folk honest and in their place. One misstep and you’re history.” She drew an index finger across her throat, flopped her head to one side. “It’s also rumored that he controls those escaping the underworld as well. You know what that means.”

“Willow, he isn’t the devil himself. Although, demon he may be. Hmmm…” She pursed her full lips thoughtfully. “You know…” Her forehead creased in concentration as she said slowly. “I could see if my brother knows him.”

“What? Ask Tristian, a dem…I mean warlock… your brother…” she stammered. “…about a demon you find attractive. Have you lost your mind?” She squeaked and drew in a deep breath, blew it out.


A trailer of A WItch’s Quandary, another book in A Demon’s Witch Series I know you’ll love.

Thanks for joining me for the Sunday Snippet. I hope you enjoyed a little peek into A Demon’s Witch. See you next week for another Sunday Snippet! 

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Meringue Snowflake Magic #99cents Sale – Sunday Snippet

This week’s Sunday Snippet is on sale for #99cents Meringue Snowflake Magic. Celebrating the holidays with a feel-good read from the  Christmas Cookie Series. #mystery #fantasy #romance.   Join the #holiday #fantasy#adventure, download a copy or two today! Pssst… makes a great holiday gift. The people of Raven’s Hollow and Blaze have secrets of their own, will Wynter discover them before it’s too late?

A little about Meringue Snowflake Magic:

After being in the wrong place at the wrong time, Wynter Dahl finds herself with a new name and new home. Whisked into the Witness Protection program she finds herself in the Podunk town of Raven’s Hollow, Colorado. She has more than one secret to keep and is not sure who she can trust, though the deputy sheriff is hard to resist.

Braydon “Blaze” Nightwing, owns Dragon Fire Pizza and takes his job as deputy sheriff seriously. He means to protect his town and its residents, including the mysterious newcomer. He rescues her after a tumble and finds himself in over his head. He senses she’s more than she seems but so is he.

When her cover is blown and her life is in danger it will take the whole town to save her and their annual holiday festival and cookie contest. What is Christmas without a little magic?

A new peek between the pages of Meringue Snowflake Magic:

The wind had changed direction, and the pretty ice crystals were like tiny needles buffeting her face. She looked up and down Main Street and saw only one stoplight. Finally, she turned around and walked backward for a few yards. Glancing over her shoulder, she could see her street. She started to turn around, her foot slipped on the curb and arms flailing, down she went with a thud. Clutching her precious box of goodies in front of her, they were safe. However, the mug of hot chocolate popped the lid and sent hot chocolate in all directions, including all over her brand new bright-colored parka and the sidewalk. When she tried to get up, each foot went in a different direction, then down she went again. Getting to her knees, she crawled to the sidewalk, carefully got to her feet, and tried to brush the wet snow off. The damp material stuck to her. She began to shiver as the wind whipped around her.

“Hey lady, you all right?” A man stopped his SUV in the middle of the road and jumped out. “That was quite a spill you took.” He smiled wide, picking up her mug and lid. “But I see your goodies from Candi’s place are still intact. Let me give you a ride. You’re going to freeze as wet as your clothes are.” He held out his hand. “Braydon Nightwing, but everyone calls me Blaze. I own the pizza place a few blocks down the way.”

When she reached for his hand, her arm shook. Her teeth chattered as she tried to say her name. “Wynterrr.”

“It’s warm in my SUV. Please tell me where you’re going. I’ll get you there.” He pried her fingers from the box, helped her over to the vehicle, and opened the passenger door. Warm air rushed out of the SUV, caressing her face.

Please don’t let him be a serial killer. Slowly, she reached behind her and patted her waistband. Shit. Why didn’t I bring my weapon? Getting in a car with a stranger wasn’t smart. But the warmth emanating from the vehicle was inviting.  Death by serial killer or freeze. She crawled into the SUV and huddled in front of the heater vents.

He slid into the driver’s seat and turned to her. “Where do you live?”

In between bouts of chattering, she recited her address and pointed down the street.

“You moved into the old Sawyer place?” He turned the corner and rolled to a stop in front of her house. “Nice little cottage.”

“I guess.” So far, so good. Still alive.


About the Author:

Tena Stetler is an internationally best-selling author of award winning paranormal tales. Some call her crazy others creative. She deals with the voices in her head by writing them down and creating a fantasy world and characters you won’t soon forget.  Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, magic, and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.

Colorado is home; shared with her husband of many moons, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a fifty-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.

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Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.  Please check back next week for another Sunday Snippet!

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A Witch’s Holiday Wedding – Sunday Snippet

Happy Holidays! The Sunday Snippet this week is A Witch’s Holiday Wedding  on sale for #99cents. As you know, each week I’ll spotlight one of my books, tell you what’s unique about it, and highlight an excerpt. Join me for this #fun #adventure into the paranormal realm.  A Witch’s Holiday Wedding is the best-seller, and is part of the award-winning A WITCH’S JOURNEY SERIES.  A small town paranormal romance/mystery. 

 You can have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider, and coffee. Choose your pot; they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip, or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Let’s see what A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING has in store for us. An exciting, fun, holiday tale about a couple torn in too many directions, with a covert military mission thrown in, will Pepper and Lathen make it to the alter?

A little about me before I tell you the unique twist of this holiday tale. I grew up in a military town that is home to five military installations.  My husband, three uncles, and one cousin served in the military. So the military runs deep in my world. In this story you get a glimpse of the often forgotten vet.   While the book is paranormal, the military vet’s problems are very real.

Part of this tale is one of second chances. Mike, a military vet with problems and Lathen is part of his support system. Giving Mike a job at the Wildlife Rescue Center brings his life out of a tailspin and puts him on a path to success. Check out this book for a different kind of second chances, a feel good book you won’t want to miss.

Lets see what A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING is all about?

Elemental witch, Pepper McKay and former Navy SEAL, Lathen Quartz have built Lobster Cove Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center on enchanted McKay land. During a romantic interlude on Halloween night, Pepper happily agrees to become Lathen’s wife. What better day than Winter Solstice for their wedding in a town that loves celebrations and Christmas. However, planning a wedding and operating their wildlife center takes a toll on both Pepper and Lathen.

When the couple takes a much-needed break for Thanksgiving with family in Colorado, a Maine snowstorm fills the center with injured wildlife. Lathen finds himself drawn into a covert military mission, while trying to deal with issues concerning friends and family. Pepper wants to cancel the wedding. Is she having second thoughts? Will the nosy McKay ghosts, Lathen’s werewolf pack, Pepper’s parents, and her best friend help or hinder the wedding and holiday plans?

Universal Buy Link

A sneak peek between the pages of A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING:

“Couldn’t be helped. Besides that’s what the emergency fund is for.” Pepper rubbed Timber’s ears. “Dad and mom will understand. Your family is leaving tomorrow anyway. Right?” She paused for a couple beats. “You ready to tell me what’s going on and who is Mike?”

Lathen sighed heavily. “Yeah. He’s one of the veterans on my radar, kinda like a support tree. Mostly, Jay handles it, since you and I got together, but…well…things happen. Mike’s been out of work for a while, trouble holding down a job because of his combat PTSD. Didn’t stay on his med’s, no money, couldn’t get into the VA…just a series of things sent him into a downward spiral.”

“I see… You never mentioned this part of your life before. Don’t you think…”

“Yea, probably should have, but knew it wouldn’t make a difference to you. You don’t mind that I offered him a job, only for a little while?”

“If we take time to train him and he works out, he can stay as long as he wants. Look how well our other vet, Alec’s done.”

Lathen nodded, raised a brow. “But Alec had less baggage than Mike, like me he was single. Injured physically and psychologically, but no one depended on him… but Mike. It makes a difference.”

“Isn’t his wife…I mean he’s got support…”

“No what he has is a young wife trying to cope with a colicky baby, who cries for hours, day and night. On top of the baby, she’s got a husband who is more of a weight than a help and they’re struggling financially. He couldn’t get his meds and was ready to end it all. I think we brought him back from the brink. That’s why Alec will probably stay the night. A job will help in a lot of ways.” Lathen scrolled through the numbers on his phone.

“Financially, but shouldn’t the VA help with his medical care, prescription costs?”

“In an ideal world, but the VA system is broken, it’s getting better — but not fast enough for people like Mike. So guys like Jay and I step in to fill the gaps as best we can. Speaking of Jay, I need to make that call.” Lathen winced. “At least Jay got a few days with family.” He tapped the screen and put the phone to his ear. The phone rang only once. “Jay, Lathen, we got a situation with Mike.”

Thank you for stopping by next week we will return to Sunday Snippets. Please check back next week for another exciting adventure!

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