Spring Equinox – Spring has Sprung

The Spring Equinox,  March 20, 2025, marks the official start of spring across various cultures around the globe and holds special meaning.  When day and night are nearly equal in length – representing balance and renewal on Earth from winter’s chill to the warmth of spring’s warmth.

Many celebrate it through rituals, ceremonies, festivals or festivities that honor this changing season and promise new beginnings – join us as we uncover history, customs and traditions associated with this ancient and magical event!

Spring Equinox ushers in an emotional and physical renewal. In Northern Hemisphere after months of dormancy during winter, nature slowly begins to waken. New leaves emerge and floral beauty gradually unveils itself into vibrant color schemes and aromas, filling the air with vibrancy and fragrance. Bird songs become more melodic while streams run freer than before – life springs forth with renewed vitality all around us! These changes not only delight the eye but are a testament to life on our planet.

On a symbolic level, the Spring Equinox has long been seen as a time for renewal and rebirth. Easter, which commemorates Christ’s resurrection and usually falls around this time, usually falls around this date.

Ancient druidic tradition celebrated this event as marking victory of sun-god over darkness-god; many people today still align celebrations and rituals around its celebration, feeling deeply interconnected to nature’s rhythms.

In certain cultures, the Spring Equinox marks an opportunity for fertility and abundance. Japan celebrates Higan – a week-long memorial service held at family gravesites to remember those who have passed.

Iranians celebrate Nowruz – an Iranian new year festival coinciding with Spring Equinox which symbolizes rebirth and fresh starts – in conjunction with Spring Equinox.

The Spring Equinox with its inherent message of renewal can teach us much. Just as nature renews herself each spring, so can each of us embrace change, set goals for ourselves and emerge from metaphorical hibernation into a period of growth and abundance. Let’s welcome this spring equinox with hope, connect more closely with nature and live more harmoniously within its rhythms and cycles.  Now is an opportune moment to plant seeds of intention for the coming months, set goals, and embark upon exciting adventures.
Happy Spring Equinox!

Speaking of Spring, take a peek at Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic

Spring is in full bloom in Raven’s Hollow, a small town in the Colorado Rockies with a population of unique townspeople. Blaze, a dragon shifter, and Wynter, a witch, are neck-deep in wedding preparations, when Wynter’s mother, Jade, goes missing after opening her new antique store, and attending the Simon estate sale where she procured an ancient jelly bean machine. Frantic with worry, Blaze and Wynter track her last movements via the store’s ancient, grainy, security footage. What it reveals is nothing short of shocking. As deputy sheriff, it’s Blaze’s responsibility to find his soon-to-be mother-in-law. But at what cost?

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Saint Patrick’s Day plus a Little Luck of the Irish!

Sunday Snippet celebrates Saint Patrick’s Day! Every year on March 17, the Irish & the Irish-at-heart worldwide celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day.  The holiday started out as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland but has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture.  From parades and yummy Irish foods to dancing, and green everywhere you look, its a party.

My hometown usually welcomes Spring with its annual St Patrick’s Day Parade. The celebration started 33 years ago, and this year the Irish downtown celebration is bigger and better than ever!   I’ll be wearing my green! How about you?

I’ve got ten Saint Patrick’s Day fun facts to make you smile!

#1 Did you know that we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day on the day of the saint’s death, March 17th. He spent most his life converting pagans of Ireland to Christianity. His entrance to heaven was March 17, 461AD.

#2. How about this, Saint. Patrick wasn’t even Irish, nor was he born in Ireland. His parents were Roman citizens living in either England, Scotland or Wales, the scholars can’t agree which country, there’s something unusual, NOT.

#3. Here’s a shocker, Saint Patrick was a slave. He had the misfortune of being kidnapped at sixteen years old by Irish raiders. They sold him as a slave. For several years he herded sheep and learned about the Irish people. By age twenty-two, he’d escaped and made his way to a monastery in England.

#4. Ever wonder why the shamrock became part of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations? Because, Saint Patrick used the shamrock to preach about trinity. Now whether it was supposed to represent faith, hope and love or the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, remains a mystery. However, St Patrick must have been quite the Ireland_(MODIS)inspirational speaker because Ireland’s pagan rulers at the time quickly converted to Christianity.

#5. Supposedly, St. Patrick drove all the snakes from Ireland. But I have to ask, if it was the reptiles “snakes” referred to or… a more figurative reference meaning pagan practices and their religious beliefs. I find it interesting to note that there isn’t any evidence that snakes, the reptile, ever existed in Ireland. Seems the weather is too cool for snakes to survive. This is all conjecture on my part, having never been to Ireland, but it’s on my bucket list!

#6. Everyone knows the color associated with St. Patrick’s Day is Green. Right? Not so fast. Originally the color blue represented St. Patrick. He was depicted in artwork wearing blue vestments. Also King Henry VII used the Irish harp in gold on a blue flag to represent the country. However, now days green is associated with Ireland, maybe due to the plentiful rainfall, creating the green countryside. Today, many refer to Ireland as the “Emerald Isle”.

irelandclover_m__83523.1372462367.1280.1280#7. Nope, the Shamrock is not the symbol of Ireland. Surprised you didn’t I? Actually, since the medieval period, the harp has represented the nation. King Henry VII as early as 1534 used the harp on coins. Later the harp appeared on Irish flags, and Irish coats of arms. DuringGreen_harp_flag_of_Ireland_17th_century.svg Ireland’s struggle for freedom, the Irish people used harps on flags during rebellions against England. In 1921, Ireland became an independent country and adopted the harp as the national symbol.

#8. Did you know there are more Irish in the United States than in Ireland? ‘Tis true. No blarney. They may not all be pure-blood Irish, but of Irish ancestry just the same. Mixed ancestry could be due to the troubled history of Ireland and millions of Irish left the country for the US during the potato famine in Ireland. This exodus continued through most of the 19th century until the economic boom of the 1990’s, when more Irish stayed in their native country rather than searching for better opportunities abroad.

saint_patrick_day_green_beer#9. What is your drink of choice on St. Patrick’s Day? A Shamrock milkshake? Green Beer? Bet you didn’t know that from 1903 to 1970, Irish law declared St. Patrick’s Day a religious holiday. That meant that all the pubs were shuttered for the day. In 1970 the law was overturned and St. Patrick’s became a national holiday, allowing the beer to flow once again.

#10. Bet you don’t know what the odds of finding a four-leaf clover are. I do, approximately 1 in 10,000. That’s way better than the lottery, may the luck of the four-leaf clover flow your way on this Saint Patrick’s Day!




How about a little luck of the Irish adventure? A Witch’s Quandary 

Gale’s engagement is off because she refuses to leave her thriving business in Ireland to follow Dillon to Scotland. Her family and friends are on the emerald isle. Yet, when Dillon returns with the whole story and asks for her help, she must follow her heart.

Becoming a Solicitor, then partner in the family law firm was never Dillon’s dream. Now it’s his nightmare. Called to Scotland, his father demands he take his rightful place in the firm or be disowned and disinherited. Something is terribly amiss in the firm and family.

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Terrabyte Security -Sunday Snippet

Sunday Snippet a preview of, Terrabyte Security, second book in the Mountain Town Mystery Series.  Missing persons, stolen identities, and international intrigue in a sleepy little town in the Colorado Rockies will keep you on the edge of your seat. A riveting #paranormal #romance, #mystery, you’re going to love!

My inspiration for this second book in the Mountain Town Mysteries Series is that the characters in Security Force for Two weren’t done telling their story.  As I finished that book, Candle and her contingency keep in my mind and dreams their stories where not finished. In fact they claim there are at least three maybe four more stories to be told before the professor is brought to justice. Who am I the argue with my characters.  I always lose anyway.  So Terrabyte Security, book number two.

I also have a failure to admit.  When Terrabyte Security released, September of 2024, I was out gallivanting with my husband, dog, parrot, and box turtle on a long planned RV adventure.  Results of which I didn’t give Terrabyte the attention and build up it deserved prior to its release.  I did my best, being on the road, but I didn’t release how many campgrounds less than adequate Wifi. Live and learn. I guarantee, the next adventure I will be prepared.  Thanks to all those who helped me get the word out. If you haven’t read Terrabyte Security, I hope you’ll take a peek. Several issues of importance are addressed between the pages. Besides, I’m very proud of this book and the Mountain Town Mysteries Series.  Not that I’m not proud of all my books…. Just say’n.

Lets See What Terrabyte Security is all about:

A sleepy little town, Aspen Ridge, nestled in the Colorado Rockies, is experiencing major growing pains. As is Candle’s adorable pup.

Former CIA agent, Candle Bearclaw’s new security firm, Terrabyte is expanding by leaps and bounds. When her best friend’s husband, a high-profile software entrepreneur, comes up missing, Candle and her husband, Miacoh, also the new chief of police, find themselves knee-deep in international intrigue.

The same day, an Indigenous woman, Molly Reacher, pleads for Candle to take her convoluted case with identity theft overtones. Come to find out, Molly’s friend, a Native American woman, is also missing.

Cayson, an employee of Terrabyte Security is assigned to protect Molly as the company works through the intricacies of her cases.

Law enforcement are supposed to be all over both missing person cases until Miacoh discovers the indigenous woman’s case is nearly invisible. Will either be found alive?

A Sneak Peek Between the Pages of Terrabyte Security:

A Native American woman paced in front of Terrabyte Security wringing her hands. The phone calls, strange faces in her windows, and stolen work products had to stop. It was bad enough her professor plagiarized her work, claimed it as his own, stole her identity and emptied her bank accounts, then disappeared off the face of the earth, not to mention blew up the college chemistry lab. Okay, I’m not the only one he victimized. But I’m one of the few that didn’t have a trust fund to fall back on. Oh, this is such a mess. She covered her face with her hands for a moment and took a long cleansing breath, then continued pacing.

Pausing mid-stride, she sensed eyes on her. She whirled around to find three sets of eyes staring at her through the window. The woman she knew as Candle, who’d blown the professor’s scandal wide open, curled an index finger beckoning her into Terrabyte’s office. Her pulse quickened. Her heart nearly beat out of her chest as she wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans. Should I stay, explain myself, and ask for help, or take flight as I have these many months?

Candle circumvented the woman’s choice by stepping out of the door into her path with a reassuring smile. “Can we help you?”

She tugged on her denim jacket, straightened her shoulders, and swallowed hard. “I sure hope so. I’m Molly Malone Reacher.”

Candle extended her hand. “Happy to know you, Molly. I’m Candle Bearclaw. Terrabyte Security is my company. Why don’t we step into the office and talk?” Candle pulled open the door. Miacoh grabbed the edge of the door and held it open.

Molly’s gaze darted around the office as she trudged in behind Candle. She kept her bag held tight against her as her fingers twisted in the strap.

“Have a seat.” Candle motioned to the wooden chair in front of her desk, then glanced at Miacoh and Cayson. She jerked her chin at the tall, black-haired man in uniform. “Miacoh, is the Chief of Police in our little town.” She waved a hand toward the tall, blond Aussie. “Cayson is my investigator, part-time security alarm installer for Terrabyte, and on occasion part-time officer for the Police Department.” Miacoh dragged another chair across the floor and straddled it. Cayson stood behind Miacoh. Terra, the pup, thumped her tail on the floor and attempted to get to her feet as Candle signaled her to stay with a hand gesture. “This is our company mascot soon to be security specialist, Terrabyte.”

She eased down onto the edge of the chair. Her gaze darted from one to the other. “I…I… don’t know where to begin.

About the Author:  Yep  that’s  me!

Tena Stetler is an internationally best-selling author of award winning paranormal tales. Some call her crazy others creative. She deals with the voices in her head by writing them down and creating a fantasy world and characters you won’t soon forget.  Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, magic, and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.

Colorado is home; shared with her husband of many moons, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a fifty-five-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.


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Charm Me, for Valentine’s Day-Sunday Snippet

Before I share this week’s Sunday Snippet Charm Me, I’d like to share a few fun Valentine’s Day Facts:

A few fun Valentine’s Day Facts.

15% of U.S. women send themselves flowers on Valentine’s Day.

73% of people who buy flowers for Valentine’s Day are men, while only 27 percent are women.

Did you know that approximately one billion Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged each year. That’s the largest seasonal card-sending occasion of the year, next to Christmas.

About 3% of pet owners will give Valentine’s Day gifts to their pets.  Ok, I admit that I’m one of those people. But your pet’s unconditional love everyday of the year is worth it.  Don’t you think?IMG_0241

Cupid, another symbol of Valentines Day, became associated with it because he was the son of Venus, the Roman god of love and beauty. Cupid often appears on Valentine cards holding a bow and arrows because he is believed to use magical arrows to inspire feelings of love.

In Wales, wooden love spoons were carved and given as gifts on February 14th. Hearts, keys and keyholes are favorite decorations on the spoons. The decoration meant, “You unlock my heart!”

Only the U.S., Canada, Mexico, France, Australia and the U.K. celebrate Valentine’s Day.

As you know, I am a paranormal romance and cozy mystery writer    For me crafting a romance is all about RESPECT, TRUST and LOVE, always with a touch of magic. I want to create a memorable love story with spice and adventure.  Characters that will grab hold of your heart and hang on long after you’ve read the last word and closed the book with a satisfied sigh, sorry to see the story end.

Looking for a fun and flirty Valentines Day gift in ebook or audobook?  CHARM ME is the perfect answer! To sweeten the pot, e-book on SALE for 99 Cents for a limited time.

CHARM ME is a Candy Hearts Romance. My publishing house, THE WILD ROSE PRESS did a call for stories surrounding the sayings on little candy hearts available around Valentine’s Day. I love those things, especially the SweetTart version. You remember those, right?  Sounded like fun. I chose Charm Me obviously. LOL

At the time, I was taking a concealed carry permit class as well as taking my dog, Mystic, to agility classes. These two activities actually formed the story.

In Mystic’s class there was a yoga instructor with her dog. She had just purchased a yoga studio. An idea popped into to head the next night on the way to CCP class, what if a yoga instructor met a gun club owner and hit it off? Talk about an unlikely pair. Huh?

Since I write paranormal romance I stirred in a little magic creating the yoga instructor, Summer, as an elemental witch. And well, gun club owner, Devlin has secrets of his own.  Set in Colorado Springs and Divide, Colorado, Charm Me was born.  This fun and flirty Candy Hearts Romance makes the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. Available in e-book and audio book.

What’s Charm Me about?

Summer Dawn Riley’s an extraordinary elemental witch whose troubled past haunts her. She’s created a calm life for herself teaching yoga and keeping people at a distance. Her life takes a one eighty degree turn when she enrolls in a women’s weapons class and meets ruggedly handsome Devlin Sawyer.

Devlin, a former Navy Seal, has sworn off women after two long-term failed relationships, but there is no denying his attraction to Summer. She intrigues him like no other woman ever has. Despite her attempts to ignore him, Summer is drawn to Devlin. His magic signature is strong, but he’s no warlock. Will Valentine’s Day magic find them a future together?

A peek between the pages of Charm Me:

The corner of her mouth turned up in a half smile. “Witches talents are varied, spell casters, potions experts, seers, you get the picture.”

Bits and pieces of the dream fluttered through is mind.  “What about dream weaving?” He asked, voice calm as he stole another sideways glance and shot her an encouraging smile.

She narrowed her eyes. “Why do you ask?”

“Just curious.” He shrugged and turned his attention to the road.  Clouds obscured the sun and large fluffy snowflakes fell on the windshield and melted.

“Its a ability I’ve only heard about,” she replied, eyes narrowed.

One brow raised, he asked, “You don’t happen to have a fairy tat on your lower back?”

“How do you know that?” she demanded.

“I believe we shared a dream early this morning.” I would have loved to spent more time in that dream.

“That’s impossible.”

He glanced over at her again and her entire face and neck were red. “Really? The dream was sensual, but the fleeting scenes–I didn’t understand at the time but tried to comfort you.  They make sense now. The ash was the vampire. You lit her up?”

Summer opened and shut her mouth several times then stammered, “How is that possible. How can you be so… about her demise?”

“Nothing wrong with protecting your own in my book. Magic creatures live and die by a different set of rules than regular people.

Buy Links:

Amazon,  Amazon UK, Amazon AU, Amazon CA, Barnes&Nobleitunes,  Audible,  and Kobo

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