My Favorite Things About Christmas – Sunday Snippet Plus 99¢ Sale

With the Christmas/holiday season in full swing, Thought I’d mention a few of my favorite things. Besides the reason for the season. I love Halloween, it’s by far my favorite holiday and decorate for the All Hallows Eve almost as much as I do for Christmas, which comes in a close second. Did I mention, I LOVE to decorate! LOL At Thanksgiving the aroma of turkey, candied sweet potatoes, stuffing and pumpkin pie made the house smell so inviting. My mouth waters just thinking about it. But Christmas…well… Bright lights adorning neighborhoods, Christmas Carols playing in the malls, and Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays on everyone’s lips makes the holiday season special. Here’s what makes my family’s holiday special. Year after year I appreciate Jellyfish outdoor lighting. No more climbing on ladders, across the slippery roof, worry about inclement weather when working on outdoor lighting.  All programing is done from my smart phone. Love it!

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1. Decorations. First of all, we start decorating the Friday after Thanksgiving. First the outside decorations go up. Then the tree, it’s lights, especially the bubble lights they are mesmerizing to watch. Several years ago, I brought the cutest colorful lifesaver shaped garland that I wind up the stairway banister. The tiny Precious Moments nativity is one I found years ago, along with Sam’s town, the soft lights from their windows are my christmas treeparrots night light during the holidays. IMG_0768

2. Food. Christmas is turkey, homemade cranberry sauce, rolls, candied yams and pumpkin pie swirled in whipped cream. Yummmm! The leftovers are even better. Sometimes we freeze the turkey leftovers and weeks or even a month later, yummy turkey sandwiches are wonderful. I’ll be putting one of those sandwiches together for lunch today. Left overs from Thanksgiving. LOL

3. Music. While we decorate the tree, we play a wide variety of Christmas Carols from the traditional to Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer. The carols are sung by rock and roll artists, county western or classical renditions. It has been a family traditional as long as I can remember. We reminisce where the beloved tree decorations passed down generation to generation originated and the funny stories each spark.

4. Movies. It’s officially the Christmas season when we watch Miracle on 31st Street and How the Grinch Stole Christmas with Jim Carey. He is such a hoot. Then its Scrooged with Bill Murray. Afterward most nights we enjoy watching the variety of Christmas movies collected. Yep, get my Christmas movie fix. Then of course there is always the Hallmark channel heart felt Christmas movie magic.



5. Christmas Light Looking. It isn’t Christmas without getting in the SUV and driving through town admiring everyone’s decorations. Some lighting displays are synchronized with popular holiday music wafting through the crisp night air as you drive by.  It’s beautiful and we enjoy it every year with a mug of hot chocolate and Christmas cookies we pack with us for the drive.

6. Family and Friends. The best part of the holidays is connecting with family and friends, whether it’s a long over-due phone call to catch up or a board game with friends. Years ago, I started writing a Christmas letter with our family’s actives for the year, complete with pictures. Since then it’s become a tradition. Friends and family look forward to that letter and make sure updated address are in my hands by Thanksgiving. There have been scary times, happy times, sad and in-between times, but keeping in touch seems to help everyone weather the preverbal storms.  It’s been a rough year for many.


One last favorite thing of mine is to curl up with hubby in front of a crackling fireplace with a good book and a mug of homemade hot chocolate. Speaking of good books, have a look at  a heartwarming holiday tale with a mysterious twist  MERINGUE SNOWFLAKE MAGIC.   A witch in the wrong place at the wrong time winds up in witness protection. Relocated to a small town with strange but friendly townsfolk. Their huge Christmas/holiday festival is centered around an annual cookie contest and tree lighting ceremony. Will they learn her secrets that put the town in danger before she discovers theirs?  Makes a great Christmas gift for the  Paranormal book lovers on your list. 

If holiday tales are not your thing.  I’ve got Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic on sale for 99 cents also! Guaranteed to chase away the winter doldrums!

Spring is in full bloom in Raven’s Hollow, a small, quirky town in the Colorado Rockies. A mysterious disappearance has the law enforcement baffled and the townspeople worried.

You can also pick Charm Me, for 99 pennies. Can a ski trip turn romantic in Divide, Colorado?


So there you have it, a few of my favorite things along with a gift idea. What are yours favorite things?

With that, I’ll wish you all Love and Laughter. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Got any resolutions? Come on, you know you do. LOL What do you plan to change and what do you hope to see in 2025? I look forward to hearing from you! See you next year. I know it’s an old cliché, but couldn’t help myself!

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Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic #99cents sale Sunday Snippet

In celebration of Mother’s Day, This week’s Sunday Snippet is the award-winning Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic. Pssst… It’s on sale for .99 cents for a limited time.  Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate and enjoy the snippet from Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic.  Second book in the Raven’s Hollow Series.

Spring has sprung in the Northern Hemisphere. This book will bring spring to your world. Take you traveling through time, and perhaps help you solve the mystery.

When I wrote this book, I was enamored with the town I created, Raven’s Hollow,  for my book Meringue Snowflake Magic. Raven’s Hollow was a unique small town full of quirky characters you’ll come to love, like I did. Not to mention an adorable pup. What made it fun, was the townsfolk, could be your neighbors with a quite a twist, you’ll not soon forget.  I hope you’ll enjoy this foray into fantasy which will sweep you out of your ordinary world for a few hours.  And for only 99c cents!

First, let’s take a peek at what Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic is about.

Spring is in full bloom in Raven’s Hollow, a small town in the Colorado Rockies with a population of unique townspeople. Blaze, a dragon shifter, and Wynter, a witch, are neck-deep in wedding preparations, when Wynter’s mother, Jade, goes missing after opening her new antique store, and attending the Simon estate sale where she procured an ancient jelly bean machine. Frantic with worry, Blaze and Wynter track her last movements via the store’s ancient, grainy, security footage. What it reveals is nothing short of shocking. As deputy sheriff, it’s Blaze’s responsibility to find his soon-to-be mother-in-law. But at what cost?

Check out the series book trailer.

Book Trailer –

A snippet from between the pages of Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic:

LoraLee waved from the front porch of her rescue. “Mandy said you’d be stopping in. What can I do for you?”

“Not sure. My house is too quiet. No one to greet me at the door last night. Uh—”

“Where’s Blaze? That man is always working.” LoraLee shook her head.

“It’s not that, he’s away on business, but—”

“I understand. Come on in, look around, see if one of my residents calls to you.” The woman motioned around back. “It’s so nice everyone is out in their runs today.” LoraLee let Wynter wander down the path between dog runs. “Rabbits, birds, reptiles are housed on the left at the end of the runs. Cat’s are in the enclosure with covered exercise areas on the right beyond the lilac bushes.”

“Thanks.” Wynter inhaled the sweet scent of Lilac as she ambled between the runs. Several dogs rushed to the gate, barking, and wagging their tails. Wynter talked to each one, hoping for a connection, then moved on. Almost at the end, she saw a chocolate colored, furry dog, with the saddest brown eyes she’d ever seen. The canine stretched out in a patch of sunlight a few feet from the animal’s gate. Peering at the sign on the gate, she knelt down. “What’s your story Cocoa? Why so sad? It’s a beautiful day.”

The dog raised its head, swiveled its ears forward and back, then stared into her eyes, and wagged its tail once almost hopefully, then got up stretched and wandered over to the gate.

Wynter turned to LoraLee as the woman came up to stand by her. “May I pet Cocoa?”

“Oh sure. I wondered if you two might connect. Cocoa lost her owner to a heart attack a few weeks ago. Hasn’t had much of an appetite or interest in life since. She’s five years old, and spent all of those years the center of the old woman’s life. So sad.” LoraLee brightened. “This is the most interest she’s shown in anything since she’s been here.”

Reaching her hand through the fence, Wynter rubbed under the dog’s muzzle, side of the head, and ear. Cocoa closed her eyes then licked Wynter’s hand with a dark purple tongue. The dog’s tail curled over her back for a beat, then drooped down again.. “Can I take her for a walk around the compound?”

“Of course. I’ll get her leash and harness.” LoraLee rushed to the administration building and returned quickly.

“How about going for a walk, girl?”  She stood, opened the gate hesitatingly, and knelt in front of the dog blocking the exit.

Smiling, LoraLee opened the gate wider, sidestepped Wynter, and slid the harness over Cocoa’s head and snapped the leash on the harness. “Off you two go.”

The dog’s tail curled over her back again and the Cocoa trotted beside Wynter. Cocoa turned her head occasionally to gaze at her possible rescuer. At least Wynter got that vibe.

Leading the canine over to a big shade tree, Wynter stopped, eased down on the grass and rubbed the dog under the chin. “Well, what do you think, girl? Would you like to come home with me?” She rubbed Cocoa’s ears. “I have a dragon shifter for a fiancé, but you’ll get along fine, I’m sure. He’s a good guy. A little opinionated and pushy, but…” She shrugged feeling the dog’s sadness, now overshadowed with hope, Wynter made her decision.

Buy Links:

Barnes& Noble

Ibooks –


Thanks for joining me for the Sunday Snippet. I hope you enjoyed a little peek into Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic. Grab a copy while it’s on sale for 99 cents! See you next week for another exciting Sunday Snippet! 

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Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic – Sunday Snippet

Welcome to a Sunday Snippet of the award-winning Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic. Pssst… It’s on sale for .99 cents for a limited time.  Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate and enjoy the snippet from Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic.  Second book in the Raven’s Hollow Series.

Spring has sprung in the Northern Hemisphere. This book will bring spring to your world. Take you traveling through time, and perhaps help you solve the mystery.

When I wrote this book, I was enamored with the town I created, Raven’s Hollow,  for my book Meringue Snowflake Magic. Raven’s Hollow was a unique small town full of quirky characters you’ll come to love, like I did. Not to mention an adorable pup. What made it fun, was the townsfolk, could be your neighbors with a quite a twist, you’ll not soon forget.  I hope you’ll enjoy this foray into fantasy which will sweep you out of your ordinary world for a few hours.  And for only 99c cents!

First, let’s take a peek at what Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic is about.

Spring is in full bloom in Raven’s Hollow, a small town in the Colorado Rockies with a population of unique townspeople. Blaze, a dragon shifter, and Wynter, a witch, are neck-deep in wedding preparations, when Wynter’s mother, Jade, goes missing after opening her new antique store, and attending the Simon estate sale where she procured an ancient jelly bean machine. Frantic with worry, Blaze and Wynter track her last movements via the store’s ancient, grainy, security footage. What it reveals is nothing short of shocking. As deputy sheriff, it’s Blaze’s responsibility to find his soon-to-be mother-in-law. But at what cost?

Check out the series book trailer.

Book Trailer –

A snippet from between the pages of Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic:

LoraLee waved from the front porch of her rescue. “Mandy said you’d be stopping in. What can I do for you?”

“Not sure. My house is too quiet. No one to greet me at the door last night. Uh—”

“Where’s Blaze? That man is always working.” LoraLee shook her head.

“It’s not that, he’s away on business, but—”

“I understand. Come on in, look around, see if one of my residents calls to you.” The woman motioned around back. “It’s so nice everyone is out in their runs today.” LoraLee let Wynter wander down the path between dog runs. “Rabbits, birds, reptiles are housed on the left at the end of the runs. Cat’s are in the enclosure with covered exercise areas on the right beyond the lilac bushes.”

“Thanks.” Wynter inhaled the sweet scent of Lilac as she ambled between the runs. Several dogs rushed to the gate, barking, and wagging their tails. Wynter talked to each one, hoping for a connection, then moved on. Almost at the end, she saw a chocolate colored, furry dog, with the saddest brown eyes she’d ever seen. The canine stretched out in a patch of sunlight a few feet from the animal’s gate. Peering at the sign on the gate, she knelt down. “What’s your story Cocoa? Why so sad? It’s a beautiful day.”

The dog raised its head, swiveled its ears forward and back, then stared into her eyes, and wagged its tail once almost hopefully, then got up stretched and wandered over to the gate.

Wynter turned to LoraLee as the woman came up to stand by her. “May I pet Cocoa?”

“Oh sure. I wondered if you two might connect. Cocoa lost her owner to a heart attack a few weeks ago. Hasn’t had much of an appetite or interest in life since. She’s five years old, and spent all of those years the center of the old woman’s life. So sad.” LoraLee brightened. “This is the most interest she’s shown in anything since she’s been here.”

Reaching her hand through the fence, Wynter rubbed under the dog’s muzzle, side of the head, and ear. Cocoa closed her eyes then licked Wynter’s hand with a dark purple tongue. The dog’s tail curled over her back for a beat, then drooped down again.. “Can I take her for a walk around the compound?”

“Of course. I’ll get her leash and harness.” LoraLee rushed to the administration building and returned quickly.

“How about going for a walk, girl?”  She stood, opened the gate hesitatingly, and knelt in front of the dog blocking the exit.

Smiling, LoraLee opened the gate wider, sidestepped Wynter, and slid the harness over Cocoa’s head and snapped the leash on the harness. “Off you two go.”

The dog’s tail curled over her back again and the Cocoa trotted beside Wynter. Cocoa turned her head occasionally to gaze at her possible rescuer. At least Wynter got that vibe.

Leading the canine over to a big shade tree, Wynter stopped, eased down on the grass and rubbed the dog under the chin. “Well, what do you think, girl? Would you like to come home with me?” She rubbed Cocoa’s ears. “I have a dragon shifter for a fiancé, but you’ll get along fine, I’m sure. He’s a good guy. A little opinionated and pushy, but…” She shrugged feeling the dog’s sadness, now overshadowed with hope, Wynter made her decision.

Buy Links:

Barnes& Noble

Ibooks –


Thanks for joining me for the Sunday Snippet. I hope you enjoyed a little peek into Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic. Grab a copy while it’s on sale for 99 cents! See you next week for another exciting Sunday Snippet! 

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Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic – Sunday Snippet

Welcome to a Sunday Snippet of the award-winning Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic. Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate and enjoy the snippet from Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic.  Second book in the Raven’s Hollow Series.

Spring has sprung in the  Northern Hemisphere. This book will bring spring to your world. Take you traveling through time, and perhaps help you solve the mystery.

First, let’s take a peek at what Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic is about.

Spring is in full bloom in Raven’s Hollow, a small town in the Colorado Rockies with a population of unique townspeople. Blaze, a dragon shifter, and Wynter, a witch, are neck-deep in wedding preparations, when Wynter’s mother, Jade, goes missing after opening her new antique store, and attending the Simon estate sale where she procured an ancient jelly bean machine. Frantic with worry, Blaze and Wynter track her last movements via the store’s ancient, grainy, security footage. What it reveals is nothing short of shocking. As deputy sheriff, it’s Blaze’s responsibility to find his soon-to-be mother-in-law. But at what cost?

Check out the series book trailer.

Book Trailer –

A snippet from between the pages of Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic:

“Does it work?” He dropped in a penny and twisted the handle. A couple jelly beans rolled out. “Is that all?” He jiggled the handle. It turned another quarter turn and gears whirred.  The glass globe sparkled, etchings of the countries around the world appeared as it tilted and slid to the side. On the opposite side a control panel slid out revealing a panel filled with tokens in the center. The group gasped and silence ensued for several beats.

“What the heck?” flew out of Wynter’s mouth as she clutched at her chest. With her other hand, she reached out to touch the machine only to have her hand slapped away with a pair of black gloves Blaze had pulled out of his pocket.

“No one else touch this—or anything in here.” He slipped on the protective gloves and removed one of the tokens holding it up to the light. “It’s inscribed in Latin around the outside.  My Latin may be rusty, but rursus in tempore means a turn in time.” He picked up another token and read the inscription. “Fatum suum aspicientis moderatur – Beholder controls its destiny.” Carefully, he returned the tokens to their slots turning his attention to the control panel. “Look here…”

Wynter pointed at the panel. “There’s a slot for one token in the control panel. You don’t suppose this is a—

Buy Links:

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Thanks for joining me for the Sunday Snippet. I hope you enjoyed a little peek into Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic. See you next week for another Sunday Snippet! 

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