Charm Me Again – Sunday Snippet and a Little More

Welcome to Sunday Snippets. This week its the award-winning Charm Me Again sequel to Charm Me a fun and flirty tale. Join me each week for a fun adventure.

 Charm Me Again is a bit darker than Charm Me. Two families long divided brought together through an adventure of a lifetime. Breaking the curse is only the first step to forever.

How about a little about the writing this book.  Since I am a panster, my characters seem to hijack the story at every turn. Just about the time I think I have the reigns of the story—off they go in another direction. It’s frustrating at times, but I so enjoy the experience never knowing what will happen for sure. I seem to write chapters out of order, scenes out of order but in the end, everything seems to fall into place.  So far. LOL

Take for instance in CHARM ME AGAIN, I had no idea how Daylan was going to make amends with his sister after their horrendous falling out. But as I listened to him tell his story, involvement with the Scottish ghost and his regrets thing begin to fall into place. Yet when he was told Josie was off limits…well…he couldn’t help himself and chaos reigned.  Then along comes Josie, a yoga instructor in Summer’s studio, an innocent with a stalker problem.  She was so much more than she seemed at first glance. I had trouble keeping up with her transformation.  When I just about thought I had things in hand, I discovered that Josie came from a prestigious family of lawyers and her free spirit got her tossed out of the family.

I hope I’ve given you enough for you to want to take a peek at the book. I know you are going to love it. Especially if paranormal romance sprinkled with mystery is your thing. Living in fantasy is mine, the real world scares me to death. LOL

I love all my books, but Charm Me Again is one of my favorites.  Can he break the age old curse to save her and their future, or will she be lost to him forever? AND it available in audiobook! Yep this book as it all.  So lets take a peek into Charm Me Again! 

For several months a Scottish Highland Ghost has haunted Daylan, in his personal life, his professional life and at his forge. Yet, being a talented warlock, he is no closer to discovering what the ghost wants or why he chose Daylan. A trip to his estranged sister’s home in Colorado may have unforeseen consequences especially when family history leads him to a shocking discovery.

As his attraction blooms for Josie, a yoga instructor in his sister’s studio, he realizes there may be more to Josie than he can imagine. When an ancient rogue Fae Warrior set on revenge kidnaps her in an attempt to claim her as his own, a devastating curse comes to light.

Daylan’s world spirals out of control as he searches for Josie. Can he break the age old curse to save her and their future, or will she be lost to him forever?

A peek between the pages of Charm Me Again.

She swallowed hard and blinked.

Out of the mist, in full Scottish regalia, a ghost stood, his transparent red and green belted plaid blowing in the breeze.

She shook her head, closed her eyes, scrubbed her hands over her eyes, and blinked them open. “What the hell?” burst from her lips before she could control herself. “It’s some kind of bad dream. Right?” She rubbed her eyes again opening only one this time. “Shit, you’re all still here.” She dropped her arms to her sides and glared at Daylan then Summer. “Someone better tell me what’s going on—right now.” Her hands fisted and unfisted at her sides.

Daylan returned her scathing look. “Later.”

“We meet again Shay.” The ghost said. “What kind of attire are ye wearing?”

“Never mind. Ye are the cause of the problem, Daylan.” The leader glared at the ghost.

“Oh, no—not this time,” the ghost said.

Daylan stood straight. “No way. I’m not taking the blame for this.”

Shay grinned. “Oh, now things are falling in place.” He pointed a finger at Daylan. “You are his namesake and that is why Khellan has returned.” He flicked a finger at the ghost. “And you have attached to your namesake hoping he or his twin can break the curse. What a tangle.” Shifting his gaze to her, he continued. “This young lass is caught in the middle with naught power to protect herself.”

“For god sakes. She’s mortal. How can she be caught in the middle?” Daylan shouted. “She shouldn’t even be able to see what’s happening.”

“Yet she does. Something to think about.” Shay shrugged one shoulder. “She is besotted with you, as you are with her. The lass’s blood may be diluted, but it’s there. The cycle begins again.”




Next week, stop in and find out what magical adventure I have in store for you. 

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A Witch’s Quandary #Sale Sunday Snippet

Happy Mother’s Day!! Welcome to Spring with an adventure in Ireland and Scotland where mystery and magic will vie for your attention! Sunday Snippet presents a feel-good tale with twists and surprises to keep you turning pages, A Witch’s Quandary. Now available in audiobook. WooHoo! Makes a great #MothersDay present. 

Bet you didn’t know I was a paralegal in a criminal law firm for eighteen years. I gotta tell you I saw some pretty weird things, but this adventure is conjured out of my imagination with the exception of attorney temper trantrums. Granted the ones I witnessed didn’t include magic.  Too bad that would have made them so much more interesting.  Still, you are not going to believe what happens at the board meeting of Dillon’s Family Law firm in A Witch’s Quandary,  my paranormal romance/mystery! E-book on sale for $2.99 for a limited time!

A Broken Engagement leads to the discovery of stolen magic and malice with a little blackmail mixed in. Can they weather the storm and find a future together?  Join the #fantasy #mystery #adventure, download a copy today! Psst… or kick back and listen to the story on audiobook. 

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler. Take your choice of a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookies from the plate, and let’s find out a little about A Witch’s Quandary. part of the award winning A Demon’s Witch Series. All books can be read as stand alone.  Go ahead you know you want to grab a copy and join the #magical #fantasy, #adventure today! You’ll be so glad you did.

What is A Witch’s Quandary all about?

Gale’s engagement is off because she refuses to leave her thriving business in Ireland to follow Dillon to Scotland. Her family and friends are on the emerald isle. Yet, when Dillon returns with the whole story and asks for her help, she must follow her heart.

Becoming a Solicitor, then partner in the family law firm was never Dillon’s dream. Now it’s his nightmare. Called to Scotland, his father demands he take his rightful place in the firm or be disowned and disinherited. Something is terribly amiss in the firm and family.

During Gale and Dillon’s investigation, they discover the enforcer for the Demon Overlord is also delving into rumors the firm is acting illegally. Magic has been stolen, someone is being blackmailed, and a member of the Witch’s council is corrupt. If Gale and Dillon want a life together in Ireland, they have to unearth secrets threatening to destroy the firm and family in Scotland.

Sneak peek between the pages of A Witch’s Quandary:

“This is an outrage. It’s my firm.” Bram bellowed slamming his fist down on the table. Sparks flew in all directions creating a red-hot spider web of power crackling across the tabletop. Everyone at the table scrambled back or stood.  Dillon caught the malevolent spark in his father’s eye a split-second after Gale. She had already brought her hands together, the room sizzled as she conjured a ball of fire and with a few words sent the witch fire and spell at him.

“What have you done?” Bram screeched as the fire and spell hit him center mass. “Witchfire too? Bitch.” He slid to the floor.

Iris ran to his side, tears spilling her cheeks, she wiped his sweat-soaked brow with a napkin. “You just couldn’t stop, could you?  What did you do? Make a deal with the devil? We should have put a stop to it. To you. But…” She helped him into a chair. “I’m afraid you’ve messed with the wrong witch, this time. Brought this on yourself. You did. But I won’t let you take this family—the firm—down with you.” Giving his shoulders a little shake, she gazed into his shocked eyes. “What have you done?”

Bram slowly shook his head and murmured, “It’s my firm.” He raised his gaze and glared at Gale pointing a bony finger at her. “You’ll pay for this.” Then turned his attention to Dillon. “I told you nothing good would come from aligning yourself with this witch. Her blood is not pure. Diluted by the Fae power of her…” He broke off.

Dillon stood at Gale’s back his hands steady and supportive on her shoulders as she said nothing for several beats. Eventually, she turned her emerald green eyes to him and held his gaze. “I couldn’t let him divide the family with that dark magic. I tempered my deadly witch fire with the spell.” She tore her gaze from Dillon’s, touching her fingertips to the scorched marks radiating across the table stopping an inch from the edge all around. “If he’d succeeded, there’d been no turning back. If the tendrils of that spell had left the table and reached one of you…” She shook her head.

Appearing to gather his wits about him faster than the rest of his family, Sturgen surveyed the scene, wiped his brow with a monogrammed handkerchief, and sucked in a breath. “The firm is no longer yours.” He squeezed Olivia to him, starting for the door. “We’ve had enough for one night. Let’s adjourn until a full audit of the cases and firm can be conducted.”


Gale leaned against Dillon, his strength and calm flowed into her. “I felt your father’s intentions. The intentions he was able to disguise from his family. He planned to destroy all of you.”

“I know. I felt him…hmm…something evil. Only my reaction was a second too late. I’m glad yours wasn’t. How long will he be spellbound? That is what you did. Right?”

“Aye. Among other things. Indefinitely… I hope. He’s got a lot of power that isn’t his. I’ve no way to bind what I don’t know.”

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

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A Witch’s Quandary – Sale -#MFRWHooks

Welcome to Spring with an adventure in Ireland and Scotland where mystery and magic will vie for your attention! #MFRW Book Hooks presents a feel-good tale with twists and surprises to keep you turning pages, A Witch’s Quandary. Now available in audiobook. WooHoo! You are not going to believe what happens at the board meeting of Dillon’s Family Law firm in A Witch’s Quandary,  my paranormal romance/mystery! E-book on sale for $2.99 for a limited time!

A Broken Engagement leads to the discovery of stolen magic and malice with a little blackmail mixed in. Can they weather the storm and find a future together?  Join the #fantasy #mystery #adventure, download a copy today! Psst… or kick back and listen to the story on audiobook. Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler. Take your choice of a Chocolate Chip or Pumpkin, or Peanut Butter cookies from the plate, and let’s find out a little about A Witch’s Quandary. part of the award winning A Demon’s Witch Series. All books can be read as stand alone.  Go ahead you know you want to grab a copy and join the #magical #fantasy, #adventure today! You’ll be so glad you did.

What is A Witch’s Quandary all about?

Gale’s engagement is off because she refuses to leave her thriving business in Ireland to follow Dillon to Scotland. Her family and friends are on the emerald isle. Yet, when Dillon returns with the whole story and asks for her help, she must follow her heart.

Becoming a Solicitor, then partner in the family law firm was never Dillon’s dream. Now it’s his nightmare. Called to Scotland, his father demands he take his rightful place in the firm or be disowned and disinherited. Something is terribly amiss in the firm and family.

During Gale and Dillon’s investigation, they discover the enforcer for the Demon Overlord is also delving into rumors the firm is acting illegally. Magic has been stolen, someone is being blackmailed, and a member of the Witch’s council is corrupt. If Gale and Dillon want a life together in Ireland, they have to unearth secrets threatening to destroy the firm and family in Scotland.

Sneak peek between the pages of A Witch’s Quandary:

“This is an outrage. It’s my firm.” Bram bellowed slamming his fist down on the table. Sparks flew in all directions creating a red-hot spider web of power crackling across the tabletop. Everyone at the table scrambled back or stood.  Dillon caught the malevolent spark in his father’s eye a split-second after Gale. She had already brought her hands together, the room sizzled as she conjured a ball of fire and with a few words sent the witch fire and spell at him.

“What have you done?” Bram screeched as the fire and spell hit him center mass. “Witchfire too? Bitch.” He slid to the floor.

Iris ran to his side, tears spilling her cheeks, she wiped his sweat-soaked brow with a napkin. “You just couldn’t stop, could you?  What did you do? Make a deal with the devil? We should have put a stop to it. To you. But…” She helped him into a chair. “I’m afraid you’ve messed with the wrong witch, this time. Brought this on yourself. You did. But I won’t let you take this family—the firm—down with you.” Giving his shoulders a little shake, she gazed into his shocked eyes. “What have you done?”

Bram slowly shook his head and murmured, “It’s my firm.” He raised his gaze and glared at Gale pointing a bony finger at her. “You’ll pay for this.” Then turned his attention to Dillon. “I told you nothing good would come from aligning yourself with this witch. Her blood is not pure. Diluted by the Fae power of her…” He broke off.

Dillon stood at Gale’s back his hands steady and supportive on her shoulders as she said nothing for several beats. Eventually, she turned her emerald green eyes to him and held his gaze. “I couldn’t let him divide the family with that dark magic. I tempered my deadly witch fire with the spell.” She tore her gaze from Dillon’s, touching her fingertips to the scorched marks radiating across the table stopping an inch from the edge all around. “If he’d succeeded, there’d been no turning back. If the tendrils of that spell had left the table and reached one of you…” She shook her head.

Appearing to gather his wits about him faster than the rest of his family, Sturgen surveyed the scene, wiped his brow with a monogrammed handkerchief, and sucked in a breath. “The firm is no longer yours.” He squeezed Olivia to him, starting for the door. “We’ve had enough for one night. Let’s adjourn until a full audit of the cases and firm can be conducted.”


Gale leaned against Dillon, his strength and calm flowed into her. “I felt your father’s intentions. The intentions he was able to disguise from his family. He planned to destroy all of you.”

“I know. I felt him…hmm…something evil. Only my reaction was a second too late. I’m glad yours wasn’t. How long will he be spellbound? That is what you did. Right?”

“Aye. Among other things. Indefinitely… I hope. He’s got a lot of power that isn’t his. I’ve no way to bind what I don’t know.”

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

This is a blog hop! Visit all the #MFRW Book Hooks from #MFRW Book Hooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!

Thanks for stopping in for #MFRW Book Hooks.

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Wishes Under A Highland Star by Mary Morgan

Happy holidays to all!  Give a big welcome to Mary Morgan, author of Wishes Under A Highland Star! Can’t wait to read this one.  That cover is fantastic! Makes you feel all Christmasy!  I love holiday stories! Don’t you? Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Lets see what  WHISHES UNDER A HIGHLAND STAR is all about.  Thanks for joining us!

Hello, Tena! I’m delighted to be on your fabulous blog today to celebrate my new book, Wishes Under a Highland Star. Let me share a few teasers why your readers should read my new story…

8 Reasons You Should Read Wishes Under a Highland Star 

  1. You’re able to spend quality time with the Chieftain of Leòmhann Castle. Though I’m certain he wishes to be left alone with his sullen mood.
  1. Attend a battle between the Holly and Oak Kings reenacted by Alex MacFhearguis and Aine’s brother Keegan Fraser.
  1. Meet a Fenian Fae Warrior, Rory MacGregor, who resides in the true Fae realm.
  1. Travel by horseback across a snowy landscape to visit a Fae healer and spend the night in her cottage.
  1. Enjoy a Midwinter Feast at the castle. Even Aine plays a haunting, romantic tune on her lap harp.
  1. Discover the true meaning behind the Legend of the White Stag of Taloch.
  1. Encounter special animals, specifically a wolfhound called Elva.
  1. Experience the magic when Aine Fraser makes not one but many wishes under a Highland star.

 I hope I’ve tempted you to journey within the pages in this Highland holiday romance. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!

 Mary tell us a little about Wishes Under A Highland Star.

As chieftain for his clan, Alex MacFhearguis struggles with the burden of an unwanted responsibility. With the midwinter feast approaching, he flees his castle to find comfort and solitude within the forest. Yet on his quest, Alex stumbles into a world filled with magic, mysteries, and a woman with beguiling eyes who could capture his heart.

When half-Fae Aine Fraser makes a powerful wish, her simple request unlocks the magic she possesses and brings forth a Highlander into her world. Though the man has lost all his memories, she finds her attraction growing for this brooding warrior with each passing day. Unable to deny her feelings, Aine risks everything when she confesses her greatest secret.

Can a beauty who wished for a champion tame the beast of Leòmhann Castle?

Sneak peek between the pages of Wishes Under a Highland Star

“Ready for the battle, Holly King!” bellowed Keegan, displaying his sword in the air.

“For the love of the Goddess,” protested Aine, shaking her head.

“Now?” asked a stunned Alex, watching while others from the castle followed behind the man, each carrying a holly or oak branch.

“Let the man finish his meal before ye condemn him to his death!” she shot back over her shoulder.

Her brother pointed to the newly risen sun with his blade. “First challenge of the day—slay the Holly King and feast with the arrival of the Oak King!”

Alex placed a hand over the hilt of his sword. “Should I be worried?”

“Nae,” drawled Eamon, folding his arms over his chest. “However, one can never tell when Keegan judges the rules require changing.”

“Often to his advantage,” complained Aine, giving her brother a scornful look.

Alex muttered a curse. Unwrapping the bundle in his hand, he took a huge bite of bread and cheese. Shoving the remainder back to Aine, he unsheathed his sword.

Eamon removed the skin attached to his belt. “Here. A swallow of ale before your battle.”

Alex coughed, almost choking on his food. He nodded his thanks while taking the offering. After slaking his thirst, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and promptly returned the ale skin to Eamon.

Keegan approached and tapped the ground with his blade. “Let this challenge to the death begin near the oak tree by the stream. Time for the reign of the Holly King to end.”

A chorus of boisterous voices echoed around them. Eamon waved and shouted for the crowd to follow him along the path to view the battle.

Understanding his demise would be swift, Alex was determined not to die without a good and proper fight. He gestured outward to Keegan. “Lead the way.”

Aine reached for his hand. She gave him a hard squeeze, and then darted a glance at her brother and his group of followers as they ambled toward the stream. “His left arm is the commanding and strongest,” she uttered softly. “He will do his best to draw blood from ye.”

Touched by her concern, Alex lowered his head near her ear. “Ye can kiss my wounds later.”

When he drew back, she rewarded him with a wink before joining the others.

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 About the Author:

Multi award-winning paranormal romance author, Mary Morgan resides in Northern California with her own knight in shining armor. However, during her travels to Scotland, England, and Ireland, she left a part of her soul in one of these countries and vows to return.

Mary’s passion for books started at an early age along with an overactive imagination. Inspired by her love for history and ancient Celtic and Norse mythology, her tales are filled with powerful warriors, brave women, magic, and romance. Now, the worlds she created in her mind are coming to life within her stories.

If you enjoy history, tortured heroes, and a wee bit of fantasy, then travel back in time within the pages of her books.

Connect with Mary here ~


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It’s been great having you with us today.  Good luck with WISHES UNDER A HIGHLAND STAR!

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