A Witch’s Quandary RONE Nominee #MFRWHooks
Through #MFRWHooks I’m thrilled to announce A WITCH’S QUANDARY had been nominated for the prestigious RONE Award in the #Paranormal Short category! Join the #magical, #fantasy #adventure. Grab your copy today! #Scotland #irelandreads #wrpbksI’ll be asking for your votes May 9 thru May 14th. Please mark your calendars!
Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Shall we find out a little about A Witch’s Quandary?
What’s A Witch’s Quandary about you ask: – Off the chart chemistry and interesting characters endowed with magical powers and distinctive voices launch from the page to cast a spell on readers’ imaginations. ~InD’tale Magazine
Gale’s engagement is off because she refuses to leave her thriving business in Ireland to follow Dillon to Scotland. Her family and friends are on the emerald isle. Yet, when Dillon returns with the whole story and asks for her help, she must follow her heart.
Becoming a Solicitor, then partner in the family law firm was never Dillon’s dream. Now it’s his nightmare. Called to Scotland, his father demands he take his rightful place in the firm or be disowned and disinherited. Something is terribly amiss in the firm and family.
During Gale and Dillon’s investigation, they discover the enforcer for the Demon Overlord is also delving into rumors the firm is acting illegally. Magic has been stolen, someone is being blackmailed, and a member of the Witch’s council is corrupt. If Gale and Dillon want a life together in Ireland, they have to unearth secrets threatening to destroy the firm and family in Scotland.
A peek between the pages of A Witch’s Quandary.
Inside the shop, Gale watched and listened to the exchange of her friends, hoping they’d just leave. She wasn’t ready to face them. This morning, her mirror had revealed dark circles under her normally bright green eyes and skin puffy from tears. How can I explain? I’m still not sure I made the right decision. But my livelihood depends on my opening the shop. I’ve got to face everyone some time. Might as well…
“I think she’s in there.” Cori cupped her hands around her face, pressed her nose to the glass, and tried to peer in the crack between the shade and the window where sunlight streamed in and spread across the polished but dusty hardwood floor. A shadow loomed over the end of the sunny stream.
She stepped back out of the stream of sunlight—too late.
Bridget knocked on the window. “Hey Gale, we can see you. Whatever it is, your secret is safe with us.” She rapped on the window harder this time.
Bells tinkled, after a creak and a groan, the door opened a crack. She unlocked the chain that allowed only a three-inch opening. “Been ill. Don’t feel like company.”
Bridget barreled through, knocking her aside, and shoved the door open wide. The other women cautiously followed in their friend’s wake. Never one for mincing words, her friend narrowed her eyes and stared. “What the hell is up with you?” Bridget paused in the center of the dismal showroom and glanced around, then returned her penetrating gaze to Gale.
Synn remained stuck in place, appalled at Bridget’s lack of decorum. “Gale, we were worried about you.”
“We’ve been friends for years. Never a secret between us. I’ve never known you to even have the sniffles. Now out with it.” Bridget paced hands on hips, eyes narrowed sizing up her friend. “Heard Dillon went back to Scotland last week. Is that what this is all about?”
Tena Stetler is an international best-selling author of award winning paranormal romance with an over-active imagination. In Tena’s past lives she’s been a savings and loan branch manager, a paralegal for a criminal law firm, IT Manager for an electrical contracting firm, and now a published author. After trying on many hats, she finally found the one that fits the best. Or in other words, she loves making things up for the entertainment of others. Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.
Colorado is home; shared with her husband, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a forty-five-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.
This is a blog hop! Visit all the Book Hooks from #MFRWHooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged #MFRWHooks, A Witch's Quandary, fantasy, Ireland, Paranormal Romance/Mystery, RONE Awards, Scotland by Tena Stetler with 6 comments.
A Witch’s Quandary #MFRWHooks
Today we are celebrating St. Patrick’s Day Week with a wee bit of Irish Magic! #MFRWHooks presents A WITCH’S QUANDARY set in Ireland available in print, ebook, and audiobook. Part of A Demon’s Witch Series. Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Shall we find out a wee bit about A WITCH’S QUANDARY?
What’s A WITCH’S QUANDARY about you ask: – A Broken Engagement leads to the discovery of stolen magic and malice with a little blackmail mixed in. Can they weather the storm
Gale’s engagement is off because she refuses to leave her thriving business in Ireland to follow Dillon to Scotland. Her family and friends are on the emerald isle. Yet, when Dillon returns with the whole story and asks for her help, she must follow her heart.
Becoming a Solicitor, then partner in the family law firm was never Dillon’s dream. Now it’s his nightmare. Called to Scotland, his father demands he take his rightful place in the firm or be disowned and disinherited. Something is terribly amiss in the firm and family.
During Gale and Dillon’s investigation, they discover the enforcer for the Demon Overlord is also delving into rumors the firm is acting illegally. Magic has been stolen, someone is being blackmailed, and a member of the Witch’s council is corrupt. If Gale and Dillon want a life together in Ireland, they have to unearth secrets threatening to destroy the firm and family in Scotland.
A peek between the pages of A WITCH’S QUANDARY.
“This is an outrage. It’s my firm.” Bram bellowed slamming his fist down on the table. Sparks flew in all directions creating a red-hot spider web of power crackling across the tabletop. Everyone at the table scrambled back or stood. Dillon caught the malevolent spark in his father’s eye a split-second after Gale. She had already brought her hands together, the room sizzled as she conjured a ball of fire and with a few words sent the witch fire and spell at him.
“What have you done?” Bram screeched as the fire and spell hit him center mass. “Witchfire too? Bitch.” He slid to the floor.
Iris ran to his side, tears spilling her cheeks, she wiped his sweat-soaked brow with a napkin. “You just couldn’t stop, could you? What did you do? Make a deal with the devil? We should have put a stop to it. To you. But…” She helped him into a chair. “I’m afraid you’ve messed with the wrong witch, this time. Brought this on yourself. You did. But I won’t let you take this family—the firm—down with you.” Giving his shoulders a little shake, she gazed into his shocked eyes. “What have you done?”
Bram slowly shook his head and murmured, “It’s my firm.” He raised his gaze and glared at Gale pointing a bony finger at her. “You’ll pay for this.” Then turned his attention to Dillon. “I told you nothing good would come from aligning yourself with this witch. Her blood is not pure. Diluted by the Fae power of her…” He broke off.
Dillon stood at Gale’s back his hands steady and supportive on her shoulders as she said nothing for several beats. Eventually, she turned her emerald green eyes to him and held his gaze. “I couldn’t let him divide the family with that dark magic. I tempered my deadly witch fire with the spell.” She tore her gaze from Dillon’s, touching her fingertips to the scorched marks radiating across the table stopping an inch from the edge all around.
Tena Stetler is a best-selling author of award winning paranormal romance with an over-active imagination. She wrote her first vampire romance as a tween, to the chagrin of her mother and the delight of her friends. Colorado is home; shared with her husband, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a forty-five-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.
Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.
This is a blog hop! Visit all the Book Hooks from #MFRWHooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Witch's Quandary, blackmail, corruption, Dog, Ireland, puppy;, Scotland, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with 6 comments.
#MFRW Book Hooks Presents A Witch’s Quandary
Welcome the New Year with an adventure in Ireland and Scotland where mystery and magic will vie for your attention! #MFRW Book Hooks presents a feel-good tale with twists and surprises to keep you turning pages, A Witch’s Quandary. Now available in audiobook. WooHoo! You are not going to believe what happens at he board meeting of Dillon’s Family Law firm in A Witch’s Quandary, my paranormal romance/mystery! A Broken Engagement leads to the discovery of stolen magic and malice with a little blackmail mixed in. Can they weather the storm and find a future together? Join the #fantasy #mystery #adventure, download a copy today! Psst… or kick back and listen to the story on audiobook.
Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler. Take your choice of a Chocolate Chip or Pumpkin, or Peanut Butter cookies from the plate, and let’s find out a little about A Witch’s Quandary. part of the award winning A Demon’s Witch Series. All books can be read as stand alone. Go ahead you know you want to grab a copy and join the #magical #fantasy, #adventure today! You’ll be so glad you did.
What is A Witch’s Quandary all about?
Gale’s engagement is off because she refuses to leave her thriving business in Ireland to follow Dillon to Scotland. Her family and friends are on the emerald isle. Yet, when Dillon returns with the whole story and asks for her help, she must follow her heart.
Becoming a Solicitor, then partner in the family law firm was never Dillon’s dream. Now it’s his nightmare. Called to Scotland, his father demands he take his rightful place in the firm or be disowned and disinherited. Something is terribly amiss in the firm and family.
During Gale and Dillon’s investigation, they discover the enforcer for the Demon Overlord is also delving into rumors the firm is acting illegally. Magic has been stolen, someone is being blackmailed, and a member of the Witch’s council is corrupt. If Gale and Dillon want a life together in Ireland, they have to unearth secrets threatening to destroy the firm and family in Scotland.
Sneak peek between the pages of A Witch’s Quandary:
A loud pop sounded. Gavin appeared in front of Dillon. “What the bloody hell is going on here? I felt shock waves all the way to me house.” Gavin paused to survey the room then glanced outside. “Quinn and Amos are on their way. Had to interrupt the poker game as there ‘twas a problem at the pub.”
The owl flapped her wings and let out several screeches in succession. Finally, she circled the house and landed on the porch railing clicking her beak angrily.
Gavin glanced at the picture Dillon held. “Good God man, what have you done?” Gavin tore the picture from his friend and stared at it. “Who’s the woman?”
“An old friend from college. Nothing more. She’s a reporter. I met her for lunch to find out what she knew about a case involving magic, my brother and I are working on. This picture was taken completely out of context.” He took the picture back and glanced at Gale. “We need to sort this out alone. Now.”
“A bit bold of you after that.” With her well-manicured fingernail painted in purple with silver sparkles, Gale pointed at the offending picture and glared at him. “You made your position quite clear when you left. Now a few weeks later you’re here making demands. Take your picture and yourself back to Scotland. Don’t darken my door again.” She whirled around and marched into the kitchen.
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.
This is a blog hop! Visit all the #MFRW Book Hooks from #MFRW Book Hooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged #MFRWHooks, A Witch's Quandary, blackmail, Ireland, Law Firm, Paranormal Romance/Mystery, Scotland, Tena Stetler, Witch's Council by Tena Stetler with 4 comments.
Charm Me Again by Tena Stetler #MFRWHooks
Yippee!! #MFRWHooks presents a fall read full of ghosts, witches, mystery, and fun, CHARM ME AGAIN, my paranormal romance/mystery. WooHoo! Breaking the curse is only the first step to forever. Join the #fantasy#adventure, download a copy today!
Pull up a chair and get comfy, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Charm Me Again. is the sequel to Charm Me, novella. All books can be read as stand alone. Both books are available in audiobook too. Did you know a few months back this happened! An opportunity a rose for my book CHARM ME AGAIN to be made into a video game! Say What?? Never heard of such a thing, but it was real and looked like a great deal of fun. Yep, I’m a gamer. So I hopped on board.
What is Charm Me Again is all about?
For several months a Scottish Highland Ghost has haunted Daylan, in his personal life, his professional life and at his forge. Yet, being a talented warlock, he is no closer to discovering what the ghost wants or why he chose Daylan. A trip to his estranged sister’s home in Colorado may have unforeseen consequences especially when family history leads him to a shocking discovery.
As his attraction blooms for Josie, a yoga instructor in his sister’s studio, he realizes there may be more to Josie than he can imagine. When an ancient rogue Fae Warrior set on revenge kidnaps her in an attempt to claim her as his own, a devastating curse comes to light.
Daylan’s world spirals out of control as he searches for Josie. Can he break the age old curse to save her and their future, or will she be lost to him forever?
Sneak peek between the pages of Charm Me Again:
A heartbroken expression crossed the ghost’s face. “Shameful…tools were passed down without the tale.” He shook his head sadly. “We cannot release the curse without…” His head jerked up. “The Fae has the location of your forge from the journal.”
He held his finger to his lips and shook his head. Quiet footfalls sounded outside his door became louder then stopped and someone knocked. The ghost disappeared.
He sensed Josie, waved his arm. Without a sound, everything in the room found its proper place. I’ll do a more thorough inventory later. Nonchalantly, he opened the door, leaning his shoulder against the framework. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”
“Is there someone in here with you?” Josie peeked around his body into the room. “I heard voices.”
“Not that it is any of your business, but no one is here but me,” he said flatly opening the door wider.
She looked around and listened intently. Nothing.
Available from Universal Link – https://books2read.com/u/3Lpk80 Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Itunes
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.
This is a blog hop! Visit all the Book Hooks from #MFRWHooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!
Views: 0
Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Charm Me Again, Colorado, fantasy, ghosts, Paranormal Romance/Mystery, Scotland, Tena Stetler, Witches, yoga by Tena Stetler with 5 comments.