Stephen B. King Author of Glimpse, the Beautiful Deaths

Give a warm welcome to Stephen B. King who is giving us a first look at his up coming release Glimpse, the Beautiful Deaths. Release date April 10, 2019!

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Steve and his Beautiful Deaths!

What defines you as an author? As a person? Are they one in the same?

I’d like to think that what defines me as an author is firstly an inborn need to tell stories, and secondly to bring characters to life. The thing I enjoy most is creating people and getting the reader to invest in them. If I can hook the reader to like them, then I can take my perfectly ordinary people, and put them into extraordinary situations. Then I hold the reader by the hand, and take them on a roller coaster. The biggest compliments I’ve received on my writing are by readers liking and feeling sorry for not just the victims, but the murderer I’ve brought to life. I think we all have flaws, and as an author, I love describing normal, flawed people, in an entertaining way.

As a person, I think there is something of me in everyone I create. My heroes and heroines are likable, though normal, and there is a piece of me in each of them (I hope).

What inspired this particular story? What makes you laugh out loud?

Glimpse, The Beautiful Deaths, book 2 of the trilogy, will be released on April 10th, and the inspiration came from a woman who once said to me (though I now wish I’d never met her) “Here’s an idea you can use: when is a serial killer, not a serial killer?”

I must admit I hate riddles and couldn’t get what she meant, and she explained it was when someone doesn’t actually kill his victims, but his actions cause them to die. This sparked a lengthy discussion, and out of it, came Gordon, a man so hopelessly addicted to beauty he will abduct young women to capture the essence of them in oil. But once drugged and kidnapped, they cease to be the one thing he took them for in the first place – beautiful.

Why should we read this book/series and what sets you apart from the rest and makes your book/series unique?

It’s funny, but I was trying to think of a book, or series that I know of that is anything like The Three Deadly Glimpses Trilogy, to aid in picking search words, and I failed. By that definition, I think it is unique. In terms of the trilogy, I wanted to explore the relationship between two married people who must work together during three separate murder investigations, and they are instantly attracted to each other. Rick is a Detective Sargent and Pat is a criminal psychologist, brought in to provide a profile of a serial killer. Across the three books they fight the urge they both feel, yet their desire grows to the point both marriages are affected, even though they have not done anything but flirt. The attraction for both is deeper than a desire to have sex, they are drawn to each other yet they fight it to protect their crumbling existing relationships. Yes, it’s a love story, a long one – combined the three books total 300,000 words, and that gave me the time to really get inside their psyches to try to describe how they feel about not only each other, but their marriages. In my life, I’ve always got on better with women, than men, and I love being with, working with, or friendly with a women who I find desirable, even though I am married. No, I wouldn’t want to be unfaithful, for good reason – I adore my wife, but I love to feel that I could, if that makes sense. It was that wanting, and should I shouldn’t I feeling I wanted to explore in story form.

Each book is a thriller, a stand-alone story police procedural hunt to track down three entirely different, very troubled human beings who choose to kill people. Glimpse, Memoir of a Serial Killer, is a man whose life has been so bad, he has become a narcissistic sociopath who wants to be famous as the ‘best’ serial killer in Australian History. The killer in book 2, Glimpse, The Beautiful Deaths is something else entirely. His life since childhood has been so ugly, first through his mother, then his overbearing wife, that he becomes addicted to beauty. His quest to find perfection causes six young girls to lose their lives. Book 3, the finale of the series, Glimpse, The Tender Killer features a man who develops situational schizophrenia through unbearable guilt. He hears and sees an imaginary man, named Jolly, who quotes verses from the bible and urges him to kill nine times to find salvation and avenge the death of his sister. But is Jolly imaginary, or is he real? To make things worse for Rick and Pat, their marriages are in tatters, and PPP, the serial killer from book 1 has escaped, and is out for revenge.

Who is your favorite character of all of the books you’ve written and Why?

Patricia Holmes, in this series is the star of the show. It is her insightfulness, and hers alone, that helps uncover who the killers are, and helps understand why they do what they do. She is smart, beautiful, self-assured, wealthy (unlike Rick) and working in an era (between the years 200 and 2003) when firstly women in the police force were snubbed, and criminal psychologists laughed at. Pat overcomes all the prejudice and wins the respect of a very testosterone heavy bunch of jaded detectives. She is a wonderful character to write about, and though this was only ever going to be a trilogy, I adore her so much, she may be back in the future.

Do you find it easier to write from a male or female point of view? Why?

This is a great, and fun question. One of the reasons my wife and I get along so well is I say there is quite a bit of bloke in her (she’s always been a bit of a tomboy) and she says there is a strong feminine side to me. For example, she loves my taste in clothes for her and we shop together. I once wrote a story totally from a female POV, and my editor said she had never read anything quite like it and that it was the best example of a man describing how a woman thinks and feels she had ever experienced. I thought that high praise indeed. It’s not for me to say what I do best – I’m an author and I write about people. I hope I get most of it right, and I hope I entertain. I love writing about love, both from a male and female perspective, but the reader is the final arbiter.

My goodness you are a multi-faceted individual indeed!  Now the SPEED ROUND FOR A LITTLE ADDED FUN:

Speed Round (one word only answer): Yep, I know torture for a writer!<evil laugh>

Favorite movie: INCEPTION
Favorite color: YELLOW
Stilettos or flipflops: I CAN’T WALK ON STLETOES –  Too bad I’d pay to see that. LOL
Coffee or tea: COFFEE – BLACK
Ebook or audiobook or paperback: AUDIO THESE DAYS
Pencil or pen: PEN

Favorite song: ROUNDABOUT – YES


Favorite dessert: VANILA BEAN ICE CREAM

Favorite junk food: KFC

Favorite thing to do to relax: WRITE


Paranormal or Historical: HISTORICAL


Favorite TV show: WALLANDER

Hot or cold: COLD


I’d die if I don’t have: MY LAPTOP

Review or Not: ALWAYS

A little about Glimpse, the Beautiful Deaths:

Rick McCoy of the Major Crime Squad is trying to repair his marriage when he is sent to the South of Western Australia. A young girl’s body has been found in a cave, with flowers on her chest. A search finds five more bodies.

Beautiful criminal psychologist, Patricia Holmes, has recovered from her stab wounds inflicted by the serial killer PPP, and is brought in. Pat believes they are hunting a man who is addicted to beauty. When another school girl goes missing, they have only days before she too will die.

As their desire for each other grows and the pressure on their marriages increase, they close in on the man responsible for the beautiful deaths. Meanwhile, in the high-security wing of the mental health hospital, PPP plans his revenge on Rick.

Buy Link:   AMAZON 

About the Author:

I left Perth, Australia many years ago to go East and find fame and fortune in the music business as a long-haired rock guitarist. I wrote poems and music in my wild days. I gave it all up for love and got married (as you do when the right one comes along). Then, real life took over, children came along and I threatened to write a book for so many years my long-suffering wife eventually pushed me into it by buying me a laptop and said: “No more excuses, do it.” And so, began this amazing journey.  Glimpse, Memoir of a Serial Killer is number seven, with books 2 and 3 of the trilogy also contracted, so I think, now and again, she regrets buying that laptop.


Stephen B King
Australian Author
Twitter: @StephenBKing1
Facebook: @stephenbkingauthor

It was wonderful having you with us today.  Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Glimpse, the Beautiful Deaths!

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Glimpse, Memoir of a Serial Killer by Stephen B. King an Interview

Give a Spooktacular welcome to Stephen B. King author of Glimpse, Memoir of a Serial Killer. Yeah, that’s pretty scary in my book. Perfect for Halloween. 

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cauldron. Take your choice of a Bat Wing Chocolate Chip or Pumpkin, or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Stephen and his obsession  with Glimpse, Memoir of a Serial Killer. I have to admit after close to twenty years as a paralegal for a criminal law firm, I’d never wanted a Glimpse into what made a serial killer tick.  But I digress.

Let’s start with what makes you angry Stephen.

Negative people. Most of us authors have been criticized dreadfully by people who could never write a book, let alone get one published. It’s hard (though very enjoyable). I’m going through a very tough time now with a woman who has made the most spiteful, untrue accusations about one of my books, as yet unpublished, and at times I think about giving it all away. I am furious with her, but what can I do other than defend my reputation, hope she desists, and refuse to let her define who and what I am?

That’s all you can do. There will always be nay sayers, authors must have an unbelievably thick skin.  You’re right it’s a tough industry.  Glad you didn’t give up!

Now lets move on to what is your favorite Halloween experience of all time?

I saw Alice Cooper perform live one Halloween, which was spectacular. Being an ex guitarist myself I really loved his live show. Here in Australia, Halloween is not the big event that it is in the states; but fun none the less. I love watching a bunch of kids, parent(s) in tow, knocking of doors for treats (we Aussies never give tricks – well, rarely)

What would you do if a Vampire showed up at your door?

OK, here’s a little known fact (I read Bram Stoker): A vampire can’t cross the threshold of a home unless he or she has been invited. The problem is that they own hypnotic powers so will probably weasel an invite out of you. So one thing I wouldn’t do, was ask them in for a drink.

Who is your favorite character of all of the books you’ve written and Why?

Can I pick two? In Thirty-Three Days, Jenny, a lonely introverted woman who devoted her life to her students, gets a chance to go back in time and save the world, in doing so she finds love. She is the bravest person imaginable. In Glimpse, Memoir of a Serial Killer, Patricia Holmes is brought into the investigation in an era when psychologists were viewed by police as not welcome. She is a clever, insightful woman who through her and her alones actions saves lives and brings a maniacal murderer to justice. I guess this shows I have the utmost respect for strong willed women.

Where do your story ideas come from? If they come to you in the middle of the night, do you get up and write them all down?

Thirty-Three Days did come to me in the middle of the night, and I had to get up and write it down because it sent shivers up and down my spine. Glimpse was completely different. The spark of inspiration came when I was driving along and a random thought snuck into my head: I was five years old when I first saw someone bleed out. Now, I’ve never seen anyone bleed out at any age, and that isn’t even an expression I’d use myself. The killer, in one of his rantings in his diary, asks the question: who knows where random thoughts of inspiration comes from? I don’t, but that odd thought while I was driving was a seed, and it grew into a plant, then a tree. The line is the opening for the first of his ramblings as he writes his memoir, and charts his life to explain why, and how, he became a mass murderer.


Speed Round (one word only answer): Yep, I know torture for a writer!<evil laugh>

Favorite scary movie: The Exorcist
Favorite scary book: Pet Sematary by my namesake
Last scary book  read: Duma Key (same author)
Favorite color: yellow
Stilettos or flipflops or boots: On my wife stilettoes, on me flip flops (I’m Australian)
Coffee or tea or flaming drink: Coffee, black
Ebook or audiobook or paperback: Nothing like the smell of a new book
Pencil or pen or quill with blood ink jar: The quill would be fun

Favorite scary song: Spiders and Snakes

Favorite costume: Hard to go past Dracula

Favorite dessert: Blood Orange Cheesecake

Favorite junk food: KFC (don’t tell my wife she wants me to lose weight)

Favorite thing to do to relax: Chase bats? Movies

Champagne or gin or magic potion: All alcohol can be magic

Paranormal or Historical: Paranormal

Wonder Woman or Top Model or Witch’s Ball: WW I’m a sucker for a good looking woman

Favorite scary TV show: X Files

Hot or cold: Hot

POV: The killers

I’d die if I don’t have: Time left

Review or Not: I do

Tell us a bit about Glimpse, Memoir of a Serial Killer.

In 1999 Australia, Sergeant Rick McCoy investigates the murder of a woman found packed inside a suitcase.
The Killer abducts another victim and threatens to dismember her slowly. His life is further complicated by a marriage in tatters.  Frustrated at every turn, he is paired with glamorous Criminal Psychologist and profiler, Patricia Holmes.
While trying to rebuild his marriage, he finds himself in a desperate race against time to free the victim and fight his desire for his new partner.

Available at: Amazon     The Wild Rose Press

A sneak peek between the pages of Glimpse, Memoir of a Serial Killer.

“Pat, I know you went to uni with the boss, because he told me. I am an old-fashioned cop who believes in what I do. This is a hideous case, with clearly a deranged murderer who takes delight in abducting, raping and torturing women. If we don’t stop him, he will keep going because he likes it. Believe me, I’m willing to take any help from you that will get me closer to this guy.”

“He’s not deranged. He just sees things differently than you or I do. To him his behavior is normal, and you cops are the abnormal ones. That’s probably because of his upbringing. Tell me everything you know, let me try to get a feel for this guy, Daryl has already told me quite a lot, but I want your take on the facts. I will tell you one thing I think already, he lost his mother at a very early age. I think she went out to the shops and never came back. She abandoned him, that’s why he selects his victims from shopping areas.”

“Oh come on, how can you know that?”

She uncurled her legs and leant forward on her desk. “My role, if I am to be any help at all, is to theorize. To observe the facts and make deductions from them. It would be fair and reasonable if I were wrong twenty percent of the time. I could live with that; eighty percent is good for this kind of work. Our man abducts women, from supermarkets, therefore he does it for a reason and not by random chance. By him replicating that, it would make sense if he is hurting his mother for leaving him. Rick, people who commit these sorts of crimes don’t do it just for fun, although often they enjoy the act. They can feel driven to do it; it satisfies an urge or need that they have. Psychopaths hear voices, which tell them what to do and how to do it. But Sociopaths have no conscience, they don’t feel guilt, and you can’t argue with them logically. They often will feel incredibly superior, and they will lord that over you; tease and taunt, just to show how clever they are. They will shift the blame so if you don’t stop them it’s your fault, not theirs.  Rick, this is my field, I’m not going to be able to tell you where he lives, because I don’t use a crystal ball. But, I might be able to tell you the kind of place he might live in, the sort of up upbringing he may have had, and most importantly, the kind of things to look out for if you interview him. I’m only offering to help you, so, please, tell me everything, don’t hold back; what do you have to lose?”

He nodded slowly, and took a long draft of his beer. She’s right, what do I have to lose?

About the author Stephen B. King:

I left Perth, Australia many years ago to go East and find fame and fortune in the music business as a long-haired rock guitarist. I wrote poems and music in my wild days. I gave it all up for love and got married (as you do when the right one comes along). Then, real life took over, children came along and I threatened to write a book for so many years my long-suffering wife eventually pushed me into it by buying me a laptop and said: “No more excuses, do it.” And so, began this amazing journey.  Glimpse, Memoir of a Serial Killer is number seven, with books 2 and 3 of the trilogy also contracted, so I think, now and again, she regrets buying that laptop.

twitter: @stephenBKing1
Facebook: @stephenbkingauthor

It was wonderful having you with us today.  Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Glimpse, Memoir of a Serial Killer.

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