March Weather – In Like A Lion – Out Like A Lamb

If March weather comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb?

Do you believe this? Weather folklore is as colorful as our imagination. Keep in mind many sayings are based on careful observations and turn out to be accurate, others not so much and are merely rhymes, superstitions, or beliefs of the people who came before us.

Our ancestors believed that bad spirits could affect the weather adversely, so they were cautious as to what they did or did not do in certain situations. Those beliefs often went so far as to insinuate there should be a balance in weather and life. So, if a month came in bad (roaring like a lion), it should go out good and calm (docile, like a lamb). What’s your experience with this folklore?

March is such a changeable month. One day we see warm spring-like temperatures, the next snowstorms. So you can understand how this saying might hold true in some instances. We can only hope that if March starts off stormy it will end on a calm note, but the key word is hope. However, this saying seems be to more of a rhyme than a true weather predictor. This year in Colorado March came in like a lamb — though parts of the Northeast experienced just the opposite. Only time will tell how March leaves us.

Yep, that’s April showers

In most of the country the saying is April showers bring May flowers. In Colorado its snow showers bring May flowers –and hope they don’t freeze.  That’s why its ill-advised to plant flowers outside until after Memorial Day. New comers to Colorado scoff, but they are the ones outside covering up their tender plants most May nights.

Other March-related weather lore includes:

A dry March and a wet May? Fill barns and bays with corn and hay.

As it rains in March, so it rains in June. – Not in my part of the country. How about yours?  In Colorado, March is one of our heaviest snow months.  Big, wet storybook snowflakes, a foot to eighteen inches of the white stuff isn’t unusual.

March winds and April showers? Bring forth May flowers.  –

Colorado Sunrise

So many mists in March you see, so many frosts in May will be.

Red in the morning, sailors take warning, Red at night, sailor’s delight.

One weather folklore that rings true in most parts of the country is:

When there’s a ring around the moon, rain or snow is coming soon. Well at least you can bet there will be a change in the weather. Even in unpredictable Colorado.

If you know any Weather related rhymes, please leave them in the comments.  Have a great week!

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