Forever Winter by Amber Daulton

Give a warm autumn welcome to Amber Daulton, author of Forever WinterPull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Amber and her Forever Winter.  

Tell us a little about Forever Winter. Will their love withstand the storm to come?

A perfect Christmas wedding, a snowstorm, and a shocking secret. What could go wrong?

Susanna Lorican must marry the man she loves before the truth is discovered, or face the gossip of the ton. With an unexpected snowstorm injuring the minister, her future hangs in the balance.

Viscount Camden Beckinworth vows to keep his bride safe, even if he must betray her confidence. When their love is put to the test, how will he uphold her honor without jeopardizing his own?


– Warning: this sweet, complete Regency romance novella features a brief scene where the heroine is assaulted.

– Second edition. Newly revised and edited.


A sneak peek between the pages of Forever Winter. 

Oh, my. The air in her lungs froze as he teased and tasted her lips in a decadent, feather-soft kiss. She moaned into his mouth and closed her eyes.

“You are so beautiful.” He trailed his lips down her neck.

“Camden.” She gasped and gripped his broad shoulders for an anchor in the storm of bliss threatening to sweep her under. Spots dotted her vision like twinkling stars peeking through dark clouds. She blinked several times and nodded to the entryway. “We must control ourselves. Anyone could see.” The smirk crawling up his cheeks clenched something deep and primal inside her. She breathed harder and inched closer to his heaving chest.

“Let them. We are betrothed. Two people in love who are about to wed are expected to kiss.”

“Kiss, yes,” she whispered. “You, my lord, make love with your lips.” Heat flamed in her cheeks and surely reddened her face.

Camden laughed and trailed his fingers up her bare arm to the puffed sleeve. “Do I? You have never admitted that before.”

“There are some things you should not be privy to.”

“Really? I’m honored that my bride appreciates the way I kiss. If she didn’t, what kind of man would that make me?”

She stepped away and smacked his biceps. “There are eyes and ears everywhere, Camden. Especially today. I’m positive the servants are already gossiping that we are spending time together on the one day we should keep our distance. It is bad luck.” And since their chaperone had left them unaccompanied, she expected another servant to arrive any minute, courtesy of her mother.

Camden drew her back into his arms and brushed his lips across her hairline. “I make my own luck. We control our destiny, Susanna; no one else. Besides, you have nothing to worry about. The one activity we shared truly worth gossiping about will never reach the light of day.”

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About the Author

Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through Daulton Publishing, The Wild Rose Press, and Books to Go Now, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.

She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats.

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The Story Between Us by Darlene Deluca – The Interview

Give a warm welcome to Darlene Deluca author of The Story Between Us, a sweet romance.  Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Darlene and The Story Between Us.

About my writing . . .

I write what I most like to read – people stories. For me, that means a focus on relationships – friendship, families and, of course, love. All of my novels are contemporary romance or women’s fiction, and they all explore relationships – what brings people together or keeps them apart. The other “biggie” for me is to make the stories feel real. I try to bring to life interesting characters that readers can relate to in real-life situations. I like to think that when people read my books they find characters they could be friends with in real life.

Oh, and I like to make people cry! 🙂  Just a little. Though each book has a happy-ever-after or a positive ending, there’s angst. Just like you, these people have ups and downs, issues, problems and sometimes messy lives.

Here’s a quote from one of my favorite reviews of “The Story Between Us” so far:

“An utterly charming tale of life, loss, and finding love in unexpected places. A heartwarming and delightful read from start to finish!”  ~~~InD’tale Magazine

I always want to leave my readers either cheering or sighing with a satisfied smile as they turn the final page!

Who would you recommend this book to and what should readers be aware of before reading it?

I would recommend it to anyone who wants to get immersed in someone else’s lives for a while and who likes to know there’s going to be resolution at the end. I hate books that end with “a handful of poo” for all the characters or leave a bunch of unresolved questions.

Also, if you like steamy sex and murder, this book is not for you. While some of my books do have some sex scenes, “The Story Between Us” does not. Since the story also involves a six-year-old, it’s PG rated! 🙂 Of course there’s sexual tension, physical attraction and romance, but intimacy happens behind closed doors.

About Me . . .

Favorite place to read:

Well, I can curl up just about anywhere with a cup of tea and book, but I guess my favorite spot would be a quiet, secluded beach where I can hear the soft sound of waves in the background.

Favorite childhood books:

I’ve always loved books and libraries, and I spent a lot of time reading as a kid. When I outgrew the small public library in walking distance of my home, I began taking the bus downtown to the main Wichita library. My all-time favorites are Laura Ingalls Wilder and Trixie Belden. I prefer character-driven stories over plot-driven. Even though Trixie Belden books were “mysteries,” the characters drew me in. I connected with them as though I was part of the group. I loved their relationships and how they related to each other in their quest to solve the mysteries. I still have my worn and tattered copies of both sets.

Favorite Books to movies:

(These are all books I read before seeing the movie.)

  1. The Davinci Code
  2. Snow Falling on Cedars
  3. The Help
  4. Pride and Prejudice (Colin Firth edition)
  5. The Lord of the Rings

Tell us a little about The Story Between Us.

She sees a bestseller and heartwarming keepsake; he sees exploitation. 

When a children’s book author gets a story idea from a young fan who’s lost his parents in a tragic accident, she knows she’s hit gold. She sees a bestseller and heartwarming keepsake. But the boy’s guardian sees exploitation.

Her agent warned her not to get attached to a fan. But children’s book author Kristen Hanover is about to break the rules. Kristen meets a young boy who is a victim of a tragic accident and is drawn into the heartbreaking situation.

Six years ago, Reed Armstrong never imagined he’d actually become guardian of his sister’s boy. Now he is, and most days he’s not sure he’s up to the task.

When he and Dylan meet Kristen, Reed downplays his nephew’s crush on the author. But as their lives become unexpectedly intertwined, he finds himself captivated as well. Trouble is, she sells stories for a living. Does she truly care about Dylan…and Reed, or is she using them for her own career advancement?

Sneak peek between the pages:

Reed pulled his keys out of his pocket. In the doorway, he folded his arms and leaned against the casing. “Can I ask you a question?”

Chest pounding, Kristen forced a smile. “Of course.” She took a couple of steps toward him and braced a hand against the back of the sofa.

“Is writing your only reason for being here?”

Heavy, charged air closed around her. How to answer that? Honestly, of course, but…how honestly? “Well, writing is my goal for sure. But—” She glanced around the room before looking at him again. “I’d love to ride my horse, er, Star, and spend some time with…with people I like, too.”

As he pushed off from the door, a slow grin spread across his face. “Sounds like an excellent plan.” He sauntered closer. About a foot away, he stopped. “You’re good with dinner at the main house tonight? Don’t let Dylan bully you. You decide.”

She gave a shaky laugh. That was the plan, right? She couldn’t remember for sure. Her brain was going fuzzy. “I’d love to,” she managed to say.

He leaned closer, his breath warm on her cheek. She braced herself for a friendly peck, but when her eyes fluttered shut, his lips grazed hers. Hovered there, and when she thought her legs might give out, Reed caught her arm and pulled her slightly toward him, his lips covering hers again.

Sparks exploded in her brain, and she grabbed hold of his arm. All of her senses came alive and responded to the unexpected deluge.

A long moment later, he pulled back and brushed a thumb across her cheek. “See you in about an hour.”

Kristen could only nod. As soon as the door closed behind him, she collapsed against the sofa. She ran a finger along her bottom lip. That kiss…Oh, man. The chances of her getting any writing done this weekend just dropped from unlikely to who-said-anything-about-writing?

Buy links:

Amazon,  Barnes and Noble,  The WIld Rose Press 

About the Author:

Darlene Deluca writes contemporary romance and women’s fiction, and likes to explore relationships – what brings people together or keeps them apart.

Her intent is to bring to life interesting characters that readers can relate to in real-life situations that combine a little fun, plenty of drama (with perhaps a tear or two), and big helpings of friendship, love and self-discovery, and will leave readers either cheering or sighing with a satisfied smile as they turn the final page.

The Kansas City author enjoys getting lost in a good story with a glass of tea, a bit of dark chocolate and a warm, sunny beach.

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It’s been great having you with us today.  Good luck with The Story Between Us!

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Interview Mona Sedrak Author of Gravity

Give a warm welcome to Mona Sedrak, author of Gravity. Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Mona and Gravity.

Gravity is an interesting title. Give us some insight into this story.

Gravity is a heart-warming story of two individuals from remarkably differing backgrounds that are inexplicably drawn to one another, forming a strong friendship and falling in love–– despite the odds against them. The story depicts the beautiful Middle Eastern culture I was raised in and its many traditions as well as some of its challenges. Readers will identify with this story, no matter their background because it speaks to and awakens the human heart.

Gravity is about tolerance, acceptance, understanding, and forgiveness. Finally, it is a story of love and hope. When I started writing Gravity several years ago, I couldn’t have predicted how relevant it would be today. At the end of the day, I want readers to understand that although we may be different, as members of the human race, our similarities out-weigh our differences and love is the universal language that binds us.

What inspired  this story?

I was born in Cairo, Egypt and immigrated to the US as a child. Still, I was brought up in a very traditional home. I had a strong family unit and a loving family, but I always felt torn. I was neither fully Egyptian nor American. There are many misconceptions about the Middle Eastern culture, and I wanted to write a story that shed light on many aspects of that beautiful culture from a fictional point of view. I am a romantic at heart, and thus, I couched what I wanted readers to know in a beautiful, heart-warming story with many twists and turns.

Why should we read this book and what sets this book apart from the rest?

This book is very special to me because it depicts the beautiful Middle Eastern culture I was raised in and its many traditions as well as some of its challenges. The story is one many people will identify with, no matter their background. It is a story of loss and love and a story of forgiveness and understanding. For readers who enjoy learning about other cultures and reading women’s fiction with romantic elements, this books for you.

What inspired you to write?

I have loved to write since I was a child. It has always been my outlet and my preferred method of communication. Writing fiction is especially rewarding because I enjoy getting lost in building characters and a world that may or may not be like mine. I can create a story that others will lose themselves in and forget their own worries for a while. I enjoy writing realistic stories with satisfying endings that make readers hungry for more and more.

What do you want your readers to take away from your book?

This book is very contemporary and timely. I want readers to understand that all people are valuable and should be treated with love, dignity, and respect. No matter your race or culture, our similarities out-weigh our differences. With acceptance and understanding, love can triumph and always should.

What’s your favorite thing about being an author?

I live in two worlds. By day, I am a college administrator, but by night I lose myself in my writing. Like my readers, I too need a break from the real world and by writing, I can do just that. Writing allows me a creative outlet I do not always experience in my day job and it is remarkably rewarding.

Tell us a little about Gravity:

After being shunned by her Middle Eastern family, medical assistant Leila Solomon struggles to build a life for herself and her child. Landscape photographer Aiden Stone built a career seeing what others miss, and the second he meets Leila, he is drawn to her unassuming beauty and fragile strength.

Leila cannot defy the gravitational forces pulling her toward Aiden and to the family who cast her out. To build a future with Aiden, she must face the past but is she strong enough to resist being pulled back into the family fold?

How about a sneak peak between the pages of Gravity?

Aiden stopped pacing. His brain once conjured an image of the perfect family––his family. He first pictured them as he sat on the beach with Leila, asking for her forgiveness after he stood her up. He searched his memory banks, recalling the image. His breath hitched as his brain hiccupped and the picture focused with such clarity his hands shook, and the crystal tumbler slipped from his fingers, shattering on the deck and spraying scotch across the wood.

Leila stood on the beach laughing with her gorgeous midnight curls flowing down her back, holding their boy’s hand. AJ’s green eyes danced as he grinned. With his free hand he grasped his little sister’s tiny palm––her wispy blonde hair tousled by the wind. Aiden closed the circle, holding Leila’s hand in one of his and Mia’s in the other. Each member of his family was unique. They didn’t resemble each other, but that fact didn’t matter because their hearts were in sync. The ties that bind were invisible yet strong as steel.

“Aiden? Are you there? Are you okay?”

As the image receded, Aiden blinked. But before the photo completely dissipated, a strong wind battered their circle, and the smile slid off Leila’s face. Their hands were torn apart, breaking their circle and fissuring their foundation. Blinking again, Aiden focused on the shards of glass surrounding him. He gasped for air.

No matter what either of them did, or how hard they resisted, gravity drew them together. But could the awesome force of gravity be defied?

Buy Links:

GoodreadsBooks2Read   Bookbub

About the Author:

Mona Sedrak lives in Cincinnati, Ohio and works as a university administrator and professor. Although she has co-published two academic books, she is now writing mainstream fiction and women’s fiction. She is an avid reader and is probably Audible’s best customer.

Writing and reading fiction is her escape from reality.

Mona lives with her husband of 30+ years, a geriatric maltipoo, and an Amazon Parrot named Pretzel. She binge watches too many shows to count and she loves fine brandy.







It was wonderful having you with us today.  Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Gravity!

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Holiday Thoughts Linda Nightingale Author of Her General in Gray

Happy holidays to all!  Give a big welcome to Linda Nightingale, author of Her General in Gray.  Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Find out a little about Linda’s holidays and what Her General in Gray is all about.  Thanks for joining us! Take it away Linda!

I love the holidays, especially the Christmas season from the turkey to the hustle and bustle of shopping.  Since my oldest son, his wife and 3 children live in Yorkshire, England, I have to do, at least, that part of my gift buying early. I usually use Amazon since international shipping is so expensive.

In fact, I do most of my shopping for the season on-line.  I don’t like crowds, and I can avoid that hustle and bustle mentioned above by browsing my computer. My gift to myself will usually be a formal dress (that I rarely get the opportunity to wear—still I have lots of them!)  It’s about time to start my Christmas and birthday gifts for the English branch of my family.

What are your holiday traditions? Was there a special gift you prayed Santa would bring?

As a child with an immediate family of three, we didn’t have many traditions, but the holidays were warm and loving. I’d wrap all the presents with holiday gifts while Christmas carols played. Some of my favorite childhood memories are of Christmas. Like all kids, I was excited to see what Santa had left for me. With high hopes, this only child and devoted horse lover would rush to the door and peer out to see if there was a pony tied to one of the many trees surrounding our hose. Alas, until I was 13 and no longer galloped to the window in search of Santa’s ultimate gift, there was never a pony tied to the tree.  At 13, but not at Christmas, my parents bought me my first horse—a black-and-white pony I named First Fling.

I’ve loved horses all my life. It’s a wonderful sickness from which you never recover. I don’t own horses now.  I live in a cottage in the city in my hometown, but I love them no less.  At one time, I lived on our horse farm, breeding, training and showing the magnificent Andalusian horse.

It’s time for me to start shopping. I’ve made my list; checked it twice. Ready, set, go! How about you? When will you begin your search for the perfect presents?

I dedicated my sweet romance, Her General in Gray, to my parents, and named the hero after my maternal grandfather, John Sibley Allen.

Click on the cover to read more or purchase

Linda, tell us a little about Her General in Gray.

Autumn Hartley purchases Allen Hall at a steal, but the northern lass gets far more than a beautiful plantation in the South Carolina Low Country. The house comes complete with its own ghost, a handsome and charming Civil War General—for the Confederacy. The stage is set for another civil conflict.

John Sibley Allen died in battle from a wound in the back, the bullet fired by the turncoat, Beauregard Dudley. The traitor’s reincarnation is Autumn the Interloper’s first dinner guest. Sib bedevils her date and annoys her with fleeting, phantom touches, certain he can frighten her away as he did previous purchasers. As time marches on, her resident ghost becomes more appealing while her suitor, Beau, pales in comparison. Autumn finds her ability to love didn’t perish in the divorce that sent her south seeking a fresh start.

After over a century in the hereafter, Sib discovers he is falling for none other than the feisty Yankee girl, but what future could a modern woman and an old-fashioned ghost possibly hope for?

How about a  peek between the pages of Her General in Gray.

“You are not there.” Autumn dropped her book and leapt to her feet, shaking her fist at the apparition standing beside the fireplace.

The frolicking blaze shone through the whatever-he-was lounging by the hearth, his arm stretched along the mantel.  A ceramic clock beside his hand chimed the hour—seven golden notes. Tall candles in brass candlesticks flickered in an eerie fire dance. He appeared to be a Civil War soldier of the South, his opaque uniform gray with a nasty red-stained hole near the heart.  Double rows of gold buttons decorated the coat. Three gold stars and a wreath on the collar glittered in the firelight. No blood spilled from the apparition.  Except for his wound, he looked perfectly healthy—for a dead man!  He nodded and bowed elegantly…as much so as his lost society had been, regardless of the strong backs supporting that way of life.

“Oh, but I am, Miss Hartley.”  He straightened, longish hair gently curling over his face.

A chill raced over her, but she suppressed the tremor of apprehension.  Autumn swallowed hard and adjusted her white cotton blouse.  “I don’t believe in ghosts.  You’re not welcome here. I bought this house and am struggling to pay for it.  Get your Halloween self out of my living room.”

He smiled.  “It’s not 0048alloween, and we share this house.  It was mine, you know, and still is.  I’m willing to share it with you—even if you are a Yankee.  After all, the conflict is over, and I’ll hold no grudge against the Northern aggressors. Even though the South will never surrender.”

“Northern aggressors?”  She inhaled sharply, the vanilla scent of the candles on the dining room table drifting into the living room.  Everything about Allen Hall was beautiful. She loved the house. But this conversation with an arrogant spirit solidified defiance.  “And, for your information, the South did surrender.”

“A point of history.” He shrugged and gave her a condescending glance. “No more.”

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About Linda:

Born in South Carolina, Linda has seen a lot of this country from the windshield of a truck pulling a horse trailer, having bred, trained and showed Andalusian horses for many years.

Linda has won several writing awards, including the Georgia Romance Writers Magnolia Award and the SARA Merritt.  She is now a finalist in the 2016 SARA Merritt. She is the mother of two wonderful sons, a retired legal assistant, and member of the Houston BMW Club. In a former life, she must have had to walk everywhere because today she is into transportation: loving horses and hot cars! She likes to dress up and host formal dinner parties.

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It was wonderful having you with us today.  Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Her General in Gray! Enjoy your holidays.

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