Thankful Author


Illustration of Happy Thanksgiving Turkey presenting

I have to admit that this year has been fantastic.  We finally got to take the RV adventure that my husband and I have been planning for years. (Keep an eye on my facebook page for details of our three-month RV adventure). But when I sit down and think about it, I have many things to be thankful for. My husband finally retired allowing us to travel, when and as long as we want. The catastrophic softball-size hail storms missed us this year. Yippee!

My wonderful readers are fantastic and I am so thankful for them. I sincerely hope my tales of paranormal creatures help them forget their troubles and relax by slipping into worlds of magic fantasy & romance if only for a few hours.

I still wake up and pinch myself every morning, thankful to be living my dream of being published.  A dream made possible by my supportive, extraordinary husband of many moons and The Wild Rose Press my amazing publisher. My editor, Diane, well, let’s just say…SHE ROCKS! I’m so thankful for her patience and understanding. (Discovering new and creative way to screw up seems to be my lot in life.) Yep, my face turns bright red every time I think about it. Oh, yeah, and I’m thankful for the helpful, supportive authors of The Wild Rose Press!  They’re always willing to lend a hand.

When my characters run amuck, the story plot flows in ten different directions and none of them what I had in mind AND a deadline looms.  (Yeah, I know you plotters never have that happen, but us pansters… well just saying.) Three little words, “You’ve got this” are music to my ears from my family and friends. I am eternally thankful for their encouragement and support.

I am thankful for the unconditional love of my chow dog, Mystic; spoiled parrot, Taco; and box turtle, Sammie. No matter how bad I feel or goof up, in their eyes, I’m darn near perfect. And I’m certainly not going to tell them any different!

Finally, a day never passes without my thanks to the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces whose dedication keeps our great nation free. (I know you’ve heard me say this before, but I can’t help it. Comes from living in a military town all my life & marrying a soldier.)  We are one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. You may not agree with me, but that’s what is great about this nation.  You don’t have to.  I’m entitled to my own opinion, as are you. I can write books on any topic I choose without fear of a midnight knock on my door or being carted away. Unless of course my characters come to life, then we’re all in trouble. <Giggle>

While I have a lot more to be thankful for, roof over my head, food in my house, etc., I’ve listed the biggies. I wish you all love, laughter and Happy Thanksgiving!

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Thankful Author

This week’s Sunday Snippet will be preempted in lieu of my Thankful Author ramblings. I hope you don’t mind. Sunday Snippet will return next week with a scathingly entertaining excerpt. So without further ado:

What am I thankful for? First and foremost, I’m thankful for the ability to record my favorite TV programs and fast forward through all the political ads! The mudslinging, public airing of dirty laundry (we all have some, but know better than publicly declare it), outright lies, and finger-pointing by all involved are fast-forwarded away.

Regardless of your candidate or their platform, we all have to pull up our big girl and boy pants and support this country. It may not be perfect, but in my book, it’s still the greatest nation in the world, just my humble opinion, and don’t you forget it. <giggle>

Jamming my soapbox back under the bed. (Whew) Now let’s get on with the other things this thankful author is thankful for. First of all, I’m thankful to have food on the table, I am nearly healthy enough to enjoy life (had a bout of health issues the last couple of years), and for the roof over my head.

Bless the hearts of my wonderful readers, I am so thankful for them. I hope my tales of paranormal creatures have helped them forget their troubles or relax by slipping into worlds of magic, fantasy, and mystery, if only for a few hours.  Though it’s been nearly ten years and eighteen books published, I still wake up and pinch myself every morning, thankful to be living my dream of being a published author.  A dream made possible by my supportive, extraordinary husband of many moons, and The Wild Rose Press, my amazing publisher. My editor, (though she’s retired now), well, let’s just say…she rocked! I’m so thankful for her patience and understanding.  Next chapter of publishing will be with a new editor. He/she’s got some big shoes to fill, but I’m sure they’ll be up to the task. Oh, yeah, and I’m thankful for the helpful, supportive authors of The Wild Rose Press!  They are always willing to lend a hand.

When my characters run amuck, the story plot flows in ten different directions and none of them what I had in mind. Like my recently completed manuscript and soon to be submitted. (Yeah, I know you plotters never have that happen, but us pansters… well just saying.) Three little words, “You’ve got this” are music to my ears from my family and friends. I am eternally thankful for their encouragement and support.

I am thankful for the unconditional love of my chow dog, spoiled parrot and box turtle. No matter how bad I feel or screw up, in their eyes, I’m darn near perfect. And I’m certainly not going to tell them any different!

Finally, a day never passes without my thanks to the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces whose dedication keeps our great nation free. (Comes from living in a military town all my life & marrying a soldier.)  We are one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. You may not agree with me, but that’s what is great about this nation.  You don’t have to.  I’m entitled to my own opinion, as are you. I can write books on any topic I choose without fear of a midnight knock on my door or being carted away. Unless of course, our characters come to life, then we’re all in trouble. ROFLOL

While this thankful author has lot more to be thankful for, those are the biggies. I wish you all love, laughter and happy Thanksgiving!

Okay, one more shameless promo for my feel-good Christmas tale, Meringue Snowflake Magic.

After being in the wrong place at the wrong time Wynter Dahl finds herself with a new name and new home.  Whisked into the Witness Protection program she finds herself in the Podunk town of Raven’s Hollow, Colorado.  She has more than one secret to keep and is not sure who she can trust, though the deputy sheriff is hard to resist.

Braydon “Blaze” Nightwing, owns Dragon Fire Pizza and takes his job as deputy sheriff seriously. He means to protect his town and its residents, including the mysterious newcomer. He rescues her after a tumble and finds himself in over his head.  He senses she’s more than she seems but so is he.

When her cover is blown and her life is in danger, it will take the whole town to save her and their annual holiday festival and cookie contest. What is Christmas without a little magic?

Tiny Sneak Peek between the pages of Meringue Snowflake Magic

The sun was warm through her large side window as she stood sipping her tea and admiring the newly fallen snow that sparkled like diamonds on the ground. Several children were running up and down the hill diagonally across the street with old-fashioned wooden and newer sleds that looked like strips of brightly colored plastic. They flew down the hill at break-neck speed. She took another sip of tea, choked, and spit it all over the window, blinds, and herself. Did that little girl just unfurl blue iridescence wings and hover above the others, throwing snowballs? She blinked, rubbed her eyes and stared at the scene outside her window. Sure enough, there were now three children hovering in the air, waging war with snowballs on the others sliding down the slope. One had fallen off a sled and transformed into a furry wolf rolling down the hill. What kind of a place have I been relegated to?

Suddenly the doorbell rang, she bobbled her mug spilling more tea on the light gray carpet in front of the window.  Geez, what now? On her way to the door, she tore off a couple of paper towels and dropped them on the stain. Pausing to look through the peephole, she hissed out a breath and yanked open the door. The children with wings, pointed ears, and fur were temporarily forgotten.

Meringue Snowflake Magic makes a great Christmas gift for book lovers kindles or other electronic devices.

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Thankful Author

I have to say this year has been difficult from beginning to end. But when I sit down and think about it, I have many things to be thankful for. Still have lingering effect from COVID, we survived but left me with a serious hip problem. October 5, 2022, had a total hip replacement, which fixed the problem and I look forward to hiking and biking this summer. So I’m thankful!

My wonderful readers are fantastic and I am so thankful for them. I sincerely hope my tales of paranormal creatures sweep them away from their ordinary world into a magical, romantic fantasy adventure or mystery if only for a few hours.  We all need fantasy these days. Don’t you agree?

After two looong years, I finally was able to attend a book signing at the Colorado Country Christmas Craft Fair. What fun. While space was limited, met lots of readers, sold and signed lots of books.  Yippee!! What a blast! Hope to be able to do more in 2023.  Fingers crossed

Eight years and seventeen books later, I still wake up and pinch myself every morning, thankful to be living my dream of being published. A dream made possible by my supportive, extraordinary husband of many moons and The Wild Rose Press my amazing publisher. My editor, Lill, well, let’s just say…SHE ROCKS! I’m so thankful for her patience and understanding. (Discovering new and creative ways to screw up seems to be my specialty.) Yep, my face turns bright red every time I think about it. Oh, yeah, and I’m thankful for the helpful, supportive authors of The Wild Rose Press authors!  They’re always willing to lend a hand.

When my characters run amuck, the story plot flows in ten different directions and none of them what I had in mind AND a deadline looms.  (Yeah, I know you plotters never have that happen, but us pansters… well just saying.) Three little words, “You’ve got this” are music to my ears from my family and friends. I am eternally thankful for their encouragement and support.

I am thankful for the unconditional love of my chow dog, Mystic; spoiled parrot, Taco; and box turtle, Sammie. No matter how bad I feel or goof up, in their eyes, I’m darn near perfect. And I’m certainly not going to tell them any different!

Finally, a day never passes without my thanks to the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces whose dedication keeps our great nation free. (I know you’ve heard me say this before, but I can’t help it. Comes from living in a military town all my life & marrying a soldier.)  We are one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. You may not agree with me, but that’s what is great about this nation.  You don’t have to.  I’m entitled to my own opinion, as are you. I can write books on any topic I choose without fear of a midnight knock on my door or being carted away. Unless of course my characters come to life, then we’re all in trouble. <Giggle>

While I have a lot more to be thankful for such as a roof over my head — About the roof over my head, I’m still waiting for a self-cleaning house. LOL I am so enjoying my kitchen remodel we muddled through last January. New granite counter tops, chef’s sink, flooring, and cupboards.











Love it!!  I’m thankful to have enough to eat and clothes on my back. Having listed the biggies, I wish you all love, laughter and Happy Thanksgiving!

After the big dinner is done and you sit down to relax, I have a suggestion. MERINGUE SNOWFLAKE MAGIC! A heart warming holiday tale, with twist and turns you won’t see coming.

What’s MERINGUE SNOWFLAKE MAGIC about you ask?

After being in the wrong place at the wrong time, Wynter Dahl finds herself with a new name and new home. Whisked into the Witness Protection program she finds herself in the Podunk town of Raven’s Hollow, Colorado. She has more than one secret to keep and is not sure who she can trust, though the deputy sheriff is hard to resist.

Braydon “Blaze” Nightwing, owns Dragon Fire Pizza and takes his job as deputy sheriff seriously. He means to protect his town and its residents, including the mysterious newcomer. He rescues her after a tumble and finds himself in over his head. He senses she’s more than she seems but so is he.

When her cover is blown and her life is in danger it will take the whole town to save her and their annual holiday festival and cookie contest. What is Christmas without a little magic?

Universal buy link:

 Amazon, ibooks, Barnes & NobleKobo

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