Hidden Gypsy Magic – Sunday Snippet

Welcome to Sunday Snippets – Hidden Gypsy Magic.  Each week I spotlight one of my books, tell you what’s special about it, and highlight an excerpt. Join me for this fun adventure.

This week is the award-winning Hidden Gypsy Magic part of A Witch’s Journey Series revolving around animal rescue, magic, second chances, and paying it forward.  I’m sure you’ll love this feel good series! Let me tell you a little secret.  I’ve always wanted to visit Salem, Massachusetts (this year my wish will come true), own a cabin in Maine, and live in a lighthouse.  Sure enough I live out my fantasies in my books. 

I love all my books, but Hidden Gypsy Magic is one of my favorites.  A house and cabin that clean and fix dinner. What more could you want? Maybe wildlife rescue? Magic? A handsome veterinarian? AND it available in audiobook! Yep this book as it all. 

So lets take a peek into Hidden Gypsy Magic

When a wildlife rehabilitor, and Brock a veterinarian, discover the consequences of awakening hidden gypsy magic.

The Salem Wildlife Sanctuary is Gwen Taylor’s life work. Her Irish Gypsy heritage provides a hidden talent she uses to help the creatures under her care. But even her magical skills can’t help new rescues in dire need of veterinary care.

The opportunity of signing on as the vet for Gwen’s sanctuary dropped into Brock Scutter’s lap after he expanded his practice to include wildlife. The personal attraction he and Gwen experience is undeniable the more their professional and personal lives collide.

Touring the only “non-haunted” house in Salem they both feel a spark of magic. A trip to his family’s cabin uncovers a heritage he didn’t know existed. If they want a future together, it means facing the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic and a race against the clock to correct past wrongs.





A peek between the pages of Hidden Gypsy Magic:

Carefully, Gwen took the poppet and eased her hand into the painting. A vortex sucked her arm then her entire body into the painting swirls of red, blue, and yellow swam around her then she was falling. She gulped in air as her stomach flipped threatening to spill its contents into the void. Her throat hurt from screaming, yet there was no sound. Something hard hit her backside, then it was quiet, she blinked and rubbed her eyes. Finding herself sitting in a rocking chair that squeaked announcing her arrival, she straightened and several pairs of eyes peered at her with interest. The room was familiar— it was the living room of Brock’s soon-to-be house, only the furnishings were quite different. The dragon staircase…

Before she could grasp what was happening a swirling portal of colors opened up in the center of the room. With a whoosh Pepper unceremoniously landed in the middle of the hardwood floor with a thud.

Pepper jumped up and brushed herself and stared at Gwen. “Another fine mess you’ve gotten us into. I nearly didn’t catch a hold of your magic trail into the painting.” She paused and glanced around. “Where the hell are we?” Pepper switched her attention to the three women and two men observing them from wooden chairs scattered around the room. “Hey, this is Brock’s house…but it isn’t. Oh no…” Her hand flew to her mouth as she sidled over and positioned herself to the side of Gwen’s chair.


“Judging by the clothes these people are wearing, and the decor, the painting seems to have sucked us back in time,” Pepper whispered eying the group sitting before them.

Next week, a new snippet!  I look forward to our next visit!

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A Witch’s Journey-Sale $1.99 – Sunday Snippet

Yippee! Sunday Snippet is showcasing A Witch’s Journey. It’s on sale of $1.99. Former Navy Seal, Lathen Quartz helps Pepper McKay, a powerful witch, achieve her life-long dream of a wild life rescue, but can they save the McKay magic? This is the first book of the series by the same name.

Animal and wildlife rescue is close to my heart.  I volunteer at a wolf rescue, donate to another and also support a parrot rescue. I feel that whatever we have tamed, we are responsible for taking care of forever.


A Little about A Witch’s Journey:

Pepper McKay comes from a long line of powerful witches. Unfortunately, magic brings her nothing but trouble. She learned the love of wildlife rescue and rehab from her Aunt Ashling. After graduating from college, Pepper works for Salem Wildlife Sanctuary and lives from paycheck to paycheck until she inherits the McKay property in Lobster Cove. With the family land and resources, she dares to dream of starting her own wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center.

Lathen Quartz, a former Navy SEAL turned handyman maintains the enchanted McKay property for the McKay estate. But someone is trying to steal the McKay magic. Lathen offers to help Pepper achieve her life-long dream of building a wildlife center. During the long hours spent together on the project, their mutual attraction can’t be denied. But each harbors a deep, dark secret. Will they overcome their demons and give love a chance?

Snippet of A Witch’s Journey!

At dusk, the mist rolled in, but it didn’t dampen the revelers’ enthusiasm. Pepper and Lathen followed the crowd over to the harbor where several boats were lined up and decorated with different kinds of patriotic colored lights. A variety of bulbs burned steady, while others flashed, chased, and twinkled. One pleasure craft had a flag draped over the bow made up of red, white, and blue lights that blinked in time to “The Star Spangled Banner” playing in the background.

After casting votes for the best display, they returned to Lathen’s pickup and drove the short distance to the Sea Crest Inn, where everyone gathered for an ice cream social to benefit local charities. Local bands presented the entertainment for the evening. Music ranged from country to rock and roll, and even a group that did a respectable job on the 1812 Overture as the spectacular fireworks display exploded in the night sky. Then the unthinkable happened.

A cold shiver ran up her spine as goose bumps crept up her arms. Pepper reached down to untie her sweater from her waist, and someone grabbed her around the middle and covered her mouth with a hand. Excruciating pain exploded through her temples. Instinctively, she sank her front teeth into the palm of the hand covering her mouth. He cursed and shook his hand free. She screamed, stomped backward grinding her heel onto his foot, then whirled around, elbows out and connected with the bridge of his nose. A split second later, she shoved her knee up hard into his groin. Blood spurting from his nostrils, hands cupping the family jewels, he yelled a stream of curses as he hit the ground and curled into a fetal possession. A big burly man, pounced on the attacker, yanked his arms behind his back and pressed a knee to his ass as the attacker writhed in pain.

The burly man glanced up at Pepper. “You all right?”

Bent over at the waist, forearms resting on her thighs, palms together, she gulped in air and said haltingly, “I’m ok. Thanks.” As she battled to keep the magic furor at bay, her hands tingled, she shook them out and clasped them tight together. Can’t release magic among mortals.

Pepper’s scream brought Lathen bounding through the crowd, just as Pepper landed the final blow.

A Witch’s Journey Series – Tales of redemption, magic, wildlife rescue, true love and paying it forward will leave you breathless as you turn page after page.  While you’re here, don’t forget to  check out all my Paranormal Romances and Mysteries. Click here to be transported to my Magical Realm!

Thanks for stopping in to check out my Sunday Snippet. I hope you liked what you saw and will return next Sunday for a new snippet!  Enjoy the spring flowers and sunshine. Happy Reading!


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Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic – Sunday Snippet

Welcome to a Sunday Snippet of the award-winning Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic. Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate and enjoy the snippet from Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic.  Second book in the Raven’s Hollow Series.

Spring has sprung in the  Northern Hemisphere. This book will bring spring to your world. Take you traveling through time, and perhaps help you solve the mystery.

First, let’s take a peek at what Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic is about.

Spring is in full bloom in Raven’s Hollow, a small town in the Colorado Rockies with a population of unique townspeople. Blaze, a dragon shifter, and Wynter, a witch, are neck-deep in wedding preparations, when Wynter’s mother, Jade, goes missing after opening her new antique store, and attending the Simon estate sale where she procured an ancient jelly bean machine. Frantic with worry, Blaze and Wynter track her last movements via the store’s ancient, grainy, security footage. What it reveals is nothing short of shocking. As deputy sheriff, it’s Blaze’s responsibility to find his soon-to-be mother-in-law. But at what cost?

Check out the series book trailer.

Book Trailer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdUGZl7qipE

A snippet from between the pages of Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic:

“Does it work?” He dropped in a penny and twisted the handle. A couple jelly beans rolled out. “Is that all?” He jiggled the handle. It turned another quarter turn and gears whirred.  The glass globe sparkled, etchings of the countries around the world appeared as it tilted and slid to the side. On the opposite side a control panel slid out revealing a panel filled with tokens in the center. The group gasped and silence ensued for several beats.

“What the heck?” flew out of Wynter’s mouth as she clutched at her chest. With her other hand, she reached out to touch the machine only to have her hand slapped away with a pair of black gloves Blaze had pulled out of his pocket.

“No one else touch this—or anything in here.” He slipped on the protective gloves and removed one of the tokens holding it up to the light. “It’s inscribed in Latin around the outside.  My Latin may be rusty, but rursus in tempore means a turn in time.” He picked up another token and read the inscription. “Fatum suum aspicientis moderatur – Beholder controls its destiny.” Carefully, he returned the tokens to their slots turning his attention to the control panel. “Look here…”

Wynter pointed at the panel. “There’s a slot for one token in the control panel. You don’t suppose this is a—

Buy Links:

Universal Link : https://books2read.com/u/bOPR5E

Amazon:   https://www.amazon.com/Ravens-Hollow-Spring-Magic-Things-ebook/dp/B0C43XYQ5P

Thanks for joining me for the Sunday Snippet. I hope you enjoyed a little peek into Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic. See you next week for another Sunday Snippet! 

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Spring Equinox -Spring Has Sprung

The Spring Equinox,  March 20, 2024, marks the official start of spring across various cultures around the globe and holds special meaning.  When day and night are nearly equal in length – representing balance and renewal on Earth from winter’s chill to the warmth of spring’s warmth.

Many celebrate it through rituals, ceremonies, festivals or festivities that honor this changing season and promise new beginnings – join us as we uncover history, customs and traditions associated with this ancient and magical event!

Spring Equinox ushers in an emotional and physical renewal. In Northern Hemisphere after months of dormancy during winter, nature slowly begins to waken. New leaves emerge and floral beauty gradually unveils itself into vibrant color schemes and aromas, filling the air with vibrancy and fragrance. Bird songs become more melodic while streams run freer than before – life springs forth with renewed vitality all around us! These changes not only delight the eye but are a testament to life on our planet.

On a symbolic level, the Spring Equinox has long been seen as a time for renewal and rebirth. Easter, which commemorates Christ’s resurrection and usually falls around this time, usually falls around this date.

Ancient druidic tradition celebrated this event as marking victory of sun-god over darkness-god; many people today still align celebrations and rituals around its celebration, feeling deeply interconnected to nature’s rhythms.

In certain cultures, the Spring Equinox marks an opportunity for fertility and abundance. Japan celebrates Higan – a week-long memorial service held at family gravesites to remember those who have passed.

Iranians celebrate Nowruz – an Iranian new year festival coinciding with Spring Equinox which symbolizes rebirth and fresh starts – in conjunction with Spring Equinox.

The Spring Equinox with its inherent message of renewal can teach us much. Just as nature renews herself each spring, so can each of us embrace change, set goals for ourselves and emerge from metaphorical hibernation into a period of growth and abundance. Let’s welcome this spring equinox with hope, connect more closely with nature and live more harmoniously within its rhythms and cycles.  Now is an opportune moment to plant seeds of intention for the coming months, set goals, and embark upon exciting adventures.
Happy Spring Equinox!

Speaking of Spring, take a peek at Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic

Spring is in full bloom in Raven’s Hollow, a small town in the Colorado Rockies with a population of unique townspeople. Blaze, a dragon shifter, and Wynter, a witch, are neck-deep in wedding preparations, when Wynter’s mother, Jade, goes missing after opening her new antique store, and attending the Simon estate sale where she procured an ancient jelly bean machine. Frantic with worry, Blaze and Wynter track her last movements via the store’s ancient, grainy, security footage. What it reveals is nothing short of shocking. As deputy sheriff, it’s Blaze’s responsibility to find his soon-to-be mother-in-law. But at what cost?

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