Steinar by Mary Morgan
Give a warm welcome to Mary Morgan, author of Steinar, Book 3 of the Wolves of Clan Sutherland! just released today!Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Mary and Steinar.
Hello, Tena! I’m delighted to be here on the release day of my latest book, Steinar, The Wolves of Clan Sutherland, book 3! Let me share a glimpse behind the scenes of this Viking paranormal romance story.
From the moment I began Steinar and Inga’s love story, I was unprepared for the surprising twists, mysteries, and betrayals while I wove their tale. As an author, I like to plot out my stories. Each chapter has a theme and direction. Yet I found myself constantly arguing with all my characters over various shifts in plots and scenes. When I finally relented months later, the story poured out of me in waves of writing. Steinar and Inga—both sea warriors—took control and led me, the writer, on an epic sea adventure.
I know that feeling. Spent the last year doing the same thing until I relented and the characters had their way. Tell us a little more about Steinar and Inga:
To save the wolf, she must renounce her love for the man.
Descended from the mighty Somerled, Lord of the Isles, Steinar MacDougall’s supremacy over the seas is fierce. On a quest for King William, he is captured by the enemy and presented with a favorable opportunity. Yet Steinar soon realizes his greatest threat comes from the woman who hides behind the mask of a warrior, and the quest for control might send them hurdling into the abyss of the sea.
As leader of the Serpents, Inga the Ruthless travels beyond the isles bartering for goods with her brothers. After rescuing the feared Pirate Wolf during a storm, she surrenders her trust to the man and his inner wolf in order to claim the lost treasure of Odin. Though the journey is fraught with dangers, Inga fears her heart might be the one in peril, leading her to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Will the sea be their salvation or doom them to a watery grave?
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Sneak Peek between the pages of Steinar ~
Even with the scent of horses, dung, straw, and leather, Inga’s scent invaded his body. The wildness of the sea hugged the woman, along with another scent—one of flowers. But which one, Steinar could not detect.
He glanced her way. “Why are you here, Inga?”
She rested her head against the forehead of the horse. “To reassure Tove. The sea journey remained long and grueling. Whenever we arrive on land, my duty is to make sure all our horses are adjusting.” Brushing a soft kiss on Tove’s muzzle, she gave one final pat along her mane and strolled back to him.
Steinar clasped his hands behind his back. Thank the Gods she had covered herself with a cloak. His fingers itched to trace a path along the threads woven into the material around the top of her breasts.
When she stood merely inches in front of him, she lifted her gaze to meet his. “You left without sharing a cup of our mead. Why?”
Irritation seeped into his words. “Why do you care? Return to the hall and take the candle you brought with you.”
Confusion shifted within those jeweled eyes and then they hardened. “Did I say I cared? Simply curious. And there is nae threat to the stables with a candle inside a lantern sitting by the entrance. Why is your mood so foul?”
Was it too much to ask to be left alone? To find solace without the intoxicating female clouding his mind and stirring the lustful beast? Control. Harness. Bind the emotions. He had to flee this moment before he did something he’d regret.
Steinar took a step back. “Enjoy your evening, Inga.”
The woman grasped his arm. Her fingers dug into him. A great surge of heat speared throughout his body.
She looked behind him. “I have brought a jug of mead. Would you care to sample a taste?”
“Taste?” Steinar’s mind reeled. By Odin’s blood! What he craved was a taste of those lips.
He swiftly shoved aside the conflict. “Let me sample what you have, Inga.”
About the Author:
Mary Morgan is an international best-selling author of award-winning historical fantasy and paranormal romance novels. During her research travels with her knight in shining armor to England, Ireland, and Scotland, she left a part of her soul in one of these countries and vows to return.
Her passion for books started at an early age along with an overactive imagination. Inspired by her love for history and ancient Celtic and Norse mythology, Mary’s tales are filled with powerful warriors, brave women, magic, and romance.
If you enjoy history, tortured heroes, and a wee bit of fantasy, then journey back in time within the pages of her books.
Connect with Mary here ~
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It’s been great having you with us today. Good luck with Steinar! My copy is awaiting me on my ipad. I can’t wait to dig into Steinar. This will be the first group of yours that I have read in order. <grin>
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Mary Morgan, Steinar, Viking Historical Romance, Wolves of Clan Sutherland by Tena Stetler with 15 comments.
Magnar by Mary Morgan

Hello Tena! I’m delighted to be on your blog today! I’m excited to share my new release, Magnar, The Wolves of Clan Sutherland, Book 1 with your readers. Yet first, I’d like to introduce you to the Norse and Scottish men who are rumored to be part wolf. They are the elite guard for King William of Scotland. Their bloodline flows with the magic from these countries, which gives them unique qualities.
Meet the Wolves of Clan Sutherland!
Magnar ~ The Barbarian. As leader of the Wolves of Clan Sutherland, Magnar is a fierce ruler for those under his command. Beware if you should become his enemy, since his motto is to strike first and ask questions later.
Rorik ~ The Dark Seducer. His smooth charm and power of persuasion has enticed many women to his bedchamber. Pleasure is his motto and obtaining secrets for the king. Love is simply a weakness. His heart is as frozen as the silver that graces the fur on his wolf.
Gunnar ~ The Thief. His highly praised skill in retrieving any object required by the king has left this one believer of Christ seeking penance at every holy shrine he encounters. He is the sole wolf who also refuses to acknowledge the Norse God Odin.
Steinar ~ The Pirate. Known for his exceptional battles fought at sea, this man seeks the ultimate treasure for Scotland. A prize valued by both—Norse Gods and Kings.
Bjorn ~ The Mercenary. As he secretly takes coin from another king to kill this king’s enemy, Bjorn’s ruse is to help those who have fallen under the trap of the King of England and bring them home to Scotland.
Ivar ~ The Rogue. His loyalty is questionable at times. If given a choice between obeying his leader, the king, or his wolf, this rogue would choose his beast.
Thorfinn ~ The Traitor. Given away to another family shortly after his birth, he has despised his twin, Magnar most of his life. His enemy is the King of Scotland, and the Wolves of Clan Sutherland.
Mary tell us a little more about Magnar
Known as the Barbarian, Magnar MacAlpin is a fierce ruler for those under his command. As leader of the Wolves of Clan Sutherland, his loyalty and obedience lies with Scotland. However, the king’s last demand is not something Magnar will tolerate.
After Elspeth Gunn’s brother the Chieftain of Castle Steinn is murdered, she flees with her nephew, and finds safety amongst a band of men who are rumored to be part wolf. When the king forces her to wed a heathen Northman, she fears losing her heart and soul not only to the man, but to the beast as well.
In order to restore peace to a shattered clan, Magnar and Elspeth travel a treacherous path that challenges their beliefs. When evil seeks to destroy ancient traditions, will Magnar be compelled to restrain his wolf or allow him free to protect those he loves?
A sneak peek between the pages of Magnar.
Standing abruptly, Elspeth glanced around the table. She wanted to shout at them all. Did they not understand how exhausted they were? From the moment they arrived at Lord Sutherland’s castle, they were ushered into the great hall to await the king. No food given. Only wine served. Bright red splotches covered her nephew’s cheeks.
Moving away from the table, she went to her nephew and placed a firm hand on his shoulder. “My king. If you would be so kind, I shall see Erik to his chamber.”
King William smiled. “Do not fret, Lady Elspeth. There was not much wine in his cup. I deemed it best to acknowledge his new position as chieftain with a small amount.”
Relief coursed through her, and she gave him her best smile. “Then with your consent, may I fetch him some food from the kitchens?”
The king rose from his chair. “Lord Sutherland has prepared chambers for you both.”
“Chambers in the south tower?” asked Magnar, taking a hold of her elbow.
Lord Sutherland gave him a slight nod.
Startled once again by the man’s silent movements, Elspeth remained mute, trying to control the warring emotions from the man’s touch. The heat of his fingers seared into her gown and onto her skin.
Giving the king a small smile, she permitted Magnar to usher her out of the great hall. Erik kept a steady pace with their movements as he continued to entertain their overly bold guide with yet another tale of how they escaped their home.
Her steps slowed as the torchlight danced off the giant tapestry hanging on the wall near the stairs. The eyes of a white wolf bore into Elspeth as she drew near. Though only the head of the animal was represented within the woven threads, she half expected the wolf to jump out at her.
Elite Guards. Wolves. King William.
Elspeth returned her attention to the man holding her in his grip. “I heard my brother once mention the elite guards for the king. He spoke with reverence and with fear. They are loyal to the king but had one leader—one who all of Scotland should fear because of his magic.”
The man’s eyes darkened and a smile tipped the corners of his mouth. “Your brother was wise in his account.”
Elspeth’s heart pounded fiercely within her chest. “You are the leader of the Wolves of Clan Sutherland.”
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My thoughts on Magnar.
Set in 1206, this book is steeped in history and romance with a touch of shapeshifter and magic. Magnar is the first book of Mary’s new series Wolves of Clan Sutherland. Magnar is their leader. The Clan is tasked with protecting the king and Scotland. Bound in traditions, secrets, and magic Magnar lives for his duties until the king’s orders conflict with everything Magnar believes. Not to mention the woman who can arouse, enrage, and bewilder him all at the same time. Not a easy feat nor one for the faint of heart.
Enter beautiful but determined Elspeth with her nephew. She’ll do anything to protect the boy except… Magnar can enrage, enthrall, and bewitch her. Her feelings for this handsome brooding Scotsman are like nothing she has experienced before.
Mary has once again created fantastic characters and wonderful descriptions that will whisk you into the story where you find yourself rooting for the hero, cursing the villain, and swooning with the heroine. I truly enjoyed this story and highly recommend it.
5 stars
Meet the Author:
Award-winning Celtic paranormal and fantasy romance author, Mary Morgan resides in Northern California with her own knight in shining armor. However, during her travels to Scotland, England, and Ireland, she left a part of her soul in one of these countries and vows to return.
Mary’s passion for books started at an early age along with an overactive imagination. Inspired by her love for history and ancient Celtic mythology, her tales are filled with powerful warriors, brave women, magic, and romance. It wasn’t until the closure of Borders Books where Mary worked that she found her true calling by writing romance. Now, the worlds she created in her mind are coming to life within her stories.
If you enjoy history, tortured heroes, and a wee bit of magic, then time-travel within the pages of her books.
Connect with Mary at these places:
It’s been great having you with us today. Good luck with Magnar!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Book review, Historical Romance, Maay Morgan, Magnar, Time travel, Wolves of Clan Sutherland by Tena Stetler with 8 comments.