The Bull Rider’s Heart by Betty Derr May

Happy holidays to all!  Give a big welcome to Betty Derr May, author of Bull Rider’s Heart her debut novel.

Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Lets see what   Betty’s Bull Riders Heart is all about.  Thanks for joining us!

Betty, I have a few questions for you.

What inspired The Bull Rider’s Heart?

I grew up riding horses and going to rodeos all my life. I still have a love of both, and would own a ranch and raise Quarter horses if I had a chance. This story is a combination of all my childhood experiences. This is a part of a series I write of a fictional town in Oklahoma called Marigold.

If I had it to do all over again, what would I do differently?

I believe I would start writing earlier in life. I waited as the stories kept building in my head. Today my job is to try to get them all written.

What does Success mean to me?

Well, believe it or not, success does not me how much money I can make selling my books, although that’s a nice dividend, however, I truly believe for me success is knowing I have put out books that people enjoy reading.

What do you like to do when you are not writing?

To tell you the truth, I consider writing my full-time job. I spend usually 8 hours a day writing. By the time my characters stop talking to me it’s time for dinner and I then get some time with my family and my dog. I do like to do puzzles and of course I read as much as I can.

Why do you write what you write?

I write contemporary romance with a twist. Sometimes the twist is suspense, action, even a touch of paranormal thrown into the mix. I do love to read historical romances and even follow a vampire family. So, you could say I am a mixture of all that I write.

Any tips to share with fellow authors?

I believe if you want to succeed you have to sit in your chair and write. Let your characters flow and soon your story will take on it’s own personality.

Speed Round (one word only answer): Yep, I know torture for a writer!<evil laugh>

Favorite movie:  Dances with Wolves

Favorite book: Identity

Last book I read : Bad Luck Vampire

Favorite Color: red

Stilettos or flip flops: flip flops

Coffee or tea: both

Ebook, audiobook, or paperback: I like them all

Pencil or pen: pen

Favorite Song: Flowers

Streak or not: NOT

Favorite dessert: German Chocolate Cake

Favorite junk food: chocolate covered cherries

Favorite thing to do to relax: watch a movie

Champagne or gin: Champagne

Paranormal or Historical: Both

Wonder woman or top model: Wonder woman

Favorite TV show: Yellowstone

Hot or cold: Hot

I’d die if I don’t have: Diet Pepsi

Review or not: review

Tell us a little about Bull Rider’s Heart

The Bull Rider’s Heart is a heartwarming story about finding purpose and hope in unexpected places and learning to let go of the past in order to embrace the future. Whether you are a fan of rodeo or simple looking for a compelling, emotional read, this book is sure to capture your heart and leave you inspired. Cash Maguire had always lived for the thrill of the ride. He was a bull rider, through and through. But when a devastating injury halts his career, Cash finds himself lost and directionless. That is until a surprise appears on his doorstep – a daughter he never knew he had. As Cash navigate the ups and downs of fatherhood, he’s forced to to reevaluate his entire life and start down a new path in the form of his lovely neighbor. Along the way he’ll discover that the greatest ride of his life might not be on the back of a bull, but in the love and sacrifices of being a parent and husband.

A sneak peek between the pages of The Bull Rider’s Heart:

Leaning against the fence, Cash took a moment to gather himself. Drawing in a deep breath, he felt a single bead of sweat trickle down his spine. The weight of his family’s ranch rested squarely on his shoulders, and he understood the enormity of the situation. Realizing he couldn’t continue riding bulls indefinitely, Cash acknowledged the limitations of his own body.

Cash listened intently as the announcer captivated the crowd, building their anticipation for the upcoming bull riding event. With determination, he stood tall and inspected his equipment. Everything needed to be in perfect condition, as it would be his lifeline during the ride.

Entering the staging area, Cash was hit by a potent mix of unpleasant aromas – cow dung, sweat, and the unmistakable scent of fear. The atmosphere was heavy with tension. Drawing the notorious bull Cat Ballou, known for its vicious nature, Cash understood this ride could either result in a high score or a devastating failure would impact his finances.

As he sipped water, he became aware that the lump lodged in his throat refused to go down. Suddenly, his mouth felt parched, and his heartbeat intensified. A shudder coursed through Cash’s spine, accompanied by a single bead of sweat.

Not one to be intimidated, Cash decided to channel energy and took a daring leap onto the chute railing. His determined fingers curled around the rope tightly as he slid his hand up and down, testing his grip for maximum security.

Adjusting his hat, he felt rather than knew this would be challenging. ride. The bull harbored a strong dislike towards him, which Cash was aware of considering his past encounters. He knew firsthand how merciless the bull could be towards the unfortunate riders.

He expertly wound the rope through his left hand to secure his hold, ensuring it wouldn’t slip away. Feeling the surge of adrenaline, he drummed his fingers against the railing, generating some warmth before the moment of truth. The electric atmosphere created by the amused spectators and the comical performance of the clowns. Cash took a deep breath to center himself, then nodded to the official to release the bull.

A tornado in a frenzy of furious hooves and flailing horns. Cash’s grip tightened on the rope as he braced himself against the violent bucking and twisting of the beast. Cash’s determination grew more vigorous with every jolt and bone-rattling landing. He refused to let fear take hold of him, instead channeling all his focus and strength into maintaining control. As the crowd roared with adrenaline-fueled excitement, Cash dug his spurs into the sides of the massive bull, urging it on with relentless persistence. The seconds stretched like an eternity, but Cash remained resolute, refusing to succumb to the chaos beneath him.

Cash desperately clung on for dear life. The bull executed a sudden sideways jump, sending Cash into a thrilling whirlwind through the air. As the bull descended with a force comparable to a jackhammer, Cash’s body flailed uncontrollably, resembling a limp rag doll. His head narrowly missed colliding with the hindquarters of the colossal creature. In a brave display of determination, Cash held onto the line, defying gravity as the massive bull impersonated a headstand.

Cash used all his skill and training to stay on the bull’s back for the full eight seconds. Cash precisely relinquished his grip on the rope when the buzzer sounded, landing on the arena floor in a cloud of dust.

About the Author:

Betty Derr May is a Romance writer, whose books offer not only romance but a romance with a twist. She lives in beautiful Colorado amidst tall majestic trees and mountains. Originally from Oklahoma, her series about the people of a mythical town of Marigold will make you laugh, cry, and sometimes feel the hurt and joy of the characters as she brings them all to life. But they will always entertain you. Betty is the mother of three sons, and three rapidly growing granddaughters. She is also the proud owner of an English Bulldog who can most days be found asleep at her feet while she writes. When she’s not writing she enjoys spending time with her family, Sorority Sisters, movies, and working puzzles.

Universal buy link:

Buy Link: Amazon 

It’s been great having you with us today.  Good luck with The Bull-Rider’s Heart! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. Until next week’s Sunday Snippet. A surprise is waiting!


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