What Books I Read When I’m Not Feeling Well. #L&SR #WednesdayBlogChallenge 8-21-19

Welcome to L&SR’s #Wednesday’s Blog Challenge, What Books I Read When I’m Not Feeling Well.

What I Read When I’m Not Feeling Well. #L&SR #WednesdayBlogChallenge 8-21-19


I must say the question, Books I Read When I’m Not Feeling Well has never entered my mind.  First of all I take not feeling well to be either physically or mentally. We all have down days so I’m counting that situation that too.

Having racked my brain to figure out just what was meant by the topic and finally coming to the decision above, here is what I read when I’m feeling blue or have a cold or the flu.

First book- it would have to be Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. It’s my go to book or movie because good triumphs over evil in a really entertaining way.  Love to hate the Dursleys. Don’t you?

Next it would be Nancy Atherton’s Aunt Dimity Series. I love those books and re-read them or listen to the audio books every chance I get.  They transport you into a wonderful cozy mystery that leaves you with that warm fuzzy good feeling. In fact I had a chance to talk with Nancy at a recent signing in Covered Treasures Book Store in Monument, CO, about all her books. What a great time we had!

Then my old stand by the werewolf series by Molly Harper. I know I’ve mentioned her here before, but for me she is the queen of snark and laugh out loud situations. You can tell by her titles, The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf,  How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf, and How to Run with a Hake Werewolf.  Her vampire series and Half Moon Hollow series touts the same snark, and snark makes me feel better regardless the reason I’m under the weather.

I could go on and on, but there you have it What I Read When I’m Not Feeling Well. Do you have a book you read when you are under the weather? I’d love to hear them. Please list them in the comments. Alas, I need to get back to my writing cave and the WIP, so let’s see what the other authors in this blog challenge claim as their Favorite food and what recipes they have shared: L&SR

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.  Don’t miss my Summer Sale! One of my award winning, best-selling books is on sale for 99¢ A DEMON’S WITCH the book that started it all in the award winning series A DEMON’S WITCH. Be swept away in a magical, romantic, fantasy adventure that you’ll never want to leave! Download your copy today!

And don’t forget:


 See you next week when I talk about the Books I Had to Read in School and Liked.  Do you have any? Tell me about them. See you then!


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Posted in My Say What Blog and tagged , , , , , , by with 10 comments.


  • Aymee says:

    I don’t often re-read books, but the Harry Potter series (especially the first three) are definitely comfort reads!

    Also, I love Molly Harper!

    My post.

  • Lydia says:

    Yeah, Harry Potter would be a lot of fun to reread when you’re not feeling well. Or even watching the HP films!

    My post.

  • When we did a lot of traveling to visit family we got all the Harry Potter books on audio and listened while driving. It made the time go much faster. We would finish a book by the end of each trip until the last couple.

  • Michael Mock says:

    All right, so: based on your earlier suggestion, I purchased a couple of Molly Harper books. I have not managed to read them yet, though I think they’re next up on my list. I was kind of expecting that, though – my TBR pile is a thing of wonder and great terror in its sheer size and majesty. What I was *not* expecting was that because my wife also has access to my purchases through our shared Kindle library, my Kindle now has approximately 3 times the number of Molly Harper books that I originally purchased.

    I recently re-read HP and the Sorcerer’s Stone, and it really is enormous fun. (I was actually wanting to look at the way the book is structured, but I once I started reading it again, well…)

    • Tena Stetler says:

      Oh I know, my TBR list is also a thing of wonder and growing constantly. LOL you’re wife likes Molly Harper, that is to be expected LOL Yep HP is hard to consider the structure when you get sucked right into the book. Have a great weekend. Let me know what you think of Molly Harper when you get to read them. LOL

  • Megan Slayer says:

    I don’t tend to reread, but Harry Potter was good. I might have to bust those out again. 😉

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