WOW! RomCon 2016 in Denver – What a Blast!

2016_logo_join_meI survived my first RomCon in Denver, but barely.  What fun!  Friday, I participated in Author Jeopardy, wow did I learn a thing or two  about romance authors.IMG_5623  Then did my best to gather all the items for the Scavenger Hunt. No such luck, but met lots of new authors and didn’t do too bad collecting the items.  I participated in Author’s on the Hot Seat, where readers posted questions to us authors until nearly midnight. Yep, nearly turned into a pumpkin by the end of that one.

Saturday morning I was up at the crack of dawn to join in the fun. First up I attended a panel on the publishing industry, then on to Speed Date an Author and the book signing.  It was a whirlwind but I enjoyed every minute of it.  Met bunches of readers, sold lots of copies of A Demon’s Witch, A Witch’s Journey. Since Charm Me is only in ebook, I gave out charmed book marks on it and all my books.  I certainly hope the readers enjoy them as much as I did writing them. I talked about my new holiday release A Witch’s Holiday Wedding. You can pick up a copy December 9th or pre-order sometime in November, I’ll tell you as soon as I know. Fair enough?

This was the first time I’ve participated in a large group author signing.  What a rush!  Readers asking questions about your book, you asking what they like to read and how your books fit withimg_1009 their interests.  I learned that 99.9 percent of the readers attending the conference like, no… Love series.  They like to get to know the characters and enjoy their adventures, book after book.  I was over the moon to hear that since A Demon’s Witch is a four book series, the second of which I hope to have out in 2017 with the others following in a timely manner.  A Witch’s Journey has only a sequel so far,  A Witch’s Holiday Wedding out December 9th, as I said above. But you never know, other characters from those stories are haunting my thoughts and dreams regularly.  LOL

author-meet-and-greet-posterHey, don’t miss the multi-author signing in Colorado Springs at The Gallery in Cottonwood Center for the Arts,
427 E Colorado Ave., Colorado Springs CO 80903 on Saturday, October 8th from 11 a. m. to 2 p.m. I’ll be there signing copies of A Demon’s Witch and A Witch’s Journey. Please come by, stop and say Hi.  I’d love to met and chat with you. Want to know more?  Check out



halloween imageOn to Halloween we go, I have a hauntingly good post planned for the Halloween Blog Hops I am participating in. Snarkology Halloween Hop, October 26th – 31st and A Haunting Halloween Hop, October 24th – 31st.

And something different for fellow author, Chrys Fey, A Blogfest. Her challenge for the Blogfest is the host blog owner, me, will answer the question: “If I were a Mobster…” My answer is  Death in Beauty, Profile of a Female Assassin to be posted October 21st on Author’s Secrets. You don’t want to miss it.  Just click the Author Secrets tab on October 21 th and take a peek. Check back often this month for haunting tales from Colorado.



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Posted in For Fun by with 3 comments.


  • Hi Tena, I was at RomCon and had a blast. You probably don’t remember me, but my name is Sylvia McDaniel and I was one of the hosts for the Cowboy and Cookies with Cynthia Woolf. RomCon is always a fun event.

    • I was in cookies and cowboys for only a short time Tried to check out a little of everything when I wasn’t hosting. Considering going next year. How about you? Had a great time.

      • This was my fourth RomCon and frankly, I think it’s the best reader conference out there. But I don’t know if I will attend next year or not. I’m cutting back on all my reader cons and I’ll only attend if it works out for us to travel to Colorado at that time. But every year I have a great time and I also meet so many readers. This year I felt like there were fewer readers there and more authors, but sometimes it works out that way.

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